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Eastcare Residential Home

At a glance
Eastcare Residential Home
Rest Home
Eastcare Residential Home
194 Nixon Street
Hamilton East
Hamilton 3216
Postal Address
Same as above
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Donna Watson (Operations Manager) - (07) 856 5053
Paul and Denise Webster
General Manager
Alex Webster
Operations Manager
Donna Watson RN
Other services
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Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
Quality care with dignity.

Eastcare Residential Home provides a homely environment set back from the road in a quiet residential area in Hamilton East.

We are proud to have received a 3 year accreditation .

We offer rest home, dementia, respite and day/night care as well as meals on wheels. We have 3 units with a total of 47 beds, 34 dementia and 15 resthome. There is easy access between the units and to all our outside areas of interest (gazebo, gardens, courtyards).

We are committed to providing our residents, in their latter years, with the quality of care they deserve through ensuring they are treated with respect and dignity, encouraged to maintain independence and mobility and that their individual skills and interests are recognized and included in activities planned. All our residents are encouraged to participate daily in in-house and/or community activities and events (shopping, crafts, walking, painting, cooking, RSA, Movies, visits to the lake and Hamilton Gardens, visitors from animals, church groups, music, Tai Chi).

Our staff are trained to a high standard to understand and manage the differing dementia behaviors, and all expected to keep up to date with current trends and practices. We provide ongoing education and professional development opportunities.

We have an open door policy with regards to visiting, allowing friends and family to stop by at any time convenient to them. Residents are welcome to have their husband/wife/partner join them for meals from time to time (a small fee is charged for the meal).

An information pack is available from the home and we invite anyone considering care for their family member to visit us.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 2 May 2023

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 15
Vacancy Yes
Impending vacancy Yes
Short stay considered Yes
Premium Accommodation Charges No
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Yes

Updated: 13 Mar 2025

"Mum is very happy here at Eastcare. I'm glad that she is given plenty of freedom and suitable care and supervision".

"I am very pleased with the improvements to the gardens, meals, activities and care giving activities".

"How nice and colourful the place is. My mother is happy being taken for walks. Thankyou! When Mum is happy it makes me feel at ease".

"The positive atmosphere created by all staff is much appreciated by our families. Thankyou".

"My husband and I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your care of our sister and the attention you give her. We particularly appreciate the way we are kept informed of any problems and needs she may have and the manner in which they are handled".

"We find the staff cheerful positive and caring and we want you to know that we are grateful for this care".

"Thankyou for nice clean clothes for my husband and for your care of him".

Updated: 2 May 2023

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes Our team of caregivers are trained with the Careerforce qualifications in caring for the elderly and people with Dementia.
Physiotherapist No Eastcare is able to assist any resident who requires physio input when the family is not able to.
Occupational Therapist No Eastcare works closely with the MHSOP to ensure that residents remain as independent as possible. Residents can be referred as and when needed.
Social Worker (on site) No Eastcare is able to contact the social worker that has been appointed to residents. We are also able to refer residents to the social work team.
Diversional Therapist No Our Activities Coordinator who works with our rest home residents Monday to Friday.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes We have an Activities Coordinator, who works with our rest home residents Monday to Friday. Lyn is training to be a Diversional Therapist. There are regular events and outings within the local community including shopping, walking, picnics, care and craft and drives.
Hairdresser Yes a local hairdresser, is in every 2nd Monday in our on-site salon.
Podiatrist Yes Don from Waikato Podiatry, our regular podiatrist, visits every 6-8 weeks for an on-site clinic
Dietitian No Our healthy meals are prepared on site by our qualified kitchen staff and our menus are reviewed by a registered Dietitian. our kitchen manager is very experienced in working within aged care. All have completed a food safety course
Kaumatua Negotiable Can be arranged as required.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes Each week The Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral (Thursday Afternoon)
Other Personnel Yes Close relationships with Mental Health Services for Older People, Older Person Rehabilitation Services and Hospice. Ear Specialist visits every 6-8 weeks.

Updated: 2 May 2023

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes We have a close relationship with the Palliative Care team as well as Hospice.
Wound Care Yes We can access advice from the WDHB and our staff attend wound care seminars to keep up to date.
Diabetic Care Yes Nursing staff are up to date with diabetic care and we can utilise Specialist Nurses from the DHB as necessary.
Continence Advice Yes One of our Registered Nurses specialises in Continence care and keeps updated with seminars for best practice.
Stomal Therapy Yes
Infection Control Yes
Psychiatric Care Yes We work closely with Community Mental Health
Clinical Management Yes

Updated: 2 May 2023

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes We provide respite care for families/whanau and caregivers and work closely together.
Carer Support Yes We provide carer support, short stay day care and meals on wheels.
Subsidised Yes Residents need to be assessed by Disability Support Link (DSL)to ascertain their level of care required. Residential Care Subsidies are available through Work and Income Te Hirangi Tangata.
Private Paying Yes Private paying residents are welcome at Eastcare. Fees can be quoted on enquiry.
Booking can be made in advance Yes Advance bookings can be taken on availability of beds.

