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Tainui Village

At a glance
Tainui Village
Rest Home
96 Clawton Street
New Plymouth 4310
Postal Address
PO Box 5016
New Plymouth 4343
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John Hudson - CEO - 06 753 6597
Tainui Home Trust Board
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Tainui Village is a Christian Charitable Trust which aims to provide quality residential and community service to older adults in a caring, spiritually, and culturally sensitive manner.

Quality Policy

Our mission is to provide quality Rest Home care by meeting and exceeding the needs and expectations of current and potential residents, their families, whanau and carers. We are committed to continuous quality improvement.

To achieve its mission Tainui Home has adopted the following principles:

1.The RESPECT of and DIGNITY of our residents is paramount. Every resident can expect FAIR TREATMENT.

2.INDIVIDUALISED CARE is nurtured through a partnership between the resident, his/her family, whanau, carers and staff.

3. We understand the importance of INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION and CHOICES. We listen to residents and their family/whanau and encourage questions. Complaints/suggestions are positive quality improvement tools.

4.SAFE practices are adopted to eliminate, isolate or minimise hazards to ensure the health, welfare and safety of residents, staff and visitors.

5.QUALITY practices are adopted which meet Health and Disabilities Sector Standards, relevant Codes of Practice and legislation.

6.SAFE ENVIRONMENT for staff is nurtured, by recognising them as our number one resource, by promoting a team approach, delegating duties appropriately and encouraging self-improvement through comprehensive training programmes.

7.Board and Management will maximise RESOURCES and continue to implement CURRENT BEST PRACTICE.

8. All service delivery will encompass the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, ie partnership, participation, protection.

Quality shall not, at any time, be compromised.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 30 Sep 2022

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 37
Vacancy No
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges Yes as at 04 Mar 2025
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Please enquire

Updated: 4 Mar 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes Our highly trained and experienced RN's provide 24/7 coverage
Enrolled Nurse Yes Our EN's provide dedicated care and managerial assistance to our RN's
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes We have an extensive team of caregivers some of which have worked with us for over 25 years
Physiotherapist Negotiable Available as an as needed basis. Contracted to Tainui as well as the Hospital community physio.
Occupational Therapist Negotiable Available as an as needed basis. Contracted to Tainui as well as the Hospital community physio.
Diversional Therapist Yes She is fully qualified and works 32.5 hours per week. There is also an assistant that works along side her for 30 hours per week.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes
Hairdresser Yes The salon is open 8hours per week.
Podiatrist Yes Contracted to Tainui and visits six weekly.
Dietitian Negotiable Available at our request. Current cooks are qualified in meal preparation.
Accredited Visitors Yes
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes Available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. We have two chaplains.

Updated: 30 Sep 2022

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Advice and direction through hospital. All senior staff and carers are trained in Palliative care.
Dialysis Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Wound Care Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Diabetic Care Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Continence Advice Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Stomal Therapy Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Stroke Rehabilitation Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Tracheotomy Care Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Spinal Injuries Care Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Infection Control Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Surgical Followup Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Psychiatric Care Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Primary Rural Health Care Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Community Health Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Clinical Management Yes Advice and direction through hospital.
Other Specialties Yes Advice and direction through hospital.

Updated: 30 Sep 2022

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes Please contact our Clinical Nurse Manager for details

Updated: 30 Sep 2022

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes
Single Rooms Yes Fifty-seven rooms.
Shared Rooms Yes One room only.
Rooms suitable for a couple Yes Two rooms.
Ensuite Yes In all rooms.
Alcohol Permitted Yes
Pets In Residence Yes canary bird aviary .
Phone Access In Own Room Yes
Wifi Yes
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes
Lounges/seating areas Yes Two large lounges, one large conservatory plus three smaller seating areas.
Gay / LGBT IQ Friendly Yes
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Palliative Care Contract Yes
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes Assessed on individual needs.
Outings Yes We have 3 vans with multiple seating available.
Whānau Room Yes
Residents Committee Yes Meetings held monthly with management.
Newsletter Yes
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes
Confused Residents Yes A rest home level of care.
Semi-Secure Yes

Updated: 20 Nov 2024

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Big print books, Activity programme, Art, Board games, Bowls, Bingo, Care and Craft, Chapel, Craft, Entertainers, Entertainment, Exercises, Games, Happy Hour, Interdenominational, Library, Music, Newspaper reading, Outings, Quizzes, Videos, SKY TV, Sing-a-longs, Travel- Van outings.

Updated: 30 Sep 2022

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Variable.
Staffing qualifications and details Staff levels are above Ministry requirements.
Details about meals Individual meals available. Four week menu cycle.
Associated Complexes There are villa complexes in two outside suburbs - Fitzroy and Westown.

Updated: 30 Sep 2022

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Afrikaans Yes
Dutch Yes
English Yes
Filipino Yes

Updated: 30 Sep 2022

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes
Baptist Yes
Christian Yes
Inter denominational Yes
Methodist Yes
Presbyterian Yes
Roman Catholic Yes
(Other comments) Yes Tainui Village is administered by the Tainui Home Trust Board, a charitable trust established by the Anglican & Methodist Churches

Updated: 30 Sep 2022

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.00 Km There is a bus stop at the end of the drive.
Shops 0.50 Km Westown shops back onto the village.
Mall 3.00 Km Centre City Shopping Centre in the main town.
Parks 0.00 Km Tainui Home has park like gardens on site.
Library 0.00 Km Mobile Library bus visit on Tuesday's.

Updated: 30 Sep 2022

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Registered Retirement Village? Yes
Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA) Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Registered Retirement Village? Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA)

Updated: 30 Sep 2022

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.