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Ultimate Care Kensington Court

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Ultimate Care Kensington Court
Retirement Village
Kensington Court
18 McMahon Street
Nelson 7011
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Angela Pidgeon - 03 547 9444 ext 390 / 027 292 5849
Ultimate Care Group
National Villages Manager
Sharalon Sutherland - 021 717 457
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Ultimate Care Kensington Court Village Brochure Ultimate Care Kensington Court Village Brochure Ultimate Care Kensington Court Village Brochure

Contact us today for more information or to book a private viewing. 

Ultimate Care Kensington Court has been well establised in the Nelson community for over 20 years. Our village offers a range of affordable choices including well-appointed, tastefully designed independent villas, apartments and studios and set in landscaped gardens.

One of the benefits of living at Kensington Court Village is the ability to be able to choose a support service if and when you require further assistance. Services available are: meals, bedmaking, housekeeping, general staff support, laundry and personal care.

Our residents enjoy a well managed and every changing activities programme which provides companionship and lots of fun. Residents also have access to a hairdresser, podiatrist and physiotherapist who visit regularly.

Also onsite is our resthome and hospital, giving residents and their families peace of mind in knowing they have continuum care should it be required. Our nursing staff are fully commited to providing the best possible healthcare serviced comined with the highest standards of nursing care.
Upcoming Open Days
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No open days are currently scheduled.
Available Properties
Available Properties
Details Photo



Bed 1.0 Bath 1 Car 1 Floor Area 30m2

Property Type: Studio

Ultimate Care Kensington Court Village offers you the best of both worlds, the freedom of independent living with exceptional care on hand when you need it. Kensington Court Village has been servin...

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One Bedroom Apartment | Waitlist

From $369,000

Bed 1.0 Bath 1 Car 1

Property Type: Apartment

Kensington Court Village offers you the best of both worlds, the freedom of affordable independent living with the option of exceptional care on hand when you need it. Kensington Court Village has...

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"Very good staff, friendly place".

"I had friends that were already living here and l like that it is homely".

"All staff are polite and helpful when I need help with repairs, maintenance and gardening".

Updated: 18 Mar 2021

Agent's Details
Agent's Details
Name Angela Pidgeon
Address Ultimate Care Kensington, 18 McMahon Street, Stoke
City/Town Nelson
Company Ultimate Care Group
Phone 03 547 9444
Mobile 027 474 4550
Email View Email Address

Updated: 27 Oct 2023

Statutory Supervisor's Details
Statutory Supervisor's Details
Name Covenant Trustee Services
Address PO Box 4243 Shortland Street
City/Town Auckland
Company Covenant Trustee Company
Phone 09 302 8074
Fax 09 302 1037
Email View Email Address

Updated: 7 Dec 2020

Solicitor's Details
Solicitor's Details
Address Level 5 Anthony Harper Building 47 Cathedral Square
City/Town Christchurch
Company Anthony Harper
Phone 03 379 0920
Fax 03 366 9277

Updated: 7 Dec 2020

Composition of Village
Composition of Village
Type Details
Studio (Studio Unit etc.)
Low Price$200,000
High Price$200,000
Tenure TermsOccupation right agreement
Villa (2 Bedrooms)
Low Price$505,000
Tenure TermsOccupation right agreement
Service Charge DetailsCharges include all exterior maintenance, gardening, rates, building and insurance (not contents insurance).
Nursing Care DetailsAdditional services are available on request from the Management.

Updated: 27 Oct 2023

Personnel & Services
Personnel & Services
Personnel / Service Hours Per Week Status Details
Hairdresser Yes At Kensington, we are fortunate to have our own hair salon on-site, so you can have a bit of a do without leaving the home.
Podiatrist Yes Our Podiatrist visits the first Tuesday of every month.
Physiotherapist Yes We work in with local physiotherapists and those from Nelson Marlborough District Health Board.
Occupational Therapist Negotiable Access via Nelson Marlborough District Health Board as required.
Diversional Therapist Yes We are delighted that we have a full-time Diversional Therapist who oversees our activities programme ensuring our residents choices of activities are met
Motivational Therapist Yes See Diversional Therapist.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes We can access a Chaplin through the various church groups which visit. This can be arranged on an individual basis as required.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes Our activities team have an excellent activities programme that caters for all our residents needs available from Mon - Fri.
Meals - Available On-site Yes As required and organised with residents throughout the whole village.
Meals - External Provider Yes Available to Villa residents only.
Home Help - Available On-site Yes Residents in Studios, Apartment and Villas - as arranged with Management.
Home Help - External Provider Yes Available throughout the village
Registered Nurse Yes See details about nursing care packages (residents in Apartments and Studios) Villas - as arranged with Management.
Nursing Care Yes See details about nursing care packages (residents in Apartments and Studios) Villas - as arranged with Management.
Dietitian Negotiable Approved menus. All residents special dietary needs are catered for at Kensington
Speech Therapist Negotiable Access via Nelson Marlbrough District Health Board as required.
Social Worker - On-site Negotiable Access via Nelson Marlborough District Health Board as required
Other Personnel Yes Our administration/receptionist is often the first port of call for residents and families. Our maintenance manager is likewise well known and is available as required.

