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Lexis Care

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Lexis Care
Rest Home
24 Coronet Place
Auckland 1026
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(General) Lexis Limited - (09) 828 3741
Alflex Leenoh - 021 171 1212
Facility/Clinical Manager
Marchie Pagtanac - 027 342 7675
24/7 Mobile
Registered Nurse - 021 288 4399
Inquiries - (09) 828 3741 (Ext.1)
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MOH Audit Report MOH Audit Report MOH Audit Report

This is our audit report from 2013, we have had certification for four years now and shows our excellence. 

Visitors with limitations - please call us first
Lexis Care believes everyone has potential, we are here to make your day, have fun and provide a positive experience.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 1 Aug 2022

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 29
Vacancy Yes
We have a newly built wing that can accommodate both resthome and hospital level residents.This wing has ensuite available 2 Rest home beds available with views of the gardens and Whau river. We have respite beds available for short visits.
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered Yes
Premium Accommodation Charges Some Rooms from $20.00/day up to $30.00/day as at 06 Nov 2024
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Please enquire

Updated: 14 Mar 2025

One of our residents families who live overseas came to New Zealand to visit their relative, they commented on the excellent loving care that their relative receives.

"The staff and residents are so close, it is lovely to see the genuine interaction and fun" - residents relative

"I feel like I have walked into a home" - residents relative

"They are one of the best, they are unique and different" - independent staff trainer

"I am happy that my brother still has an independent lifestyle with assistance for his needs as he is a young resident. My brother enjoys going out for lunch at Sky City, dinners at Doolan Brothers, a recent trip to Waiheki Island and his weekly shopping trips with the staff. My brother is always telling me how good the food is" - resident's sister

"Even though my husband passed away several years ago I still feel like part of the Anne Maree Gardens family, I am still invited to the monthly support group meetings, Christmas parties and other trips" - family member

"It is a piece of mind knowing that my husband is receiving excellent loving care and 'open communication' with our family, especially relating to medication changes or any incidents" - resident's wife

Updated: 1 Aug 2022

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse 24 hours 7 days Yes There are Registered Nurses on duty 24 hours 7 days each week.
Nurse Practitioner on call Yes We have on call access to the gerontology nurse specialist at Auckland DHB
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes
Physiotherapist Yes Every resident is assessed by the physiotherapist who actively supervises a suitable mobility program or mobility equipment. She Trained staff running exercise class too and is responsible for staff education in related matters.
Diversional Therapist 7 days per week Yes Our Lead Activities Co-ordinator is a Qualified Diversional Therapist with 5 years of experience she has another activities co ordinator in training working with her.
Activities Co-ordinator 7 days per week Yes We have two activity coordinators who work during the week and the weekends
Hairdresser Yes Our qualified hairdresser enjoys making all the residents look beautiful/ handsome.
Podiatrist Yes Comes into the rest home every a few weeks on Tuesday and Thursday
Dietitian Negotiable As required
Kaumatua Yes Yes. One of our owners Director David Rankin, Ngapuhi Leader is a native Maori speaker provide Kaumatua service for our residents and family when required
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes As required. Service held every week , some residents go out to the local church.
Other Personnel Yes Massage therapist, Hairdresser, Catholic Mass, Church groups for entertainment, Musical entertainers, Outreach programme with small dogs visiting.

Updated: 6 Dec 2022

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management Yes
Bariatric (Care of the very overweight) Yes
Palliative Care (Contracted) Yes
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Wound Care Yes Support is accessed through the gerontology nurse specialist ADHB
Diabetic Care Yes Support is accessed through diabetes NZ
Continence Advice Yes Advice and support s accesssed through nurse specialist at ADHB
Stomal Therapy Yes We currently successfully a resident with a stoma. Support comes from the stoma nurse specialist.
Stroke Rehabilitation Yes We have cared for post stroke redidents.and helped them reach their goals.
ACC Rehabilitation Yes
Tracheotomy Care Yes
Spinal Injuries Care Yes
Infection Control Yes Our RN covers this area If we need any further advice it is accessed through the gerontology nurse specialist.
Surgical Followup Yes
Psychiatric Care Yes Our psychiatric care comes from the community mental health team
Clinical Management Yes

