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Epsom South Retirement Home

At a glance
Epsom South Retirement Home
Rest Home
57 Pah Road
Auckland 1023
Postal Address
Same as above
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Joel Yulo - 0212417517
Arby Manalansan
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Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
We aim to make Epsom South Retirement Home "a Home" where people can live in a comfortable, warm and friendly environment.
We offer top quality individualised care for people of all abilities, cultures and personalities. Each resident at Epsom South can expect to have a personalised program put in place surrounding their mental, physical, cultural and personal needs. We have an extensive day programme which is updated regularly to ensure a wide range of activities for both groups and individuals.
We have a very experienced staffing team who deliver top quality care in a warm, kind and understanding manner 24/7.
The food served at the facility caters to individual needs and cultural preferences.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 9 May 2016

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 24
Vacancy Yes
We do have double rooms available which suits best for a couple.
Impending vacancy Yes
Short stay considered Yes
Premium Accommodation Charges No
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Yes

Updated: 3 Mar 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse 40 Yes A registered Nurse is on site Monday to Friday and can be contacted by phone on weekends and after hours.
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers 24/7 Yes All our care givers are qualified Health Care Assistants, experienced and promote excellent team work.
Physiotherapist Negotiable We can access community physiotherapy as required however funding of this services needs to be determined at time of referral.
Occupational Therapist Negotiable If residents require this service as part of rehabilitation we can negotiate this with the funders.
Social Worker (on site) Yes Registered Social Worker on site.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes We provide activites 7 days a week and run a facility van for outings and personal errands. The residents have an individualised activity plan and group activities promoting their independence.
Hairdresser Yes Qualified Hairdresser visits every 6 weeks at a cost of $15 for a mens cut and $20 for a ladies - Colours and perms are extra. A number of residents choose to visit a hairdresser of their own choice and for this we provide transport as required.
Podiatrist Yes We have a podiatrist who visits the rest home 6 weekly but can be called in at other times if required.
Dietitian Yes A dietitian is consulted when setting our menu's ensuring well balanced, healthy meals. She is also availabe to give advice and guidance as required.
Kaumatua Yes We have contacts which can be made should the services of a Kaumatua be requested by a resident or their family/whanau.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes Chaplain visits the home monthly to give a short service. A number of church groups offer transport to various church services on a Sunday and different social functions though out the year.
Other Personnel Yes Facility Doctor visits fortnightly or as required.

Updated: 12 May 2021

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Diabetic Care Yes The staff are competent and trained to look after clients with diabetes. Diabetes is managed with medication and diet.
Infection Control Yes Monitor and Manage infections. Policies and procedures are in place.
Clinical Management Yes The nurse is on site Monday-Friday. Clinical staff can be accessed by phone any time after hours and weekends.

Updated: 19 Mar 2021

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes
Carer Support Yes
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes
Booking can be made in advance Yes

Updated: 7 Apr 2016

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes Residents may bring what ever furniture they wish to. We also have some storage space available.
Single Rooms Yes Every room has its own hand basin
Shared Rooms Yes We have four shared rooms. A shared room is often a good option for those who are isolated or who like the company of others.
Rooms suitable for a couple Yes Our shared rooms are excellent for this purpose.
Ensuite Yes All rooms have easy access either to a bathroom that is very close by, a shared ensuite or a individual ensuite.
Alcohol Permitted Yes Some residents choose to have a drink with their meal. Alcohol is also enjoyed on social occasions.
Pets In Residence Yes There is one resident cat and budgie.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes We love animals at Epsom South Retirement Home and will do our utmost to accommodate pets.
Phone Access In Own Room Yes There are jackpoints in each room but these need to connected at the residents own cost. A portable phone and a resident's phone are also available.
Wifi Yes Free Wi-Fi available
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes Heating is sensor controlled. Residents have control over the timer in their own room.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes We are happy to offer support and services to people under the age of 65 years.
Lounges/seating areas Yes We have a number of area's around the home for social gatherings, entertainment, rest and relaxation or activities.
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes We can be very flexible to meet your needs. Day care can be arranged on a regular basis or as needed. People can either privately pay or use Carer Support funding.
Outings Yes A huge range of outtings are offered through our activities programme Monday to Friday. Weekend outings are planned and arranged as required.
Whānau Room Yes We are happy to accommodate family members so they can stay with their loved one as needed. This can be arranged through the manager.
Residents Committee Yes Monthly meetings and regular social gatherings are arranged to give residents the chance to offer input to the running of their home. The meetings are minuted and all issues are addressed by management.
Family Committee No Not at this stage but are open to suggestions
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes Our manager has extensive experience in behaviour support and management. Family members and health professionals are consulted when implementing programs which are designed on a case by case basis. Please see the manager for a copy of our policy.
Confused Residents Yes
Smokers Room No There are a number of out door smoking area's which provide seating and shelter.
Smoking Permitted Yes There are a number of out door smoking area's which provide seating and shelter.
Semi-Secure Yes Each resident who is able to come and go as they choose are given a key code for entry and exit to the rest home. We are also happy to provide key codes to regular visiting family members and close friends.

