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Admatha Dementia Care - Monami and Amour - two small care units

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Admatha Dementia Care
74 Chrystal Street
Christchurch 8013
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CM Rona Mendoza & OM Troy Malagapo - (03) 385 1286
Alison Hume and Jim Haines - (03) 385 1286
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Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
We are open and accepting admissions!

We invite you to discover the unique character of Admatha, a part of Dementia Care NZ.

You will discover a home with a unique atmosphere and a team with exceptional qualities.

We give very special care to people with dementia.

Dementia Care New Zealand is one of New Zealand’s highly regarded aged care providers.

At Admatha we provide dementia rest home care and dementia hospital or psychogeriatric care.

We specialise in person-centred care for people who live with dementia. This is the work we have passionately chosen to do.

We care for people in small, cosy homes with a loving, warm and homely atmosphere where each person is supported to experience each moment richly. Our small homes concept means that people with dementia experience life in a less clinical and more normalised, familiar way. Small homes that inter connect, also bring a sense of ‘community’ for a person with dementia.

Ngā matawhānui – Our vision
To accept all people with kindness and love. To provide peace, comfort and joy. To be proactive, innovative and courageous. To enrich each person, the community and the world.

Kia tomo mai ngā tangata katoa i runga i te atawhai me te aroha. Kia whakaratongia te maungārongo, te āhurutanga me te koa. Kia taunakitia te auahatanga me te kaha. Hei whakangakohia te tangata, te hāpori me te ao hoki.

Ngā uara – Our values
We strive to achieve this vision by working with openness, honesty, integrity and passion.
Mā te whakarīrā o te matawhānui nei ka tutuki. Ma te tautika, ma te ngākau pono, ma te ngākau tapatahi, ma te ngakau whiwhita hoki ka tāea.

We establish trusting relationships based on respect and acceptance
We encourage people’s participation in companionship-based care in their small homes
We are privileged to accompany people as they journey towards the end of their life
We welcome family/whanau and the wider community as integral to people’s lives
We promote inclusion and the rights and values of each person
We celebrate unity in diversity

Kia whakapūmautia e mātau i te whai tikanga o te whanaungatanga, kia pono, kia tapeke hoki i ngā tangata katoa.
Kia whakahauhau mātou i te whai wāhitanga a te tāngata.
Kia tiaki ā-hoa i o rātau kāinga iti.
Kia whakamana ai mātou i a rātou, ā, ka hikoi ai mātou hoki hei hoa haere ki te wā ka whakawhiti atu ki tūa o te arai.
Kia whai tikanga te āheitanga o te whānau me te hāpori hoki.
Kia tomo mai ki te tautoko nei i tō whānau.
Kia whakatuarā mātou i te kotahitanga me ngā uara hoki o te mana o ia tangata.
Kia whakanui hoki mātau i te kotahitanga ahakoa ngā rerekētanga.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 14 Oct 2015

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 25
Vacancy Yes
We currently have vacancy. We would love you to come for a visit and we can add you to our wait list.At Admatha Lodge Hospital we offer care in two small, interconnecting units; one with 12 rooms, the other with 13 and plenty of walking areas. There are lovely vegetable gardens, a decking with views over the gardens and creek and a lovely feeling of homeliness. Please come in and visit us we would love to meet you. Please see our comprehensive website for more detailed information. www.dementiacarenz.co.nz
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges No
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 No

Updated: 13 Mar 2025

Admatha – Fulfilling Their Vision

May 2018

Our lives suddenly changed when a hospital specialist told us, “Your husband/father will never be able to live an independent life again.” What do we do now?

Admatha Dementia Care was our answer. We were plunged into the decision of looking for a home for him, when it was not even on the cards a week ago. As soon as we walked into Admatha, we unanimously said, “This is the place for Dad!”

The welcome we received from the very first meeting was warm, informative, clear and friendly as we grappled with this new life in our state of shock.

The next question was how to transfer a very confused and agitated man from hospital to Admatha? This was overcome immediately by the caring and thoughtful staff at Admatha. They made it so easy. In the months following there have been many ups and downs as our whole family has had to come to terms with our new lives and the Admatha staff have been there all the way. The “Best Friends Approach to Care” really works! The empathy, communication and incredible amount of loving patience shown to us and especially to our Dad/Husband never falters.

