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Radius Rimu Park

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Radius Rimu Park
Rest Home
297 Kamo Road
Whau Valley
Whangarei 0112
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297 Kamo Road
Whau Valley
Whangarei 0112
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Sue Billington - 09 437 3933
Radius Care Ltd - 093531160
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Radius Rimu Park Information Pack 2018 Radius Rimu Park Information Pack 2018 Radius Rimu Park Information Pack 2018

Please download our Information Pack. Feel free to get in touch with a Radius Care team member if you have any questions.

Surrounded by beautifully landscaped grounds and mature trees, Radius Rimu Park offers a serene environment for both rest home and private hospital care. Conveniently located just 10 minutes from Whangarei’s CBD, our care home is nestled in the heart of Kamo Village, making it easily accessible for family and friends.

Our extensive courtyards, planter boxes, and sensory garden create peaceful spaces for loved ones to gather and enjoy time together. We believe that mealtime is an important part of daily life, which is why our talented chefs prepare fresh, nutritious meals daily, catering to individual tastes and dietary needs. Each meal is carefully crafted and signed off by a nutritionist to ensure residents receive the best possible nutrition.

Radius Rimu Park prides itself on fostering a sense of community, welcoming family and friends to participate in daily activities and events. With spacious lounges and large-screen TVs, our care home feels just like home, and our friendly, attentive staff are dedicated to providing compassionate care.

We take pride in our commitment to quality care, having received 4 Years certification under the revised New Zealand Health and Disability Standards from January 2023 to January 2027. At Radius Rimu Park, we celebrate the unique journeys of our residents, empowering them to live fulfilling lives while enjoying the comforts of a supportive community.

Call us or pop in for a tour anytime.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 8 Mar 2023

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 9
Vacancy No
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered Yes
Premium Accommodation Charges Some Rooms from $10.00/day up to $40.00/day as at 06 Mar 2025
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 No

Updated: 13 Mar 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes 24 hour registered nurse cover. Facility manager is also a registered nurse.
Nurse Practitioner Negotiable Gerontology nurse specialist available through Northland DHB
Enrolled Nurse Yes Experienced ENs work alongside RN's daily
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes Our Health Care Assistants have completed or are completing the National certificate unit standards to ensure they keep abreast with best care practice.
Physiotherapist Yes An experienced registered physiotherapist Daniel visits weekly , our activities coordinators provide research based exercise session to improve balance strength and mobility under the guidance of the physiotherapist.
Occupational Therapist Negotiable If required we can arrange for an occupational therapist to visit individual residents.
Social Worker (on site) Negotiable We work closely with all social workers at Whangarei Hospital.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes We employ an activity co-ordinator for both areas and have a diverse range of activities and outings. As a resident you have your own personalised activity plan to ensure you get to enjoy the activities you like.
Hairdresser Yes We have a qualified hairdresser visiting fortnightly as demand requires. Appointments available on request.
Podiatrist Yes Winsome, our lovely podiatrist visits 8 weekly.
Dietitian Negotiable Our extensive summer and winter menus are planned by a dietician and updated regularly. We also utilize the services of a local dietician for individual needs.
Accredited Visitors Negotiable Arranged through Age Concern as required.
Kaumatua Yes Our on site kaumatua Patariki visits and facilitates a monthly men's group meeting Patariki also provides input at official ceremonies and celebrations.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes All denominations catered for as requested. Personal visits can be arranged by request through the Facility Manager, Clinical Manager or Registered Nurse.
Other Personnel Yes Dr Maik Huneke is Radius Rimu Hospitals main GP. Clients are welcome to keep their own GP provided they can visit as needed. Dr Huneke works under Bush Road medical services.

Updated: 8 Aug 2024

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes 24 hour RN cover.
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management Yes Experienced RNs are able to manage gastronomy/nasogastric needs as necessary.
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Close liaison with the local hospice. Separate palliative care rooms in lodge with lounge and kitchen for relatives of palliative residents. Dedicated team of palliative nurses.
IV Antibiotic Capability No Currently this service is not available
Dialysis No Liaison with the renal team at WBH .
Wound Care Yes All RNs trained in wound management. Wound nurse specialist available thru NDHB
Diabetic Care Yes All RNs are trained to deal with diabetic patients
Continence Advice Yes Marie Oldridge and Helen Brown from the DHB available for advice as necessary. All RNs monitor continence and liaise with continence advisor where necessary
Stomal Therapy Yes Marie Oldridge available as necessary for advice. All RN's trained in stoma care.
Stroke Rehabilitation No Physio assistant on site 5 days per week under guidance of a trained physiotherapist
Spinal Injuries Care Yes
Infection Control Yes Sandra Cunningham from Whangarei Base Hospital is the infection control link nurse for Rimu Park, she is available for consultation. All RNs/ENs trained in infection control practices.
Surgical Followup Yes RNs are able to provide surgical care if needed
Psychiatric Care Yes POPS team available and frequent contact with them re residents who need psychiatric specialist input.
Clinical Management Yes

Updated: 26 Nov 2013

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes We do private respite if beds are available.
Carer Support Yes Residents are welcome to stay through carer support but whanau should be aware there is a top up to be paid.
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes

