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Rest Home
7 Holyrood Terrace
Waipukurau 4200
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Hawke's Bay
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Tracey Hunter - (06) 858 9260
Oceania Group
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On a quiet, leafy street in Waipukurau, Woburn is a boutique care centre, with beautiful gardens, offering a choice of standard and premium care rooms.

Your room is your own to place those items special to you. each room fits a set of drawers, chair, bedside table, The bed is provided. The cost of a standard room is included in the Care Services Fee set by the DHB. Premium rooms have additional features such as more space, an ensuite bathroom or outdoor access, but you’ll need to pay an extra amount per day to cover the cost of these premium features.

Woburn is ideally located two minutes from State Highway 2, making it easy for friends and family to pop by or get you out and about.

With shops, cafes and restaurants close by, and the local theatre and bowling club just around the corner, it’s easy for residents to remain connected to their local community.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 27 May 2024

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 22
Vacancy No
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges Yes from $20.00/day up to $55.00/day as at 28 Nov 2024
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Please enquire

Updated: 12 Mar 2025

Please accept our invitation to join us in the celebration of "Windy's" long and beautiful life.
We don't consider you as "staff" but as extended family.

We can't thank you all enough for the wonderful care and support you all gave, not only to Mum but also to us. Cam

Dear Woburn staff - you have all been stars. Your care, attention and love shown to Doreen was so appreciated as was you always keeping us the family up to date. Mum was very happy at Woburn because of the caring staff. Doreen's family

Updated: 27 May 2024

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes Full-time coverage by a Registered Nurse.
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes Our Health Care Assistants provide a high standard of care and are continually updating their skills and knowledge.
Physiotherapist Negotiable A physiotherapist is available, as required by residents, from the local health centre.
Occupational Therapist Negotiable An occupational therapist is available, as required by residents, from the local health centre.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes Our activities staff work Monday to Saturday.
Hairdresser Yes Our salon is open on Wednesdays for residents only. Our hairdresser has been with us for over 16 years.
Podiatrist Yes A podiatrist visits every month.
Dietitian Yes A qualified dietician is employed by Oceania to prepare meal plans that are balanced and tasty. Any special dietary requirements can be discussed with our dietician and staff.
Accredited Visitors Yes Woburn has an active volunteer service that supports our residents and staff.
Kaumatua Negotiable Families and friends are welcome to invite their Kaumatua to Woburn to support our resident and their whanau.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes We have services from several religions at Woburn.
Other Personnel Yes Handymen and gardeners maintain our beautiful gardens and property.

Updated: 27 May 2024

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes
Wound Care Yes
Diabetic Care No A Diabetes Specialist Nurse is available to visit from the Hospital on request.
Continence Advice Yes
Stomal Therapy No A Stomal Therapist from the Hospital is available to visit on request.
Stroke Rehabilitation No A physiotherapist from the CHB Health Centre will work with any residents who have special rehabilitation needs.
Infection Control Yes
Clinical Management Yes

Updated: 27 May 2024

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes We only have respite if there is a room available.
Carer Support Yes
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes

Updated: 27 May 2024

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes Residents are encouraged to bring their own items into their room to make it their own. All essential furniture is supplied, such as a bed, drawers and wardrobe.
Single Rooms Yes
Rooms suitable for a couple No We can accommodate married couples if we have two rooms available at the same time.
Ensuite Yes Most of our rooms are modern and have differing layouts. Some have their own toilet and washbasin while others have a lovely sunroom and a basin.
Alcohol Permitted Yes Please discuss your requirements with our Manager.
Pets In Residence Yes We have a lovely tabby cat called Smudge.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes
Phone Access In Own Room Yes All rooms have their own phone access.
Wifi Yes
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes All rooms have their own radiators with individual controls and the facility is fully centrally heated.
Lounges/seating areas Yes Our lounge area has a 60 inch TV with access to SKY viewing. Our lounge has had a recent "make over" - redecoration, new furniture, carpet and curtains.
Gay / LGBT IQ Friendly Yes
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes By arrangement.
Outings Yes We have our own purpose built van for outings.
Māori Kaupapa Yes We have several Maori members of staff and residents.
Residents Committee Yes Residents meet every two months with staff to discuss any issues they may have. Residents are encouraged to bring any matters of concern to staff at any time. Family members are invited to attend our meetings as well.
Newsletter Yes A newsletter is produced monthly by our Activities Coordinator, residents and staff.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes All staff have annual training for this.
Confused Residents Yes
Rural Setting No Woburn is set in park-like grounds with beautiful gardens.
Smoking Permitted Yes Smoking is currently permitted outside in a designated area.

Updated: 27 May 2024

Special Features
Special Features
Woburn Home itself has been built for many years and the outside remains mostly unaltered.

Our new gardener has worked hard on modernising our garden to be more user friendly.

We encourage our rest home residents to stay active. There are regular morning exercises and other activities to encourage wellbeing and follow the "use it or lose it" theory.

Woburn has its own minibus and the activities staff organise outings to all sorts of interesting places.
We have a small but active group of volunteers who help us out when needed.

On Fridays, everyone enjoys their afternoon Happy Hour with lots of singing and dancing, accompanied by a glass of wine, beer or soft beverage.

In our dementia section we have a wonderful spa bath. Residents in the rest home can share it by booking ahead. This is a fairly new initiative but has been welcomed and thoroughly enjoyed by those who have used it.

Updated: 27 May 2024

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
We encourage residents to join in the activities such as crafts, music, games and reading.

We tailor activities to suit residents needs and abilities, making sure to involve everyone in something they enjoy.

One-on-one care, such as a hand-massage, is also warmly appreciated by those who are feeling a bit down.

With our big TV in the lounge some good old films can be enjoyed on a movie afternoon.

Updated: 27 May 2024

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
Staffing qualifications and details Our experienced, professional staff are complimented by diversional therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, podiatrist, hairdresser, counselling services and General Practitioners in the community.
Details about meals Tasty, varied and nourishing meals cooked in our own kitchen are a feature of life at Woburn and special dietary needs can be accommodated easily.
Internet access Residents and guests can share our free WIFI at any time.
Associated Complexes Woburn has a modern, purpose built dementia wing for 11 residents. Woburn is also part of the Oceania Group of aged care facilities.

Updated: 27 May 2024

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Afrikaans Yes
English Yes
Filipino Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Other Information Yes We have some vision-impaired residents and a representative from the local V.I.P. club visits regularly.

Updated: 27 May 2024

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes
Baptist Yes
Christian Yes
Denominations/Faiths represented Yes
Inter denominational Yes
Jehovah Witness Yes
Methodist Yes
Presbyterian Yes
Roman Catholic Yes

Updated: 27 May 2024

Location Distance Details
Shops 0.20 Km Woburn is situated in Holyrood Terrace in a central residential area of Waipukurau. It is slightly elevated and enjoys a sunny aspect and views towards town.
Parks 0.05 Km A'Deane Park lies at the western end of Holyrood Terrace and is a pleasant level walk.
Library 0.20 Km Waipukurau Library is a large, modern facility located in town. We also have regular visits from the library staff to enable residents to choose books. They are happy to collect and deliver the books chosen on a weekly basis.

Updated: 27 May 2024

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Approved provider of Professional Development and Recognition Programme Yes
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes Activities personnel can enrol into this.
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes Manager is a member of he NZACA Executive committee in Hawke's Bay
Approved provider of Professional Development and Recognition Programme Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA)

Updated: 27 May 2024

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.