Palliative care
When facing the end of life, knowing your options can help ensure a peaceful, comfortable, and dignified experience. Planning ahead provides confidence that your wishes will be respected and eases the process for loved ones.
In this section, you’ll find a range of services that will help you prepare, such as expert elder lawyers that can assist with Wills and EPAs, and funeral services that can cater to individual needs.
For those with terminal illnesses, look here for hospice and palliative care services that can offer vital support. Hospice care assists individuals and families in the final stages, while palliative care focuses on pain and symptom management to improve quality of life.
73 providers found. Note: Basic listings are displayed last.
Palliative care
- 1 Hennessy Place
- Spreydon
- Christchurch
Palliative care
- 51 Botanical Road
- Tauranga South
- Tauranga
Palliative care
- 69A Maxwells Line
- Awapuni
- Palmerston North
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Palliative care
- 62 Aldwins Road
- Phillipstown
- Christchurch
Palliative care
- 15 Telford Street
- Merrilands
- New Plymouth
Palliative care
- 3 Perry Street
- Heretaunga
- Upper Hutt
Palliative care
- 2 Virginia Road
- St Johns Hill
- Whanganui
Palliative care
- 63 Allendale Road
- Mt Albert
- Auckland
Palliative care
- 60 Templemore Drive
- Richmond
- Richmond
Palliative care
- 117 Botanical Road
- Takaro
- Palmerston North
Palliative care
- 30 Elizabeth Grove
- Stratford
- Stratford
Join NZ’s most trusted source of information for older people today.
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Palliative care
- 15 Mansfield Avenue
- Merivale
- Christchurch
Home help & personal care
- 22 Foster Street
- Addington
- Christchurch
Home help & personal care
- 66 Wyndham Street
- Auckland CBD
- Auckland
Home help & personal care
- 30 Saint Benedicts Street
- Eden Terrace
- Auckland
Join NZ’s most trusted source of information for older people today.
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Home help & personal care
- 200 Queen Street West
- Hastings
- Hastings
Home help & personal care
- 24 McDougall Avenue
- Merivale
- Christchurch
Kaumātua programmes
- 821 Orchard Road
- Camberley
- Hastings
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