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Millvale House Waikanae - Dementia Care NZ - Two small care units

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Millvale House Waikanae - Dementia Care NZ
17 Millvale Street
Waikanae 5036
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PO Box 397
Waikanae 5250
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Larry Montoya - (04) 904 4340
Jim Haines - (03) 385 1286
Clinical Manager
Larry Montoya - (04) 904 4340
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Millvale House is set in beautiful surroundings with easy access to the gardens. Surrounded by mature trees, there are sunny spots to sit, pathways to follow and birds to watch. The bedrooms are single and spacious. We encourage people to bring a few familiar things from home. The lounge and dining areas are spacious. The dining area has round dining tables to encourage the sense of a family meal enjoyed together.

To accept all people with kindness and love
To provide peace, comfort and joy
To be proactive, innovative and courageous
To enrich each person, the community and the world

We strive to achieve this vision by working
with openness, honesty, integrity and passion

We establish trusting relationships based on
respect and acceptance
We encourage people’s participation in
companionship-based care in their small homes
We are privileged to accompany people as they
journey towards the end of their life
We welcome family/whanau and the wider
community as integral to people’s lives
We promote inclusion and the rights and
values of each person
We celebrate unity in diversity

Dementia Care New Zealand is one of New Zealand’s highly regarded aged care providers.
We provide a full range of residential care including general rest home care, dementia rest home care, general hospital level care, and dementia hospital level care. At many of our facilities, a full continuum of care is available.
We specialize in person-centred care for people who live with dementia. This is the work we have passionately chosen to do.
We care for people in small, cosy homes with a loving, warm and homely atmosphere where each person is supported to experience each moment richly. Our small homes concept means that people with dementia experience life in a less clinical and more normalised, familiar way. Small homes that inter connect, also bring a sense of ‘community’ for a person with dementia.

We offer 24 hour Registered Nurse coverage to all of our residents at Millvale House Waikanae.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 14 Oct 2015

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 30
Vacancy Yes
At Millvale we offer care for 30 residents. This is offered in one of our two small homes, both with 15 rooms. We would love to meet with you. Please visit our website for more more detailed information about Millvale House.
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges No
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Yes

Updated: 13 Mar 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes There is a registered nurse on site at all times. Should you require any information regarding your loved one the nurse on duty is the person to see.
Physiotherapist Yes The physiotherapist visits us each fortnight. She will assess each residents needs and help develop a plan handling plan that is required on an individual basis.
Occupational Therapist Yes
Diversional Therapist Yes We have a full time and a part time diversional therapist. They work with the residents to keep them active and busy with both group activities and one on one sessions.
Hairdresser Yes The hairdresser visits regularly each month.
Podiatrist Yes We have a podiatrist who comes on a regular basis to attend to the needs of the residents.
Dietitian Yes The dietitian visits monthly to review nutritional requirements of the residents.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes Millvale House is interdominational and we have several demoninations that visit our residents regularly. Should you require an individual visit this can be arranged.

Updated: 21 Oct 2014

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Te Ara Whakapiri - Principles and guidance for the last days of life.
Wound Care Yes Within the district we have a wound care specialist with whom we can consult.
Diabetic Care Yes Within the district we have diabetic care specialists with whom we can consult.
Continence Advice Yes We have a continence advisor who calls on us regularly. She also runs in house training sessions for staff and is available to be contacted when we require her service.
Clinical Management Yes
Other Specialties Yes Simon Hamley is a Registered Nurse and also our Education Coordinator. He ensures all staff are compliant with their training, coordinates staff in-services and special training programs, and instructs Managing of Actual or Potential Aggression (MAPA).

Updated: 16 Nov 2023

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes Families are welcome to bring items to decorate your own room.
Single Rooms Yes All the bedrooms are spacious single rooms. Each one has a handbasin and a built in wardrobe. Garden can be viewed from all the rooms.
Phone Access In Own Room Yes We have a portable phone which can be used by the residents at any time.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes
Lounges/seating areas Yes Millvale has a main lounge where many activities and entertainment takes place. Two separate sitting alcoves can be found at the far end of the hallway, if a quite place is required.
Outings Yes We have a van for outings. One of the diversional therapist often organises small groups to go for scenic drives.
Whānau Room No However there are private areas within the home for visitors.
Family Committee Yes A family support person visits monthly and is contactable by phone. She provides an opportunity for family to share the joys and struggles with others who understand. There are also quarterly advocate meetings.
Newsletter Yes Four times per year.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes We work to minimise resident's symptoms of dementia in a creative and loving way. There is regular and ongoing staff training.
Confused Residents Yes
Smokers Room Yes There is a conservatory in the inner courtyard that is a designated place for those residents that smoke. This activity is always supervised.
Smoking Permitted Yes

Updated: 22 Jan 2010

Special Features
Special Features
Millvale House is located at the end of a quiet cul de sac. There are many mature trees around which attract a variety of bird life. The home is totally secure, with wide hallways which link, allowing residents the freedom to wander at will. In the warmer weather the doors open out to the specially designed gardens and into a inner courtyard.
We are committed to quality, individualised care. Each person is unique and they are supported to experience each moment richly.

Updated: 15 Nov 2023

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
We have a Diversional Therapy programme ( massage, cooking, crafts, bowls, skittles, floor games, newspaper reading, aromatherapy, gardening, walks), church services (fortnightly), live entertainers, music (tapes and CDs), beauty therapy.

Updated: 14 Mar 2011

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
Details about meals Millvale House has two cooks who create delicious and nutritous meals on site. The main meal is at night, with a lighter meal at lunchtime. They are also great at baking!

Updated: 14 Mar 2011

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
English Yes
Filipino Yes
German Yes
Interpreter Yes Negotiable
Tagalog Yes

Updated: 4 Oct 2010

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes
Baptist Yes
Brethren Yes
Christian Yes
Denominations/Faiths represented Yes
Inter denominational Yes
Jehovah Witness Yes
Methodist Yes
Non denominational Yes
Presbyterian Yes
Roman Catholic Yes
Salvation Army Yes
Seventh Day Adventist Yes

Updated: 8 May 2008

Location Distance Details
Public Transport The closest bus stops at the corner of Te Moana Road and Walton Ave. This is the #77 bus route. It is a 3 minute walk from the bus stop to Millvale House.
Shops 3.00 Km Waikanae shopping village.
Mall 10.00 Km Coastlands in Paraparaumu.
Library 3.00 Km Situated in the Waikanae Village.

Updated: 29 Jun 2008

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA)

Updated: 6 Nov 2012

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.