Updated: 26 Nov 2013

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes Personalising of rooms is encouraged.
Single Rooms Yes
Shared Rooms Yes 4 Double rooms only.
Rooms suitable for a couple Yes
Ensuite Yes Some en suites available
Alcohol Permitted Yes If agreed to by Doctor and supervised by staff. Happy hour held once a week.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet No However we we don't mind if family members bring their pets to visit.
Phone Access In Own Room Yes If this is not already available, it can be arranged at your own cost. A portable phone is also available should you wish to make a call.
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes Central heating/air con throughout facility
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes If funding approved by appropriate service
Lounges/seating areas Yes 2 main lounges, a library and lovely seating on decked garden areas outdoors.
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes
Palliative Care Contract No Able to provide palliative care as per DHB contract
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes Can be negotiated
Outings Yes Regular outings as arranged by our activities officer
Whānau Room Yes Lovely family room available
Māori Kaupapa No However cultural meetings are held and supported by our on site Kaumatua , who also runs a monthly Maori men's group
Residents Committee Yes We always welcome and respond to residents requests. Resident meeting held regularly.
Family Committee Yes Family meetings are held. Relatives are also welcomed and encouraged to discuss resident issues with the charge nurse.
Newsletter Yes News letter sent out every three months.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes Challenging behaviour managed in our specialised secure unit.
Confused Residents Yes
Smokers Room No Smoking areas available outside.
Smoking Permitted No Smoking outdoors only. Smoking patients will do so in the designated area and be supervised at all times. Patients tobacco and lighting instruments are to be kept and maintained by staff for safety reasons
Semi-Secure Yes The Manuka Wing is a Secure unit with 20 beds offering specialized psychogeriatrc care

Updated: 8 Mar 2023

Special Features
Special Features
Radius Rimu Park Private Hospital is a single storied 55 bed purpose built complex set amongst pleasantly landscaped surroundings just 10 minutes from the CBD and 2 kms from the suburb of Kamo on State Highway 1.
Radius Rimu Park Hospital is handy to shopping areas and has lovely decks, gardens and dedicated staff.

More than just a hospital, Rimu Park is a "community" resource providing a friendly, caring and home-like environment, catering to the special needs of the elderly.
7 days per week our activities and physio assistants ensure the residents are kept active and stimulated.

The new Manuka Wing our separate dementia unit offers specialised secure care in a safe and homely environment. Our nurses and healthcare assistants are passionate about providing the best possible care for residents with dementia and are sensitive to the special needs of residents with dementia.

Updated: 8 Aug 2024

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Activities and outings are planned and organised by our activities co-ordinator. We encourage residents to share any activities they might enjoy and be able to do. Activities include craft and indoor games. There is an activities co-ordinator 5 days per week.

The mobility taxi is used for group outings. There is a charge made by the taxi company for these trips and for solo trips made with the use of a mobility voucher applied for by the hospital. Accounts will be sent out once a month from the administration office.

Sometimes there may be small costs involved during an outing such as Morning Tea etc. and it is helpful to have a small amount of money through the ward clerk to cover these expenses.

We have regular entertainment, music and sing-a-longs. Information about these events is displayed on the notice board.

Library books are available for exchange through the Activities Co-Ordinator. Other reading material is available in the Main Lounge library at all times.

A copy of the Herald Newspaper is available daily for the use of all residents.

We will order magazines through the administration office and other magazines are shared throughout the hospital.

Children can participate in activities with the activities co-ordinator if required. Schools visit regularly.

Brochures and flyers are sent to us from Age Concern informing us of events to attend, or items of interest.

We are in contact with various support groups such as: Arthritis Society, Parkinson's Society, Blind Foundation, Alzheimer's Society etc for advice and when follow up is required.
Residents can visit the Stroke Group when required.

Members of the RSA go on outings there. The RSA also visit weekly with confectionary and to visit their members.

As mentioned, church services are held in our hospital.

Email/Internet is only available from our main central office.

There are lovely gardens around the hospital.

Visits to the 'Warehouse' are provided and specific shopping requests are attended to.

Updated: 26 Nov 2013

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Podiatry and hairdressing fees not included. Some other items may be oncharged. Please contact admin to discuss this.
Staffing qualifications and details The main cares are done by experienced health care assistants who are supervised by an registered nurse and an enrolled nurse. This excludes the registered nurse hours, cook, cleaners, laundry persons and activities staff.
Details about meals Meal Times: Breakfast 8am Dinner 12.00pm Tea 5.00pm. Morning and afternoon Teas are also provided. Menu plans can be designed to cater for the individual preferences and special dietary needs of our residents. All meals are prepared on the premises including morning tea, afternoon tea and supper. Guests for a meal are welcome. There is a small charge for guests meals. Should a resident require a snack or drinks at other times staff will assist.
Associated Complexes Radius Care is a New Zealand owned and operated company that specialises in delivering the very best levels of Rest Home and Private Hospital care for our elderly population and our young disabled who require special care.

Updated: 26 Nov 2013

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Cook Island Maori Yes
Deaf Blind Sign Language Yes Interpreters as necessary
English Yes
Fijian Yes By a staff member
Filipino Yes Staff members speak Fililpino
Interpreter Yes An Interpreter could be arranged through Whangarei Hospital.
Māori - Te Reo Yes

Updated: 26 Nov 2013

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes Anglican Minister visits regularly.
Baptist Yes
Christian Yes
Inter denominational Yes Interdenominational services are held on the first Friday of the month at 10am in the Blue and Green Lounge.
Roman Catholic Yes Catholic Communion is held at individual request and is presently every 2nd Tuesday morning.
(Other comments) Yes We can provide for religious needs as required by resident or family.

Updated: 8 Oct 2020

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.25 Km Bus route on Kamo Rd
Shops 2.00 Km Kensington and Kamo in close proximity
Mall 4.00 Km Central town 5 minutes away
Parks 3.00 Km Kensington Park 2 minutes down road
Library 3.00 Km Less than 5 minutes away. Mobile library available

Updated: 26 Nov 2013

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA)

Updated: 26 Jan 2024

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.