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Sheaffs Rest Home

At a glance
Sheaffs Rest Home
Rest Home
17 Landing Road
Whakatāne 3120
Postal Address
Same as above
Bay of Plenty
View Phone Number
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Visit Website
Melissa Davies RN - (07) 308 8837
Dr. Jodie Ask / Melissa Davies RN - (07) 308 8837
Facility Coordinator
Rachel Cox - (07) 308 8837
Visitors with limitations - please call us first
Our Mission statement:

To provide a friendly and homely environment for all of our residents, that is comfortable, clean, warm, secure and happy.
To provide excellence in health care.
To take a holistic approach to our residents needs involving residents, whanau, friends and caregivers.
Everyone is an individual and we treat them as such.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 31 Oct 2013

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 28
Vacancy Yes
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges Some Rooms from $10.00/day up to $15.00/day as at 11 Sep 2024
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 No

Updated: 28 Feb 2025

We truly are a unique home. The size and layout of the home ensures a friendly, welcoming atmosphere that you feel as soon as you walk in the front door. The heart of the home is the large lounge and dining area where there is laughter, conversations, companionship and a hive of activities taking place.

Sheaffs has been a small family concern for many years with a strong family spirit and a reputation for providing wholehearted care. We took over in 2019 and intend to continue with this philosophy and keep this a locally owned family business.

Our wonderful staff are dedicated to providing great care and continually go above and beyond what is required to truly understand and care for individual needs. Staff turnover is very low with some of the girls having been here for many years, which I think is testimony itself to our home.

Updated: 16 Jan 2020

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes We have two registered nurses here, both are very experienced and both Interai trained. There is a registered nurse and/or doctor on call at all times. The RN also provides in-service training.
Nurse Practitioner Yes Via Whakatane Hospital
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes Sheaff's Rest Home caregivers are selected and trained to ensure we provide competent and timely care in a respectful and dignified manner ensuring the Resident's needs are met.
Physiotherapist Negotiable By referal to local community physio, Whakatane Hospital and ACC accredited physio as well
Occupational Therapist Negotiable By referral to local community OT, Whakatane Hospital
Social Worker (on site) Negotiable Via Whakatane Hospital as required.
Diversional Therapist Yes We have a fully qualified Diversional Therapist who organises a range of activities including: regular van outings, passive exercise, crafts, library service, church services, RSA morning tea, music, day care visits, and our own veggie garden.
Hairdresser Yes We have a Hairdresser who will visit for your convenience. The prices are very competitive. The service is provided on a ' user pays' basis
Podiatrist Yes We have a Podiatrist that visit's every eight weeks. The price is very competitive and the service is provided on a 'user pays' basis.
Dietitian Yes All meals are prepared freshly each day by our cooks. A 4 weekly rotating menu operates which changes with the season. The menus are reviewed by a Dietitian for nutritional status, variation and suitability
Kaumatua Yes Flo Nuku, and we also have access to the local DHB Maori Health Services
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes We are visited by the different religions who come visit and take communion.

Updated: 16 Jan 2020

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes
Carer Support Yes
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes
Booking can be made in advance Yes

Updated: 30 Oct 2013

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes Residents may have favourite items, such as their armchair. While we encourage you to create a home, we caution as to the wisdom of bringing in items of financial or family value.
Single Rooms Yes There are no shared rooms at Sheaff's. Each room comes with a hand basin and seven rooms have access to an ensuite.
Rooms suitable for a couple Yes There is one room suitable for a couple, however, this is not available at this time.
Alcohol Permitted Yes As long as there are no health concerns. Happy hour is held once a month.
Pets In Residence Yes 1 dog
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes
Phone Access In Own Room Yes Residents have access to the telephone - a portable phone allows for privacy. Staff will assist residents to use the telephone when appropriate. Local calls are provided free. Toll calls must be paid for. Residents may install their own private line.
Wifi Yes
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes 14 rooms have their own heat pumps. The rest of the home has automatic thermostatically controlled heating. If you ever feel cool, please advise the staff immediately.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes
Lounges/seating areas Yes The lounge is the hub of Sheaffs and Residents are encouraged to enjoy the lounge and activities within it. Semi covered porch off lounge, open plan dining room, BBQ area and various area's in the garden.
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes
Outings Yes Trips out in the community to places of interest and for social outings. Our van is equipped with disability access.
Māori Kaupapa No However we have a Maori health care plan in place. We also have access to Maori health service within the community and are fortunate to have staff that speak Te Reo.
Residents Committee Yes A residents meeting is held six weekly and all residents are invited to attend and be involved.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes It is our over riding principle that each resident's right to freedom be respected, however this freedom must not invade other residents rights. Our staff are trained to manage such situations effectively using the least restrictive strategies.
Confused Residents Yes Our staff are able to develop one to one relationships with our Residents. They are therefore more settled.