Updated: 15 Mar 2024

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes Residents can furnish their rooms as they wish. Any personal posesions bought into the resthome must be in good repair and electrical equipment recently tagged by an electrician.
Single Rooms Yes Rooms are spacious and most have views to the garden or the estuary.
Shared Rooms Yes We have some shared rooms.
Rooms suitable for a couple Yes Our shared room is suitable for this purpose.
Ensuite Yes We have a mix of options. Some rooms with no ensuite, some with their own ensuite, some with shared ensuite.
Alcohol Permitted Yes However we need to maintain oversight of each situation.
Pets In Residence Yes We have a resident cat. Pukekos and ducks also wander around on the property. We now have a dog, Poppy much to the delight of our fellow residents.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes Because we have spacious grounds we are in the position of being able to consider a range of options. We do however need to consider the existing situation before accepting new pets.
Phone Access In Own Room Yes We have 2 portable phones and these are available for residents use. Residents may also have a phone in their own room however please note that this is at their own expense.
Wifi Yes This is available at a small charge.
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes We want our residents to be comfortable at all times. There is wall heating throughout the home and in each room. Additional fin type heaters are also available. Our new hospital wing has under floor heating.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes We often have a number of younger residents. We like to meet residents prior to admission so that they can see how they might fit in here and we can determine whether we are able to provide for their needs. Funding usually arranged by Taikura Trust
Lounges/seating areas Yes Four separate lounge areas. The smaller lounge is a quieter area and suited to family visits. Tea and coffee can by provided on request.
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes This is organized through the GP
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Our team are very experienced in supporting our residents and their families in End Of Life care. We have four dedicated beds for this type of care in a quiet wing with bush or water views.
Palliative Care Contract No As contracts for this care do not apply in this region we provide end of life care for our residents whenever possible. We work in with the relevant agencies to deliver loving care.
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes We are expanding our day care programme so that we provide the service when you need it. We therefore also offer overnight care. This service can be funded by using Carer Support allocation or private payment.
Outings Yes Outings vary from sightseeing, going to favorite places, shopping, bill paying trips or a coffee at a local cafe. In the summer we have picnics at the beach or a local park.
Whānau Room Yes If we have a vacant room we can use it for this purpose. Alternatively we will bring a lazy boy chair into the residents room when need for family 'stay-over'. We have four lounges usually one is available for family to meet in.
Residents Committee Yes The Activities Co-ordinator chairs the monthly resident’s meeting.
Newsletter Yes We do a regular newsletter
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes Skilled, trained staff with clear policy guidelines. For details of our policies please see the Manager. She is very happy to discuss them and any other query you may have.
Confused Residents Yes If we are unable to meet a residents needs we will seek reassessment. Our first reaction would be to investigate why a resident has become confused more than is normal for them.
Rural Setting Yes Although we are in the city we border the Estuary and are surrounded by bush.
Smoking Permitted Yes Outside covered area only.
Semi-Secure Yes The perimeter of the property is secure. The entrance gate is locked.

Updated: 1 Aug 2022

Special Features
Special Features
You know there have been some changes at the rest home in Coronet Place, Avondale when you turn into the street for there at the end of the road is a large sign showing the AnneMaree Group logo of the bright yellow sunflower. It is an indicator of the philosophy of the AnneMaree group that stresses the importance of fun and laughter and the belief that everyone has potential.

Sheryl Samuel took over the ownership of the home in late 2003 and since then has been restoring, renovating and making many changes.

A number of the residents at AnneMaree Gardens require a secure environment so the gates are locked but please do come in as you will receive a very warm welcome.

