If you’re considering moving to a retirement village or needing residential care, there are some important legal and financial issues to get your head around – such as how to pay for residential care – and some potential fishhooks to look out for. There are plenty of things adults of all ages should know about too – from why it’s important to have a Will and appointing an EPA, to tips on managing your finances and planning for the future. While we recommend you get specialist advice before making any major life decisions, this section provides a good overview of the key must-know financial and legal matters.
Are there legal measures to prevent abuse of assisted dying?
From 7 November 2021, those over 18 who experience unbearable suffering from a terminal illness can legally ask for medical assistance to end their lives (under the End of Life Choice 2019 Act ). The legislation sets tight controls about who can access the option but the crucial term here...
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How do I start the process of assisted dying?
The End of Life Choice Act 2019 came into law in New Zealand on 7 November 2021. From that date, those over 18 who experience unbearable suffering from a terminal illness can legally ask for medical assistance to end their lives. The legislation sets tight controls on who can avail...
How often do I need to update my Will?
It is recommended that you review your Will every year to ensure it’s still up to date. If your circumstances have changed, you should definitely make changes to your Will. This could include a change to your relationship status (leaving a relationship or beginning a new one), an addition to...
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I trust my family. Do I really need an EPA?
This is a common sentiment, and, in many situations, families do indeed do the right thing for those who trust them. Life however is often complicated by the fact that people don’t always see things the same way and rather than letting family members sort things out amongst themselves, each...
Is it worthwhile creating a family trust these days?
IMPORTANT – Always obtain skilled professional advice regarding this topic. Often this question is asked with the thought that residential care fees might be avoided by setting up a family trust, and a subsidy obtained, if care is needed in the future. Family trusts set up with this purpose have...

What is an EPA? What you need to know.
Enduring Powers of Attorney (known as an EPA or EPOA) are legal documents that allow you to appoint someone you trust to make decisions for you if you are no longer able to do so yourself. Some people set an EPA up when they buy their first home or start...
What would happen if I died without a Will?
If you die without having made a Will, your property is distributed according to the terms laid down in law, which may not be as you would wish. This is usually more costly to your estate and a slower process. The people you care about most may not be looked...
Why is a will so important? Can I make my own will?
A Will is an important document as it allows you to stipulate what happens to your estate after your death. It is advisable to consult a specialist when looking to make a Will. Ask about the cost; some organisations or lawyers may do this for free if they are also...