Thank you Admatha, you are keeping all of your promises. Thank you very much.

Joyce Bailey and family

August 1st 2017

Hi everyone,

I was so impressed with the extra level of care, empathy and understanding your staff showed both Dad and myself last week. I can't thank you enough for helping Dad, Mum, their children and grandchildren throughout this journey. It has not always been easy, but you somehow managed to get us all through it.

Mum and I chose Admatha for Dad because we enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and saw the caring, patient attitude towards the residents.

When Dad moved to the Lodge, your wonderful team were able to provide even more one on one time for Dad. I'm pretty sure Dad really felt Admatha was his home and was happy there. I will never forget how comfortable he looked tucked up in his PJs in bed, just like a little boy all worn out from a big day!

So a big thank you from all of us, to every single one of you, for caring for Dad.

Marg Hudson

April 21st 2017

Kia ora ano
My mother, daughters and I wanted to ensure the excellent service and care you have given and continue to give our father/husband/grandfather is recognised.
Dad became seriously unwell this week and an ambulance was called. The phone call from your staff member to alert us to this was professional, caring and kind.
The hospital staff advised us that there was a high chance that Dad wouldn't make it through the night, but somehow he miraculously pulled through.
I rang Admatha to see if I could arrange to get Dad's teeth which were left at the home. I had expected to arrange to get someone to collect them, but instead was delighted when Maria, the Clinical Manager, turned up with them at the hospital. Dad was being quite difficult at this stage and both the hospital staff and I watched in amazement as Maria calmed Dad down, managed to get him seated and took the time to encourage him to put his teeth in.
He became more difficult and frustrated as the day continued and the hospital staff wanted to move him to another ward. I knew this wouldn't be a good idea and asked Maria and Debra if there was any chance they would take him back. They never hesitated, and the minute we dropped him back to Admatha, we knew we had made the right decision. He relaxed and settled right back in.
Admatha has become his home. He is happy there. The staff are incredibly patient and caring. I love hearing the way they talk to my father and how they get him to smile and laugh.
Although Mum struggles with the fact that she has become unable to care for him at home, she is grateful for the loving care he receives at Admatha.
As a family we are very grateful to the amazing team at Admatha.
Thank you.

A. Dahl

August 29th 2016

Hi Deb, Maria and team.
If anyone is looking for a place for their loved one with dementia to live, then this is it. My Mum was in another establishment and then I moved her to Admatha, first the home and then the hospital. From the beginning it was a huge relief to know that she was well looked after and loved as an individual - that's pretty special. And at the same time, the staff cared about how I was coping. I cannot speak highly enough of the care that Mum received. The layout of both feels like home with a kitchen, tables, lounge areas and gardens. And the staff are always there working, updating records, feeding, talking, touching and laughing. My Mum really sparked up with the attention she received and when she was dying, staff popped in to her room just to say hi and cried with me when she passed away.
Thank you Admatha.

S. Chappell

I must tell you about Wilfred’s time in Admatha.
At first he was a bit quiet probably because he was homesick and a little bewildered in his new surroundings.
Soon, however, he felt the warmth and special care that Admatha gives. In fact I would go so far as to say that the care for each and every resident is exceptional. That I saw as a visitor. Wilfred was a loving caring man himself and I am not surprised that he soon won the hearts of the young carers at Admatha. Even as he became very ill on his last days he still managed a smile for them as they tenderly cared for him, and he would mean it.
You have a wonderful staff there, every one of them.
God bless you all.

Betty Dodge

Our Mum Jennifer has been a resident of Admatha Lodge since January 2009. My brother and I visited a number of dementia units but loved the homely feel and very friendly staff at Admatha.

We have nothing but admiration, gratitude and sincere thanks for the level of care that they provide to her. The staff are always very friendly and welcoming. They treat all residents as if they were their own family members with love, understanding and many cuddles.

Due to the nature of the illness, visits can often be difficult and emotional. However the staff are so wonderful and friendly that they help lift your mood when you are having one of those times.
The lines of communication are always open. Any issues our Mum may have had such as a fall, seizure or any problems related to her dementia are always communicated.

We consider ourselves to be a part of the Admatha family. It is our Mum’s home and they treat her as a very special member of it – just as we would all encounter and expect in our own homes.

Bridget and Simon Mather October 2010.