Updated: 2 May 2023

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes Residents and families are welcome to bring their own furniture and other items to personalise their room to create a familiar and comfortable environment.
Single Rooms Yes All rooms are single with handbasins, heating and a call bell in each room. Rooms are well furbished and regularly maintained.
Alcohol Permitted No Alcohol is not encouraged as it may conflict with medications.
Pets In Residence Yes We have a black cat named Rascal and some goldfish which the residents care for. Families/whanau and friends are welcome to bring their dogs and other pets to visit.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes This is considered on an individual basis.
Phone Access In Own Room No Residents can have these installed
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes Heatpumps are operational in all communal lounges and each room has a wall heater for personal choice.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes Eastcare have an agreement with the District Health Board to care for people under 65 year olds with unique needs, including physical and intellectual disabilities.
Lounges/seating areas Yes Eastcare has a lounge in the rest home as well as garden areas with outdoor seating.
Gay / LGBT IQ Friendly Yes
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes We have close relationships with the Palliative Care team and Hospice and work closely with family/whanau and medical staff.
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes Day care residents are welcomed and included in any activity they may wish to participate in.
Outings Yes Outings are scheduled by the activity team with families Welcome to accompany residents. Recent outings have included Morning Tea at the Movies. Classic Car Museum and Balloons over Waikato.
Whānau Room Yes Whanau and family are welcome to use one of our lounges.
Residents Committee Yes Residents are encouraged to contribute to monthly meetings to share experiences, discuss routines, activities and events and make suggestions for future outings and special occasions.
Newsletter Yes Newsletters are written and distributed to families often.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes This is an area we specialise in. We have a non-confrontational approach and look outside the square. We minimise the use of medication. All care staff are trained to manage challenging behaviours.
Confused Residents Yes Our staff are trained to manage any confused behaviour that may occur.
Smoking Permitted Yes Residents are permitted to smoke in a designated smoking area only. Visitors and staff are not allowed to smoke on site.
Semi-Secure Yes Fully fenced gardens. Key coded front door.

Updated: 2 May 2023

Special Features
Special Features
Eastcare Residential Home provides a homely environment set back from the road in a quiet residential area in Hamilton East. We are proud to have received a 3 year accreditation with one continuous improvement this year. Our staff are trained to understand and manage the differing dementia behaviours and all expected to keep up to date with current trends and practices.

Updated: 2 May 2023

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Activity programme, Alzheimer's Society, Art, Arthritis society, BBQ, Big print books, Bingo, Blind Foundation, Board games, Bowls, Canine friends, Cards, Care and Craft, Chapel, Children, Church, Classical Music, Concerts, Cooking, Craft, Dancing, Email, Entertainers, Entertainment, Exercises, Fax, Flower arranging, Games, Garden, Gardening, Happy Hour, Housie, Hydrotherapy, Indoor Games, Internet, Jigsaw, Library, Minibus, Minigolf, Movies, Music, Newspaper reading, Outings, Park, Parkinson's Society, Parties, Pastoral care, Petanque, Pianist, Picnic facilities, Quizzes, Reading, RSA, Senior Citizens, Shopping, Sing-a-longs, Singing, , Stroke Group, Swimming, Theatre, Travel, Videos.
Also Tai Chi, cricket, gym, darts, memoirs, Its in the Bag, skittles, quoits, balloon volleyball, soft ball tennis, walking, bar and band work, sewing, knitting, woodwork.

Updated: 2 May 2023

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Private and part/fully subsidised residents are catered for. Please contact the Manager for further details.
Staffing qualifications and details All staff are trained via CareerForce from level 2-4 National qualifications. Any new staff commence training through Career Force. Throughout the year staff have in-service training e.g. manual handling, first aid etc.
Details about meals A Registered Dietician reviews our menus every 12 months. Our healthy meals (6 week menu) are prepared on site by our qualified kitchen staff. Our kitchen manager is very experienced in working within aged care. All have completed a food safety course.
Visitor information Visits are welcome, join our monthly birthday parties, theme days etc.
Recreational opportunities We have a varied activities programme, we encourage all residents to join in. Visits to Hamilton Gardens, local cafes etc. Family outings are welcome.
Internet access This can be arranged on request.
Transport Via taxi and shuttles

Updated: 2 May 2023

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Chinese Yes
Cook Island Maori Yes
English Yes
Fijian Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Filipino Yes
Hindi Yes
Indonesian Yes
Interpreter Yes We can access interpretation services if required.
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Punjabi Yes
Samoan Yes
Sign Language Yes We can access an interpreter if required.
Tongan Yes

Updated: 2 May 2023

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes
Jehovah Witness Yes Visits individual residents as requested.
Roman Catholic Yes On a Thursday Afternoon, The Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral give communion, in a group setting, to residents.
(Other comments) Yes Residents attend church with their families or friends as arranged.

Updated: 2 May 2023

Ethnic Diets
Ethnic Diets
Ethnic Diet Status Details
Chinese Yes If required
Other Yes If required
Vegan Yes If required
Vegetarian Yes If required

Updated: 2 May 2023

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.40 Km Two bus routes are within walking distance.
Shops 0.20 Km Dairy and petrol station within walking distance. Other amenities are within a 5km range.
Mall 7.00 Km Accessable via bus routes and van trips.
Parks 0.80 Km Steele Park, Galloway Park, Memorial Park and Parana Park are within walking distance. We take van trips to Hamilton Gardens, Taitua Arboretum, Hamilton Lake, and Waikato River walks.
Library 3.00 Km Hillcrest library is situated a short drive away. The bus stops in Masters Avenue outside the front door of the library. We have an in-house library with large print books.

Updated: 2 May 2023

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Care Association New Zealand Yes Bi-Monthly meetings. Access to updated information weekly. Newsletters available.
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy No Activity staff are currently undertaking this training.
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes Bi-Monthly meetings. Access to updated information weekly. Newsletters available.
Police checked Yes
Care Association New Zealand Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA)

Updated: 2 May 2023

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.