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Arrange services NASC

The below are the contact details for teams who are responsible for identifying your needs (needs assessment) and co-ordinating services, should these be a recommendation of the assessment. The teams are often called NASC (needs assessment & service co-ordination) or Care Coordination.
Organisation Name Postal Address Physical Address Phone Email

Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau

Hauora Hokianga NASC

Private Bag 753
Kaikohe 0440
163 Parnell Street
Rawene 0473
09 405 7709 nasc@hauorahokianga.org.nz

Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau

Community Health of Older People and Allied Health Services

Private Bag 9742
Whangarei Mail Centre
Whangarei 0148
16 Commerce Street
Whangārei 0110
09 430 4131 or 0800 88 88 90 nasc@northlanddhb.org.nz

Te Whatu Ora Waitematā

Waitemata DHB Needs Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination (NASC) (WaitDHB)

Private Bag 93 503
Auckland 0740
North Shore Hospital
124 Shakespeare Road
Auckland 0622
09 442 7171 nascinfo@waitematadhb.govt.nz

Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland

Community Care Access Centre

Private Bag 92024
Victoria Street West (Auckland Mail Centre)
Auckland 1142
Green Lane Clinical Centre
241 Green Lane West
Auckland 1051
09 631 1234 communityservices@adhb.govt.nz

Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau

Community Central (CMDHB) Middlemore Hospital

Middlemore Hospital
Private Bag 93311
Auckland 1640
Middlemore Hospital
Hospital Road
Auckland 2025
09 277 3440 dutynasc@middlemore.co.nz

Te Whatu Ora Waikato

Referral Co-ordination Centre (WaikDHB) NASC new referrals

Waikato Hospital
183 Pembroke Street
Hamilton 3204
07 839 8883 or 0800 55 33 99 dsloffice@waikatodhb.health.nz

Te Whatu Ora Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty

Support Net Kaupenga Hao Ite Ora - Tauranga (BoPDHB) NASC

Private Bag 12024
Tauranga Mail Centre
Tauranga 3143
190 Seventeenth Avenue
Tauranga South
Tauranga 3112
(07) 571 0093 or 0800 262 477 supportnet.bopdhb@bopdhb.govt.nz

Te Whatu Ora Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty

Support Net Kaupenga Hao Ite Ora -Whakatane (BoPDHB) NASC

PO BOX 241
Whakatane 3158
Whakatane Hospital
Corner Stewart and Garaway Streets
Whakatāne 3120
(07) 306 0986 or 0800 262 477 SupportNetBOP@bopdhb.govt.nz

Te Whatu Ora Lakes

NASC Rotorua (LDHB)

Private Bag 3023
Rotorua Mail Centre
Rotorua 3046
Corner Arawa Street, Pukeroa Road
Rotorua 3010
07 343 1030 nasc.admin@lakesdhb.govt.nz

Te Whatu Ora Lakes

NASC Taupo

PO BOX 841
38 Kōtare Street
Taupō 3351
Taupo Hospital
38 Kotare Street
Taupo 3330
07 343 1030 nasc.admin@lakesdhb.govt.nz

Te Whatu Ora Tairāwhiti

Te Ara Tiaki Pakeke (Healthy Ageing) Service

Gisborne Hospital
421 Ormond Road
Lytton West
Gisborne 4010
06 869 0558 healthy.ageing@tdh.org.nz

Community Support Service (CSS)

Interim NASC, Taranaki Base Hospital,
David Street
New Plymouth
New Plymouth 4310
06 759 7214 olderpeoplesnasc@tdhb.org.nz

Te Whatu Ora Whanganui

Access Ability Whanganui NASC

244 Victoria Avenue
Whanganui 4500
0800 758 700 whanganui@accessability.org.nz

Te Whatu Ora Whanganui

Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation Services (CART) NASC

Private Bag 3003
Whanganui 4541
Lambie Community Health
Heads Road
Whanganui 4541
06 348 3309

Te Whatu Ora Te Matau a Māui Hawke's Bay

NASC Hawkes Bay

Private Bag 9014
Hastings 4156
Hawkes Bay Hospital, Puawananga Building
Gate 9, McLeod Street Entrance
Hastings 4120
06 870 7485 or 0800 339 449 NASC.HB@hawkesbaydhb.govt.nz

Te Whatu Ora Wairarapa


Po Box 96
Masterton 5840
Level 2
49 -51 Lincoln Road
Masterton 5810
0800 900 001 or 06 946 9813 focus@wairarapa.dhb.org.nz

Te Whatu Ora Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua MidCentral

SupportLinks (Palmerston North) NASC

Private Bag 2056
Palmerston North 4440
First Floor
Rata Building, Community Village, Palmerston North Hospital
50 Ruahine Street
Palmerston North 4414
06 350 6671 or 0800 221 411 supportlinks@supportlinks.org.nz

Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley

Care Coordination Centre (CCDHB) NASC

Level 1
13 Marina View
Porirua 5026
04 238 2020 or 0800 282 200 wellington@careco.org.nz

Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley

Hutt Valley Service Coordination Centre (HVDHB) NASC

20 Pretoria Street
Hutt Central
Lower Hutt 5010
04 566 2226 or 0800 662 225 hutt@careco.org.nz

Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough

Needs Assessment Service - Nelson (NMDHB) NASC

Private Bag 18
Nelson 7040
66 Oxford Street
Richmond 7020
03 539 3976 or 0800 244 300 needs.assessment@nmdhb.govt.nz

Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough

Needs Assessment Service - Blenheim (NMDHB) NASC

Marlborough Health Hub
22 Queen Street
Blenheim 7201
03 539 3976 or 0800 244 300 needs.assessment@nmdhb.govt.nz

Te Whatu Ora Te Tai o Poutini West Coast

CCCN Complex Clinical Care Network-Greymouth (WCDHB) NASC

PO Box 387
Greymouth 7840
Cowper Hub
104-109 Cowper Street
Greymouth 7805
03 768 0481 cccn@westcoastdhb.health.nz

Te Whatu Ora Te Tai o Poutini West Coast

CCCN Complex Clinical Care Network- Westport (WCDHB) NASC

PO Box 248
Westport 7866
Buller Health
46B Cobden Street
Westport 7825
03 768 0481 cccn@wcdhb.health.nz

Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury

Older Persons Health Christchurch (CDHB) NASC

PO Box 800
Christchurch 8140
The Princess Margaret Hospital, Heathcote Building
Cashmere Road
03 337 7765 communityreferralcentre@cdhb.health.nz

Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury

Older Persons Health Ashburton (CDHB) NASC

Ashburton Hospital
Elizabeth Street
Ashburton 7700
03 307 6916 OPHS.ashburton@cdhb.health.nz

Te Whatu Ora South Canterbury

NASC South Canterbury (SCDHB)

Private Bag 911
Timaru 7940
Talbot Community Hub
156 Otipua Road
Timaru 7910
03 687 7120 nascadmin@scdhb.health.nz

Te Whatu Ora Southern

The Care Coordination Centre (CCC)

Private Bag 1921
Dunedin 9054
201 Great King Street
Central Dunedin
Dunedin 9016
03 470 9300 or 0800 627 236 southerndhbccc@southerndhb.govt.nz