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Maida Vale Retirement Village

At a glance
Maida Vale Retirement Village
Retirement Village
20 Pohutukawa Place
Bell Block
New Plymouth 4312
Postal Address
P O Box 7015
New Plymouth 4341
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Visit Website
Louise Cummings - Facility Manager - (06) 755 0558
Edd & Pat Wynd - (06) 755 2048
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Visitors with limitations - please call us first
Maida Vale Retirement Village is privately owned and operated by Pat & Edd Wynd.

Maida Vale is set in beautiful, elevated and secure park-like grounds providing exceptional views of the mountain, port and sea. You come to us to live the lifestyle you want, so we offer retirement options from the age 55+.

You choose the style of living that suits you, you can do as much or as little as you want. We offer a continuum of care for all stages of your life from Independent Villa living, through to Rest home and Hospital care.

We are 1 minute form the Bell Block Shops which offer:
Heated swimming pool, Four Square, Bakery, Florist, Bookshop/Lotto shop/Post Shop, Garage, Fruit & Vegetable Shop, The Warehouse, Chinese Takeaways, T.S.B Bank, Bus Service.

3 Minutes from Maida Vale at Parklands Shopping Centre, they offer: Hairdresser, Restaurant, Library, Chemist, Doctors, Physiotherapist, Supermarket, Ladies Gym, Ladies clothing shop, Senior Net Tuition.

Weekly shopping trip to supermarket is free to all Apartment and Villa Residents.

Services Offered: Palliative Care, Accident Rehabilitation, Residential Respite Care, Day Care, Long term care, Short term care, Convalescence care, Meals on Wheels, Mobility Vehicle, Carer Support, Home Based Support, Long Term Support, Chronic health conditions, Young disabled under 65's.
Upcoming Open Days
Upcoming Open Days
No open days are currently scheduled.
Agent's Details
Agent's Details
Name Karla Wynd
Address 20 Pohutukawa Place Bell Block
City/Town New Plymouth
Company Maida Vale Retirement Village
Phone 06 755 0558
Fax 06 755 2040
Email View Email Address

Updated: 1 Sep 2022

Composition of Village
Composition of Village
Type Details
1 bedroom Unit (Studio Unit etc.)
villa (1 Bedroom)
Villa (2 Bedrooms)
Low Price$395,000
High Price$600,000
Villa (3 Bedrooms)
Low Price$450,000
High Price$600,000

Updated: 17 Jan 2018

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes Yes we can offer Respite care if we have a bed available in our care facility.
Carer Support Yes Yes we can offer Short Stay if we have a bed available in our care facility.
Subsidised Yes We take clients on subsidy
Private Paying Yes Yes we take private paying clients
Booking can be made in advance Yes

Updated: 3 Aug 2016

Personnel & Services
Personnel & Services
Personnel / Service Hours Per Week Status Details
Hairdresser Yes Hairdresser comes to the Village 1 day per week.
Podiatrist Yes We have a podiatrist who visits once a month.
Diversional Therapist Yes
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes We do have a Chaplain available who we can call at your request, otherwise our Chaplain is at Maida Vale every Monday.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes
Meals - Available On-site Yes We provide meals onsite at our apartment building or you can have them delivered to your Villa hot and ready to eat or you can purchase frozen meals that you can heat and eat when required.
Home Help - Available On-site Yes Age in place in your Villa, if you require a bit of nursing assistance with showering, dressing, medication etc - we can apply to NASC Service who will assess you, if you meet the criteria then the government will pay for you - this is not means tested.
Home Help - External Provider Yes
Registered Nurse Yes 24 hour Registered Nurses onsite
Nursing Care Yes We have a Rest Home and Hospital on our site, so should you need Rest Home and Hospital care in the future then you would be put to the top of our wait list as Maida Vale is already your home.
Other Personnel Yes

Updated: 3 Aug 2016

Special Features
Special Features


Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA) Yes
Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA)


NOTE: The Retirement Villages Act 2003 (The Act) is designed to provide improved protection for people who ‘buy’ into a retirement village. If you intend to ‘purchase’ you must get independent legal advice before signing your occupation right agreement as required under The Act. Some Retirement Village type facilities are not required to register under The Act so different legal requirements apply. Please make sure you investigate fully.


In some villages there may be some Retirement Village units that have multiple uses e.g. a Serviced Apartment may also be used as a Residential Care Suite. The same unit may therefore show in several places on Eldernet.