Updated: 7 Dec 2020

Facility Features
Facility Features
Feature Status Details
Social/Recreational Programme Yes Activities officer specific for village 15 hrs per week.
Emergency Call System Yes Nurse call buttons are provided in all Studios/Apartments and Villas.
Newsletter Yes Quarterly newsletter developed.
Pets In Residence Yes Bird Aviary in the courtyard and cat who resides in hospital.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes Discuss with management
Outings Yes Down to Strawberry square once a week for groceries and other van outings offered as well.
Transport Available Yes Shuttle service St John or red cross. Can be organised using facility van but would be at a cost to individual.
Craft Room Yes Use a quiet room down in the hospital for crafts.
Library Yes Large print books plus also have library books from local library that are changed about every 6 weeks or so.
Lounges Yes specific lounge allocated for village residents.
Gardens Yes Courtyard with a fountain.

Updated: 7 Dec 2020

Special Features
Special Features

Studios/Apartments are individually owned by way of an Occupational Right Agreement and have been designed for the person who wishes to enjoy the facilities and security that Kensington Court has to offer, but would like the care in the privacy of their own unit. Each Studio has a spacious lounge/bedroom/kichenette and includes a full ensuite including shower, toilet and vanity. Apartments have the same set up but have a separate double bedroom. All the Village residents communally have their own lounge, dining, kitchen and laundries.


One or two bedroom villas are designed for the person who requires no care but wishes to benefit from the security, facilities and activities provided by being part of the village complex. Villas include open plan living, separate kitchen, bedroom(s) with built in wardrobe, bathroom with shower, vanity and toilet. Attached is a single garage with internal access, auto door and laundry facilities. The beautiful landscaped surrounding completes the picture.
Villas include: carpets and vinyls, drapes, wall oven, wastemaster, underfloor heating, double glazed windows, nurse call from every room, internal access garage plus auto door opener. Fully landscaped.

Updated: 7 Dec 2020

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
All Village residents have full access to our extensive Activities Programme. We also have a separate activities programme for village residents which runs alongside of the programme for Rest home. This enables a vast variety of activities to be offered to support independant living.

Updated: 7 Dec 2020

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Other Details Yes If there was anyone who had an identified language we would access appropriate services to assist the resident and ourselves.

Updated: 7 Dec 2020

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
(Other comments) Yes We would facilitate residents to attend appropriate churches if this was their wish.

Updated: 7 Dec 2020

Location Distance Details
Public Transport Bus every hour. Bus stop right outside the facility on the main road.
Shops 1.50 Km Supermarket, chemist, bank, bakery, cafe, several other shops.
Mall 5.00 Km Richmond malls and shopping centre
Parks 1.50 Km Isel Park
Library 1.50 Km Stoke / own library with large print books

Updated: 7 Dec 2020

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes We currently have a staff member who is doing the ACE diversional therapy certificate. We do have a qualified DT that works at Kensington.
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA) Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA)

Updated: 7 Dec 2020

NOTE: The Retirement Villages Act 2003 (The Act) is designed to provide improved protection for people who ‘buy’ into a retirement village. If you intend to ‘purchase’ you must get independent legal advice before signing your occupation right agreement as required under The Act. Some Retirement Village type facilities are not required to register under The Act so different legal requirements apply. Please make sure you investigate fully.


In some villages there may be some Retirement Village units that have multiple uses e.g. a Serviced Apartment may also be used as a Residential Care Suite. The same unit may therefore show in several places on Eldernet.