The large old home is located on a three acre section. The layout of the house and grounds provides an ideal environment for residents. As some of the residents wander they can do so safely here without feeling too enclosed. The interior is designed so that the resident is provided with a circular hallway from which there are many exits to the outside. The gardens are divided up into different areas and are spacious so people can walk freely.

We use alternative remedies such as oils and massage therapy which we find particularly helpful for relaxing our residents.

Updated: 1 Aug 2022

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Our Activity programis very innovative and provides a variety of outings in the minibus and activities that connect our residents to the outside world.These include family BBQ's or a Hungi. Meals out at the RSA or Valantines and other in house parties with an entertainer and dancing. These are a regular feature and opportunity for families to share positive time with their loved one. Our digital camera records these events which are added to our newsletter and photo boards.

Many other activities like housie, card games, flower arranging from our blooming garden, indoor games, baking, reading group or newspaper reading to keep in touch with the outside world.The Inter Resthome Games are an opportunity to show some competative spirit. Shopping, quizzes and lots of walking in our lovely gardens or local park to see the neighbors roses also fill in our days.

We love senior citizens and their pianist to come along for a sing-a-long.
On wet days the history channel, national geographic or sport are sometimes watched on Sky TV. Old movies are also popular.

Our massage therapist provides relaxation to residents and we use essential oils to create a calm atmosphere.

A church service is held regularly at the resthome
We are members of the Alzheimers society and have an abundance of experience in this area. Sometimes this society or Age Concern will act as advocates for our residents.
We are also associated with Parkinsons Association

Updated: 1 Aug 2022

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Please see the Manager for details.
Staffing qualifications and details Staff members are chosen carefully. Resina looks for a balance of genuine care and kindness mixed with an ability to have fun and be able to laugh. Staff often form a strong bond with residents, so for example they will sometimes come in and sit with a resident when they are unwell. They do this simply because they care. We have registered nurses working on site 24 hours per day 7 days per week
Details about meals The cook has been described as being “awesome”. The meals are adventurous and varied and special occasions are celebrated with a birthday cake. Staff members are also considered and on special occasions the cook will prepare little treats for them too. Fruit and vegetables from the garden are used so residents get the pleasure of seeing their produce being used.
Associated Complexes AnneMaree Court, 17 Fraser Ave, Northcote.

Updated: 1 Aug 2022

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Chinese Yes
Cook Island Maori Yes
English Yes
Ethiopian Yes
Fijian Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Filipino Yes
Hindi Yes
Indonesian Yes
Interpreter Yes Available on request
Japanese Yes
Malay Yes
Mandarin Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Nepali Yes
Niuean Yes
Punjabi Yes
Samoan Yes
Somali Yes
Sri Lankan Yes
Tagalog Yes
Thai Yes
Tongan Yes
Tuvalu Yes
Urdu Yes
Other Details Yes

Updated: 15 Mar 2024

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes Communion
Christian Yes
Evangelical Yes
Hindu Yes
Non denominational Yes
Roman Catholic Yes Communion
(Other comments) Yes All faiths are welcome

Updated: 1 Aug 2022

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.40 Km Bus at top of street
Shops 0.80 Km Dairy. pharmacy and take away half a kilometer away. Avondale shopping center aprox 1k away.
Mall 2.00 Km lyn Mall
Parks 0.50 Km In Riversdale Road
Library 1.00 Km The Avondale Library has big print books and can access Talking books.

Updated: 1 Aug 2022

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Approved provider of Professional Development and Recognition Programme Yes
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes We have one Qualified Diversional therapist and one doing the training at present
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes Managers and RN attend the annual NZACA conference. The association is an informative and supportive body. Sheryl our owner is the Waitemata branch Co Chair person
Spark of Life Yes Sheryl has trained in this philosophy and actively encourages the principals of being in the moment with residents and making their day. It is important to use color music and understand unmet need.
The Eden Alternative No We have for a long time practiced many of the Eden Alternative principals but do not strictly follow this format.
Approved provider of Professional Development and Recognition Programme Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA)

Updated: 1 Aug 2022

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.