Updated: 12 Dec 2019

Special Features
Special Features
Our community is one which includes people from many ethnic backgrounds. If you have any special needs or practices related to your ethnic background, please tell us so that we can ensure these are met empathetically and with consideration.

To ensure safe keeping, we ask that all money for residents personal spending be handed to the office. Money in safe keeping may be accessed any time during normal business hours. Whilst we encourage you to create a home for yourself, we stress that you do not bring in items of financial or family value. While every effort will be made to ensure property is safe, we accept no responsibility for loss of valuable items.

While we aim to please, we appreciate that there will be times when you may feel unhappy about the service. We have an open door policy and you are to feel free to approach the staff at any time to discuss any concerns you may have.

Updated: 19 Feb 2020

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
We provide an ongoing and diversified activities programme that takes into account residents interests, preferences and abilities. The special needs of each individual resident is assessed, and we like to know the residents past interests and activities as this information assists us to provide a programme which will be of maximum benefit, interest and success for the resident. Residents are encouraged (but not forced) to participate.

Age Concern, Alzheimer's Society, Art, Arthritis society, BBQ, Big print books, Bingo, Blind Foundation, Board games, Bowls, Bridge, Canine friends, Cards, Care and Craft, Chapel, Church, Classical Music, Concerts, Cooking, Craft, Dancing, Entertainers, Entertainment, Exercises, Flower arranging, Games, Garden, Gardening, Golden Oldies, Housie, Indoor Games, Jigsaw, Library, Massage, Movies, Music, Newspaper reading, Outings, Parties, Pianist, Quizzes, Reading, RSA, Shopping, Sing-a-longs, Sky TV, Stroke Group, Videos

Every day is a happy day at Sheaffs, but for special times, like birthdays and days of celebration we get together and have a drink of wine, sherry, port or beer with some nibbles and have a good old fashioned social time. Fruit juice and diabetic beverages are also available on these occasions. We hold a number of social functions during the year, and you are most welcome to attend these.

Families, friends and other people of significance to our residents are important people in our community. We encourage their involvement in our community. Visitors are welcome at any time and we encourage them to visit as visits by old friends and family is very therapeutic to our residents.

Updated: 31 Oct 2013

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
English Yes
Interpreter Yes If any of our residents do not speak English as their mother tongue and have difficulty understanding English. We can make arrangements to be able to secure an interpreter should the occasion arise.
Māori - Te Reo Yes

Updated: 19 Feb 2020

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Denominations/Faiths represented Yes Residents own choice.
(Other comments) Yes Religious services and spiritual care: Spiritual needs are often very personal matters. On admission you are invited to share with us any special needs and wishes you may have. Your own spiritual adviser is most welcome to visit you.

Updated: 31 Oct 2013

Location Distance Details
Public Transport A free bus service to Tauranga is available outside the door. Disable taxi service is a phone call away.
Shops Sheaffs is centrally located within easy walking distance to Kopeopoe shopping centre. 3km to main town centre. 1.5km to the Hub shopping centre.
Mall 1.5 km to the Hub shopping centre.
Parks Easy access to a variety of parks.
Library Library is located in the town centre 3 km away. Library services visit the home fortnightly.

Updated: 31 Oct 2013

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Care Association New Zealand Yes
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Care Association New Zealand Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA)

Updated: 4 Dec 2012

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.