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Radius Althorp

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Radius Althorp
Radius Althorp
9 Grantston Drive
Pyes Pa
Tauranga 3112
Bay of Plenty
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Nancy McGregor
Radius Care
Regional Manager
Craig Shipton
Clinical Nurse Manager (Hosp)
Remya Michael
Clinical Nurse Manager (Dem)
Geneveah Abalajon
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Radius Althorp Information Pack 2018 Radius Althorp Information Pack 2018 Radius Althorp Information Pack 2018

Please download our Information Pack. Feel free to get in touch with a Radius Care team member if you have any questions.

Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
Radius Althorp’s healthcare is all encompassing and puts people first. We are aged care specialists and pride ourselves in providing an excellent standard of nursing and lifecare services to our clients, their families and whanau.

The inpatient service offers Respite care, Palliative care, Rehabilitation and Long term aged residential care at Hospital, Dementia and Psychogeriatric levels.

Outpatient services are offered to the general public. This includes Physiotherapy assessment and treatment and Hydrotherapy. Radius Althorp sets the benchmark for lifecare when a residential solution is required.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 20 Nov 2017

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 32
Vacancy No
Our specialised hospital area is fully secure with walkways and access outdoors 24hrs a day for residents wishing to spend time there. The rooms are large with many having their own individual ensuite. The public spaces are sunny and warm. Visitors have access at any time however with the nature of the care requirements at this level, our friendly staff will escort you out again to ensure we uphold the secure environment requirement.
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges Some Rooms as at 13 Mar 2025
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 No

Updated: 13 Mar 2025

"Thank you for the care that you gave to our Mum before she passed away. You allowed her to pass peacefully and with dignity, also thankyou for the care that you are giving to our Dad at this time, it is very much appreciated, kind regards" Dulcie L

"Once again thank you for all your efforts and of course the staff in taking such good care. Yesterday I saw his foot as it was being dressed and was amazed at how good it looks. Please just do what is required to give him a more purposeful lifestyle as how he is now is not anything like he would want to be. Many thanks for keeping me up-to-date. Makes things a lot easier" Judy T

Updated: 21 Nov 2017

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes We provide fulltime Registered Nurse coverage 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, headed by a very experienced Clinical Nurse Manager and supported by an equally experienced Clinical Coordinator.
Nurse Practitioner Yes In consultation with the DHB.
Enrolled Nurse Yes
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers No Our senior Healthcare Assistants have attained their NZQA qualifications in Residential Aged Care and Dementia specific training or qualifications. The team are friendly , skilled and committed to ensuring your loved one receives quality care.
Physiotherapist Yes We have a full time Physiotherapist and highly skilled Physiotherapist Assistants. Hydrotherapy sessions are available to both inpatients and outpatients along with support services such as Therapeutic Massage and Thai Chi classes.
Occupational Therapist Yes In consultation with the DHB or with local community based services on an as required and negotiated basis.
Social Worker (on site) No Available upon request in consultation with the DHB or local community based services on an as required and negotiated basis.
Diversional Therapist Yes The monthly calendar is readily available as well as access to personal activities 24hrs a day and larger events planned on a regular basis. We enjoy outings in our lovely van and of course the inter-facility sports and quiz challenges - fun for all!
Activities Co-ordinator No The coordinators deliver the planned monthly activities and provide scheduled one on one time as requested. Engagement in normal daily activities such as daily newspaper reading, exercises, walks, quiz activities and social events are paramount.
Hairdresser Yes We have a Radius Althorp hairdressing salon on site. This service is available to staff, clients, and their families for a very reasonable price. Please feel free to ask at Reception for a price list.
Podiatrist Yes All clients are assessed for their podiatry requirements. Typically those with specific medical conditions and as deemed by the GP will have this service funded. Feel free to discuss this with the GP.
Dietitian Yes Our menus are designed by a dietician to ensure your loved ones are receiving nutritious, wholesome and tasty meals daily. The variety of morning and afternoon tea is always a hit and catering to specific diets, food choices or preferences is no problem
Accredited Visitors Yes On an as required or negotiated need.
Kaumatua Yes Huria Kaumatua Care provide the support of Kaumatua for the blessing of our facility and meeting needs of our Maori clients if requested. They also take inservice seminars for our staff on Maori protocol and provide policy advice as required.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes We enjoy the services of a variety of chaplains who take regular monthly services on site and can visit individuals regularly if requested. Feel free to discuss this requirement with the Clinical Nurse Manager.
Other Personnel Yes We have a facility GP holding clinics twice weekly and can visit an individual more frequently on negotiation. Radius Althorp work with Mental Health Services for Older Persons regularly and engages services of their Psychogeriatrician and specialists.

Updated: 21 Nov 2017

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite No We do not provide respite care for this level
Carer Support No Unavailable for this level of care
Other Short Stay Programme No Unavailable for this level of care.
High Care Needs Yes We provide care for residents with advancing dementia and associated conditions.
Subsidised No There is a nominal room fee on some rooms.
Private Paying Yes All admissions to this level of care are overseen and supported by the Mental Health Service for Older People, whether fully subsidised or private paying.
Booking can be made in advance No Admissions are supported and governed at this level of care by the Mental Health Service for Older People.

