Arrange services NASC
Organisation Name | Postal Address | Physical Address | Phone | |
Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau |
Private Bag 753 Kaikohe 0440 |
163 Parnell Street Rawene Rawene 0473 |
09 405 7709 | |
Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau |
Private Bag 9742 Whangarei Mail Centre Whangarei 0148 |
16 Commerce Street Whangārei Whangārei 0110 |
09 430 4131 or 0800 88 88 90 | |
Te Whatu Ora Waitematā Waitemata DHB Needs Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination (NASC) (WaitDHB) |
Private Bag 93 503 Takapuna Auckland 0740 |
North Shore Hospital 124 Shakespeare Road Takapuna Auckland 0622 |
09 442 7171 | |
Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland |
Private Bag 92024 Victoria Street West (Auckland Mail Centre) Auckland 1142 |
Green Lane Clinical Centre 241 Green Lane West Epsom Auckland 1051 |
09 631 1234 | |
Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau |
Middlemore Hospital Private Bag 93311 Otahuhu Auckland 1640 |
Middlemore Hospital Hospital Road Otahuhu Auckland 2025 |
09 277 3440 | |
Te Whatu Ora Waikato |
Waikato Hospital 183 Pembroke Street Hamilton Hamilton 3204 |
07 839 8883 or 0800 55 33 99 | | |
Te Whatu Ora Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty |
Private Bag 12024 Tauranga Mail Centre Tauranga 3143 |
190 Seventeenth Avenue Tauranga South Tauranga 3112 |
(07) 571 0093 or 0800 262 477 | |
Te Whatu Ora Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty |
PO BOX 241 Whakatane 3158 |
Whakatane Hospital Corner Stewart and Garaway Streets Whakatāne Whakatāne 3120 |
(07) 306 0986 or 0800 262 477 | |
Te Whatu Ora Lakes |
Private Bag 3023 Rotorua Mail Centre Rotorua 3046 |
Corner Arawa Street, Pukeroa Road Rotorua Rotorua 3010 |
07 343 1030 | |
Te Whatu Ora Lakes |
PO BOX 841 38 Kōtare Street Hilltop Taupō 3351 |
Taupo Hospital 38 Kotare Street Hilltop Taupo 3330 |
07 343 1030 | |
Te Whatu Ora Tairāwhiti |
Gisborne Hospital 421 Ormond Road Lytton West Gisborne 4010 |
06 869 0558 | | |
Interim NASC, Taranaki Base Hospital, David Street New Plymouth New Plymouth 4310 |
06 759 7214 | | ||
Te Whatu Ora Whanganui |
244 Victoria Avenue Whanganui Whanganui 4500 |
0800 758 700 | | |
Te Whatu Ora Whanganui Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation Services (CART) NASC |
Private Bag 3003 Whanganui 4541 |
Lambie Community Health Heads Road Gonville Whanganui 4541 |
06 348 3309 | |
Te Whatu Ora Te Matau a Māui Hawke's Bay |
Private Bag 9014 Hastings 4156 |
Hawkes Bay Hospital, Puawananga Building Gate 9, McLeod Street Entrance Camberley Hastings 4120 |
06 870 7485 or 0800 339 449 | |
Te Whatu Ora Wairarapa |
Po Box 96 Masterton 5840 |
Level 2 49 -51 Lincoln Road Masterton Masterton 5810 |
0800 900 001 or 06 946 9813 | |
Te Whatu Ora Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua MidCentral |
Private Bag 2056 Palmerston North 4440 |
First Floor Rata Building, Community Village, Palmerston North Hospital 50 Ruahine Street Roslyn Palmerston North 4414 |
06 350 6671 or 0800 221 411 | |
Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley |
Level 1 13 Marina View Paremata Porirua 5026 |
04 238 2020 or 0800 282 200 | | |
Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley |
20 Pretoria Street Hutt Central Lower Hutt 5010 |
04 566 2226 or 0800 662 225 | | |
Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough |
Private Bag 18 Nelson 7040 |
66 Oxford Street Richmond Richmond 7020 |
03 539 3976 or 0800 244 300 | |
Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough |
Marlborough Health Hub 22 Queen Street Blenheim Blenheim 7201 |
03 539 3976 or 0800 244 300 | | |
Te Whatu Ora Te Tai o Poutini West Coast |
PO Box 387 Greymouth 7840 |
Cowper Hub 104-109 Cowper Street Greymouth Greymouth 7805 |
03 768 0481 | |
Te Whatu Ora Te Tai o Poutini West Coast |
PO Box 248 Westport 7866 |
Buller Health 46B Cobden Street Westport Westport 7825 |
03 768 0481 | |
Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury |
PO Box 800 Christchurch 8140 |
The Princess Margaret Hospital, Heathcote Building Cashmere Road Christchurch Christchurch |
03 337 7765 | |
Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury |
Ashburton Hospital Elizabeth Street Ashburton Ashburton 7700 |
03 307 6916 | | |
Te Whatu Ora South Canterbury |
Private Bag 911 Timaru 7940 |
Talbot Community Hub 156 Otipua Road Timaru Timaru 7910 |
03 687 7120 | |
Te Whatu Ora Southern |
Private Bag 1921 Dunedin 9054 |
201 Great King Street Central Dunedin Dunedin 9016 |
03 470 9300 or 0800 627 236 | |