The majority of older New Zealanders are happy living at home and just need a bit of extra support now and again. There are plenty of services designed to keep you living well in your own home, including home support assistance (such as home help and personal care) and respite or short term care. Staying connected with your community is particularly important for older people living at home – whether that’s knowing where to go when you’re feeling unwell, looking out for your neighbours, or volunteering. You’ll also find a range of driving and transport options available throughout New Zealand to help you maintain your independence, as well as information about housing options available in your region.
Housing options
Am I living in a healthy home?
A healthy home is one that is warm and dry. To be considered a ‘healthy home’, it must be between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius) and have humidity levels of between 40 and 60 percent). The Healthy Homes Standards provide a set of standards that the home you live in...
Are there rental options for older people in New Zealand?
Home ownership in New Zealand has been declining for the past 30 years, a fact that has been exacerbated more recently by rising inflation and the increased cost of living. As a result, an increasing number of older people rent. While there are a variety of rental options that may...
Can I get financial help to insulate my home?
The Warmer Kiwi Homes programme offers insulation and heater grants to low-income homeowners. Homeowners who hold a Community Services Card and those who live in areas that are identified as low income (you can check if you live in an eligible area on the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority website)....
Considering downsizing?
Consider the following: lots of your friends are downsizing and your children think it would be a good thing to do, but you're undecided. What are your options and what do you need to consider? Downsizing usually means moving house, and regardless of age is a challenging time. There are...
Energy Advice Series - ventilation

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Healthy Housing

Keeping safe at home
We should all feel safe and secure in our homes, whether we own, rent, or live in a retirement village. Here, we share some valuable home safety tips for people of all ages as well as some useful tools for older people looking for extra security measures to assist when...
Lifemark adaptable and accessible home design

Making your own housing decisions
My family want me to move as they think I can’t manage in this house anymore. I appreciate their concerns but don’t necessarily agree with all of them. I’ve got a lot of friends along the street, and I love it here. What can I do? Take a piece of...
Our Housing Modification Service - Enable New Zealand

Quick tips for making your home safer
Outside Ensure that path surfaces and gradients are safe, clear and moss free. Steps are easier to negotiate when walking than a ramp. Indicate or mark changes in levels. Is it easy to get the mail? Keep bushes and branches trimmed back from pathways and doorways. Use appropriate and assistive...
The home I rent has been flood damaged. What are my rights?
If you rent a home that has incurred damage as a result of a natural disaster (such as a flood), there are rights you have as a tenant. ConsumerNZ has provided an outline of these: Landlords should be aware they are responsible for maintaining the property. This includes damage caused...
The house I live in is cold and damp – what are my options?
Everyone, regardless of age, deserves to live in a warm, dry home. Living in a home that is cold and damp is bad for your physical and mental health – plus they are more expensive to heat. If you think your home is damp and cold, there are options available...
What are some alternatives to retirement village living?
‘Buying’ into a retirement village can be a great option for those who are wanting to maintain their independence while living among a like-minded community. Yet it’s not the only choice – there are myriad other living options to suit all lifestyles. Staying where you are There is benefit in...
What are the benefits of living in a healthy home?
Living in a healthy home – one that is warm and dry - has been linked to improved physical and mental health, and overall wellbeing. There is evidence to show that living in a warmer and drier home prevents rates of illness (particularly for people with respiratory issues), and reduced...
What is Cohousing? House Planning Help
What is the Winter Energy Payment?
The Winter Energy Payment is an extra payment provided to those eligible to help with the cost of home heating during the cooler months of the year. It is a non-taxable amount paid from May – October. To find current Winter Energy Payment rates, visit the Work and Income website....