Updated: 21 Nov 2017

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes Oxygen management is available at Radius Althorp and staff are trained and equipped to ensure it is used appropriately.
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management Yes Management of PEG and Nasogastric nutrition can be managed onsite by our Registered Nurses and regulary reviewed by our experienced Clinical Nurse Manager. (Hospital level of care only).
Bariatric (Care of the very overweight) No We care unable to provide this service currently.
Palliative Care (Contracted) Yes We have 4 beds dedicated to palliative care and key staff who are superb in the palliative philosophy. These are situated in the Hospital area however palliative care can be provided for specialised dementia care also.
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Our Registered Nurses are supported by the team at Waipuna Hospice and our facility GP to ensure you and your loved one have a comfortable and informed journey during this time.
IV Antibiotic Capability No We are unable to provide this service currently, however we are working with the DHB in order to be able to provide this service from 2018 onwards.
Dialysis Yes Supported by our Clinical Nurse Manager and in consultation with the medical team at the DHB.
Wound Care Yes Our care services ensure the most appropriate dressings, care and techniques are used to promote healing and optimise comfort when managing wounds. We engage regularly with the Wound Nurse Specialist from the DHB as needed.
Diabetic Care Yes We are able to provide hearty, nutritious and tasty meals for those who require a diabetic option. Special requests can always be negotiated.
Continence Advice Yes Our onsite team ensure that each resident has an up to date assessment in order to receive an optimal product, bladder retraining or maintain continence as per individuals requirement.
Stomal Therapy Yes Staff skilled in stomal care and supported by the DHB specialist nurses if required.
Stroke Rehabilitation Yes Overseen by our experienced Clinical Manager, our staff will engage in goal setting along with planning of rehabilitation with our onsite Registered Physiotherapist.
Tracheotomy Care Yes Supported by our Clinical Nurse Manager.
Spinal Injuries Care No We are unable to provide this service currently
Infection Control Yes Headed by our Clinical Nurse Manager, we pride ourselves in having minimal to no infections on a monthly basis. Our staff believe in good hand washing, great catheter management and regular fluid encouragement to assist preventing some infections.
Surgical Followup Yes We are able to provide post surgery care, wound management and convalescent care. Many of our experienced Registered Nurses have surgical nursing backgrounds and are ideal to manage this care option.
Psychiatric Care Yes We are well supported by Mental Health Services for Older Persons and regularly liaise and engage with the team, including the Psychogeriatrician.
Community Health Yes On an individual basis, we can engage with community services for a true multi disciplinary approach. This can include anything from local entertainers to pet therapy.
Clinical Management Yes Our full time Clinical Nurse Manager, Hinewai brings a diverse range of experience and expertise. As a Registered Nurse, she has a rich history in Aged Care and Mental Health. She is proactive is coaching and mentoring staff to be the best they can be!
Other Specialties Yes As Psychogeriatric Care providers, we are specialists in caring for those experiencing advanced dementia and the challenges it can bring. The staff at Radius Althorp are often commended on their excellence in providing palliative care also.

Updated: 21 Nov 2017

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes This is encouraged to personalise the environment and assist with feeling homely. We do require all electrical equipment to be checked on admission.
Single Rooms Yes All clients have single rooms with all hospital rooms having very generous sized ensuites and access to the outdoors.
Shared Rooms No There are no shared rooms. An arrangement can be made for those who require the sharing of accommodation on negotiation.
Ensuite Yes All rooms are generously ensuited. A small number are shared at this level of care.
Alcohol Permitted Yes Clients are encouraged to continue lifetime pleasures where they do not interfere with recommended treatment regimes.
Pets In Residence Yes We have 2 facility cats that are well loved by residents and staff.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes Our policy is to allow personal pets to visit but not stay.
Phone Access In Own Room No Not for this level of care. There are portable phones accessible for phone calls to/from your loved one.
Wifi Yes We do have WiFi onsite and access to this can be arranged through our reception.
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes All rooms have individual heating and thermostat controls. Heating levels are set for individual comfort - some like it hot!
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes Under assessment and support of Mental Health Services if placement is appropriate.
Lounges/seating areas Yes Our hospital lounges are large and airy. Currently undergoing renovation, 2018 will see them beautifully appointed with large doors opening onto well tended gardens and social space.
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care No Not at this level of care.
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes General hospital palliation is provided to a high standard in each of the wings. Compliments are always a forthcoming as to genuine care provided to both loved ones and to their families.
Palliative Care Contract Yes Althorp has a specialty Palliative Care Service and four dedicated beds to this service that are funded. We can provide palliative care in our advanced dementia wings also.
Day Programme for day stay clients No Not provided currently for this level of care.
Outings Yes Our Activities Team provide weekly outings to a variety of destinations - based on the interests of the residents. These can range from events such as Operatunity to a simple beach outing to feel the sand between your toes!
Whānau Room Yes We have a separate family room and quiet lounges throughout our spacious facility that can be utilised.
Māori Kaupapa Yes All cultures and customs are respected at Radius Althorp.
Residents Committee Yes A quarterly meeting is held onsite where you hear about any changes, performance stats, from each Head of Department and often a guest speaker. This is also another chance to raise any important questions you may have over a cuppa and nibbles!
Family Committee No A quarterly meeting is held onsite where you hear about any changes, performance stats, from each Head of Department and often a guest speaker. This is also another chance to raise any important questions you may have over a cuppa and nibbles!
Newsletter Yes A seasonal newsletter is produced to keep you abreast of the goings on at Althorp. This can be emailed to the Next of Kin in preference to posting.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes As Dementia specialist providers, our staff are highly trained at recognising and managing the various challenging behaviours that loved ones can sometimes exhibit. Our Clinical Nurse Manager welcomes a discussion with you to explore this.
Confused Residents Yes Many of our residents can experience confusion for various reasons. Our staff are patient and caring with the view to re-orientate loved ones if appropriate in a dignified and protective manner.
Rural Setting Yes Radius Althorp hospital wings border council reserve land.
Smokers Room No We do not condone smoking onsite and no smoking is permitted in the garden or social areas.
Smoking Permitted No No smoking is permitted in the hospital building. Designated outdoor area is made available if required.
Semi-Secure Yes We have four safe/secure care units as part of our service provision.

