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Eldernet Showcase


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Eldernet and Care Publications Eldernet and Care Publications Eldernet and Care Publications
Eldernet is New Zealand’s most trusted provider of information for older people and their whānau. We provide timely, relevant, and comprehensive information to help older kiwis make decisions that are right for them.

The Eldernet site includes a nationwide database directory and extensive information about community groups and organisations, home help services, rest homes (including up-to-date vacancies), retirement villages, residential care, private hospitals, dementia care, public hospitals and other third age services for seniors.

If you want:

an overview of services and options that are available to you

extensive information (more than an overview)

links to a range of relevant organisations and services

to find out how to access services including needs assessment and service coordination (NASC)

information that will help you support an 'elderly' person

many of your difficult questions answered

you’ll find it on Eldernet!

To get your free copy of our region-specific handbook Where from here, visit www.carepublications.co.nz

You can view New Zealand’s largest selection of retirement village properties in your price range at www.retiremetvillages.co.nz

‘Making Life Easier’ is all about supporting older people to live the lives they want! Discover a huge range of care and support options, community and advocacy groups, and service providers throughout the country at www.eldernet.co.nz/making-life-easier

Please note this is a TEST PAGE ONLY.

The information we have entered in the various fields gives you an idea of the types of things people using Eldernet may be looking for in a service e.g., does the facility provide day care, respite care or short-term care.

This introductory section is about encouraging people to read more about the service/s you provide, so add plenty of detail about what sets you apart from your competitors to pique their interest. An eye-catching photo always helps draw attention to your listing too.
This is a great space to share what some feedback that you have had about the product/service that you provide.
Written testimonials are always a great option

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Composition of Facility
Composition of Facility
Type Details
Weekly Rental From $200.00 to $300.00

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Rental Details
Rental Details
Rental Details Details
What rental covers Does the rent cover power, phone or interent?
Eligibility Criteria Do you have any? if so what is it?
Garden Maintenance Do you maintain the gardens or does does someone come in? Is there an additional charge for this?

Updated: 27 May 2022

Facility Features
Facility Features
Feature Status Details
Social/Recreational Programme No Is there a set programme or do? Is this a contracted service? Are there provisions for privately paying clients? What is the cost? What do the fees include?
Community Complex No What kind of facilities are on offer?
24 Hour Security No What kind of security is provided?
Emergency Call System No Are they fitted in every room? Is there an additional cost for this?
Newsletter No How often is the newsletter produced? Who receives this - residents/staff/families? Who decides what goes in it?
Pets In Residence No Cats, dogs, birds, fish even a tortoise - what animals live here? If you don’t like pets will they intrude into your space?
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet No How willing is the service to consider your wish to bring your treasured companion with you? Have you considered who will look after your pet at the home if you cant?
Outings No How often do these occur? Who decides where you go? When you arrive at a destination can those who are able, disembark? What are favourite outings? Are there any additional costs? How are decisions made about who goes on the outings?
Transport Available No What kind of transport is available? How can this be booked? Is it a private service? Is this an additional cost?
Restaurant No What kind of facilities are on offer? What are the opening and closing hours? How do you book?
Fitness Complex No What kind of facilities are on offer? What are the opening and closing hours? Is this area staffed? Are their any activities?
Swimming Pool No What kind of facilities are on offer? What are the opening and closing hours? Is this area staffed? Are their any activities?
Spa Pool No What kind of facilities are on offer? What are the opening and closing hours?
Craft Room No What kind of facilities are on offer? Are residents able to come and go as they please?
Library No What kind of facilities are on offer? Are residents able to come and go as they please?
Games Room No What kind of facilities are on offer? Are residents able to come and go as they please?
Chapel No What kind of facilities are on offer? Are there any services held in this space? If so, how often? Are residents able to come and go as they please?
Lounges No Do you have a choice of where you sit and with whom you are seated? Are there places to suit different occasions and moods?
Gardens No Who looks after these gardens? Are residents allowed to personalise these spaces?
Other details No Are there any other details that people may want to know?

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Special Features
Special Features
What makes this home special? Whether it’s the philosophy underlying the care, special programmes that operate, physical location, size of home; there are a multitude of things that make every home different. Take your time, think carefully about your needs and choose a home that gives you what you want. .

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Big print books, Billiards, Videos

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Chinese Yes
Chinese dialect Yes
Dutch Yes
English Yes
French No test
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Rarotongan Yes

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Inter denominational Yes Weekly church services.

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Location Distance Details
Public Transport How far away is the nearest bus stop?
Shops How far away is the local shopping centre, medical centre, pharmacy etc?
Mall Only ? kms away from ? mall
Parks Are there local parks nearby that are nice for a walk or recreational activities? Maybe a nice place to sit with visitors?
Library How far away is the local library or does the mobile library visit your home?

Updated: 12 Oct 2021