Updated: 23 Mar 2021

Special Features
Special Features
Epsom South Retirement Home is under management of Lynda Duncan. Our Manager has substantial experience in the health sector and takes great pride in offering an excellent standard of care.

We know that individuality is important and our flexibility and experience means that we accommodate the needs of each resident personally. Each resident has the opportunity for one to one time with caregivers, management and specialists as required or desired which gives us a deeper insight to each persons individual needs. Together with family members and professionals we make it our goal to ensure each person staying at Epsom South is happy and secure in their home.

Policies and procedures with regard to the operational aspects of the home are constantly being updated and reviewed with additional programs being implemented as the service progresses forward. We are always looking for ways to better our service and welcome input from families and outside professionals.

Updated: 22 Mar 2021

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
We have designed our activity programme to accomadate a variety of interests and abilities. With a focus on social interaction and mental stimulation, we offer a wide range of activities from rock concerts to the ballet, Easter show to the flower show and disco dancing to garden strolls. Our in house activities include arts and crafts, games, exercise, music, gardening, classes, reading and movie nights.

Each person is accessed on their ability, interests and personal preferences every six months to ensure our activities programme continues to cater for each of our residents individuality and changing needs.

Keywords: Activity programme, advocate, Age Concern, art, BBQ, blind foundation, board games, bowls, breakfast in bed, cards, care and craft, casino, children, church, music, Communicare, concerts, cooking, craft, dancing, digital camera, electric beds, entertainers, entertainment, exercises, fax, games, garden, gas fire, golden oldies, golf, happy hour, holidays, Housie, indoor games, Internet, jigsaw, Kosher cooking, lectures, Library, Maori Women's Welfare League, Mah Jong, massage, men, minibus, minigolf, movies, music, newspaper reading, organ, outings, park, parties, Pastoral care, pianist, picnic facilities, quizzes, RSA, Senior Citizens, shopping, sing-a-longs, singing, swimming, TAB, theatre, travel, vegetarian, videos, views

Updated: 23 Mar 2021

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Please see the Manager for details
Staffing qualifications and details Our staff are very kind and experienced people from a variety of backgrounds. We have a registered nurse, a registered social worker and staff are HCA qualified. Together their range of skills are vast and they work as a team to maximise the service we provide. Staff training is on-going through out their time at Epsom South so our staff always have the means to up-skill and stay at the top of their game. Each staff member attends ongoing training course's to always stay up to date with new policies and procedures.
Details about meals Each residents cultural, personal and health requirements are taken into account when planning our menu's. We have excellent and flexible cooks who welcome input from our residents.

Updated: 23 Mar 2021

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
English Yes All staff and residents speak and understand english.
Fijian Yes
Fijian Indian Yes 2 staff members, 1 resident and a number of friends, visitors and family members speak Fijian indian and are happy to assist with translation and cultural advisement.
Filipino Yes Team Leader and two other team members speak Filipino
Gujarati Yes
Hindi Yes Manager speaks and understands hindi
Interpreter Yes We have contacts with an interperter service who will provide services in any language.
Malayalam Yes
Mandarin Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes Members of staff have understanding and knowledge of Te Reo Maori.
Niuean Yes
Punjabi Yes
Rarotongan Yes
Samoan Yes We have Samoan staff who speak and translate in English
Tamil Yes
Telugu Yes 2 of our staff is from south India with good communication skills in the south Indian languages and are very keen to be of assistance.
Tongan Yes A number of staff are Tongan and are very happy to assist with translation and cultural understanding.

Updated: 16 Sep 2019

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Roman Catholic Yes Monthly visits.
(Other comments) Yes We are arranging more frequent outings to church services for those who wish to attend

Updated: 7 Apr 2016

Location Distance Details
Public Transport We are on the main bus route so access to most other parts of Auckland is simple.
Shops A good shopping centre is within walking distance of our home. It has some top resturants, cafes, designer clothing stores and specialist shops.
Mall Royal Oak mall is only a few minutes away and offers a good range of shopping options including 'Pak n Save'
Parks Beautiful cornwall park is within a 2 minute drive from our home or for the more able a 10 minute walk away. This park is perfect for family outtings and many of our residents enjoy picnics or strolls their with grandchild and children.
Library Mobile bus stops 200 meters from our home weekly or residents access the local library with the activities co-ordinator.

Updated: 23 Mar 2021

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.