Updated: 21 Nov 2017

Special Features
Special Features
The Munro, Best and Scott Homes, at Radius Althorp, provide hospital level care in a secure setting for residents with advanced dementia who require support by caring staff. The skilled staff help manage all the additional challenges this diagnosis may bring your loved one

Updated: 20 Nov 2017

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Activity programme, Alzheimer's Society, Aromatherapy, Art, Big print books, Breakfast in bed, Canine friends, Chapel, Concerts, Craft, Dancing, Entertainers, Entertainment, Exercises, Holistic, Interdenominational, Library, Massage, Meal choices, Music, Newspaper reading, Outings, Religious services, RSA, Stroke Group, Vegetarian, Visitors, Videos


Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Your loved one may qualify for a subsidy and we recommend you discuss this with Support Net or your Social Worker. Our room rate includes any extra tariff assigned to your selected room that may cover courtyard access, external door, ensuite etc. Hair cuts, personal items like clothing, toiletries and treats are not covered by your care fees. Other services such as hydrotherapy, massage, and podiatry are provided onsite on request.
Staffing qualifications and details We have over 140 staff caring for 117 clients. There are registered nurses on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week working at Radius Althorp. We have a full time very experienced Clinical Nurse Manager and our hospital meets all recommended staffing levels for residential care.
Details about meals Radius Althorp uses a 4 week cyclical menu. The main meal is served at midday. Meal times are 8 am, 12 pm and 5 pm. Residents have access to a weekly menu and their dietary preferences are respected and accommodated

Updated: 21 Nov 2017

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Afrikaans Yes Some staff onsite are accessible for translation services, as well as access to translation services through the local DHB.
Cook Island Maori Yes Generally English speaking but have staff who would be able to support communication.
Dutch Yes Some staff onsite are accessible for translation services, as well as access to translation services through the local DHB.
English Yes
Fijian Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Filipino Yes Some staff onsite are accessible for translation services, as well as access to translation services through the local DHB.
Hindi Yes Some staff onsite are accessible for translation services, as well as access to translation services through the local DHB.
Indonesian No Access to translation services through the local DHB.
Interpreter Yes
Korean Yes Some staff onsite are accessible for translation services, as well as access to translation services through the local DHB.
Mandarin Yes Some staff onsite are accessible for translation services, as well as access to translation services through the local DHB.
Māori - Te Reo Yes Some staff onsite are accessible for translation services, as well as access to translation services through the local DHB.
Nepali Yes Some staff onsite are accessible for translation services, as well as access to translation services through the local DHB.
Portugesse Yes Some staff onsite are accessible for translation services, as well as access to translation services through the local DHB.
Tagalog Yes Some staff onsite are accessible for translation services, as well as access to translation services through the local DHB.

Updated: 21 Nov 2017

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Inter denominational Yes Though predominantly a Christian based ethos, Althorp recognises the significance of spiritual health for all - regardless of religious belief system.

Updated: 21 Nov 2017

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.25 Km Bay Hopper Bus service comes to Cheyne Rd hourly Monday to Saturday.
Shops 1.00 Km Pyes Pa Shopping Centre - newly opened that boasts a Pharmacy, Rehabilitation Centre, Medical Centre, Dentist and a variety of dining experiences. Greerton Shopping Centre is 2km down the road and provides a vast array of traditional shopping.
Mall 3.50 Km Fraser Cove is the nearest mall type centre.
Parks 1.00 Km Tauranga Racecourse and Golf Club.
Library 2.00 Km Greerton has a Tauranga District Council library.

Updated: 21 Nov 2017

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA)


The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.