Placing my father into care was the hardest decision of my life. He had been diagnosed with dementia five months earlier and I was told to look around, find a home that I liked and put his name down. With two cousins, I started looking at dementia rest homes not too far from home. Of the places we viewed Avonlea was by far the nicest. Even the guided tour was the friendliest and most helpful. I didn't know what to look for in a rest home but fortunately my two cousins are a nurse and a diversional therapist respectively.
I held off as long as I could putting dad into care. When I eventually couldn't put it off any longer there were no vacancies at Avonlea so he went to Admatha. The staff there saw that I was having a hard time with my decision, so as well as taking great care of dad they gave me great support and friendship too.
I felt a lot of guilt over placing dad into care but I have learned since then that this is quite normal for families. I believed I had failed him, but I could no longer manage at home. The quality of the care and the helpfulness, courtesy and friendliness of the staff made the transition easier for both dad and I. The way they talked with dad you would think they had been good friends for years. A few weeks later dad transferred to Avonlea where the service, staff and atmosphere were as great as Admatha.
Fourteen months later, due to declining physical health dad was reassessed and reqired dementia hospital level care. I was lucky enough to be able to get him into Admatha Lodge, where the high level of care continues. I really like the small home system as it has made it easier for dad to cope with the changes in his life. The cosy environment makes visiting much more pleasant too.
I am included or notified about any decisions regarding dad's care and every time I visit him I get an update on his day, and health in general.
Dad often enjoys the regular entertainment, and with some coaxing from the diversional therapists will sometimes participate in activities.
The policies and the people have made this whole experience a lot easier and more pleasant than I could ever have anticipated. It is also a great comfort to know that dad is safe and well cared for by really special people.

Michael Ferguson October 2010

Jim Archbold - Our family member, has been a resident at Admatha Lodge for the past couple of months.
We have been extremely impressed by the way that the staff at Admatha have endeavoured to make his transition as smooth as possible. A lot of time and effort was put into understanding Jim's individual needs and personality, prior to his arrival. He has settled in extremely well, it has been a "no-stress" and painless move for him and the family.
As a family we are extremely grateful and thankful to all the Admatha Staff, for the extremely high level of dedicated professional loving care that Jim receives.
Admatha is the third residential facility that Jim has been in, and we can say without hesitation that it is providing by far the best care that he has ever received. His personal grooming is always of a very high standard.
Something that stands out for us is the ongoing and constant support that exists for the residents' families. There are regular meetings and opportunities to discuss activities and developments at Admatha.
We bring our young children to visit their grandfather. They enjoy their visits to Admatha and are made to feel welcome.
Admatha Lodge is always clean and tidy. When you walk in you are greeted with the fresh welcoming smells of home baking. This is a sharp contrast of the typical hospital smells that we have smelt at other facilities and which we have never experienced at Admatha.
Admatha is providing a friendly, happy caring environment for Jim and we have no concerns about him when we are not there.
We would have no hesitation at all in recommending Admatha to other families who are seeking a residential facility that delivers the highest standards or care to their loved ones.

Beth Archbold, Debbie Jenks, Jims Family.

My mum has been at Admatha Lodge for nineteen months, she’s really happy there and she considers it her home. My Mum and I have always been very close so I am at the Lodge every day and have my lunch with her.
I find all the staff are lovely to her, and share a joke with her. On a Saturday and Sunday evening I ring to see how she is. The staff will ask if I want to speak to her.
The Registered Nurse is very professional and a lovely caring person who I can approach at any time. There is a senior Caregiver Sandra who has put Mum at ease in the shower, because Mum is terrified of water. Sandra will sing songs that she knows Mum likes, to take her mind off the water. I think that Sandra is an excellent Caregiver and I can’t praise her enough. She is the same with every resident. The other senior caregiver Alison who works with Sandra most days is very experienced and a lovely person. I like the other residents and know all of them by name. The meals are very nice, a good variety and well cooked.
There are activities going on throughout the day and Yvonne the new Diversional Therapist is a very nice, friendly and welcoming person.
Lynly who is now the weekend manager used to be the Diversional Therapist. She is great, she gets things done. You can be sure she will get onto any problem and fix it.
I find all the staff are friendly and I get on well with all of them. Admatha Lodge is like my second home.
Cindy Hughes

"My husband has been a resident of Admatha for over two years and we have always been very pleased to be associated with Admatha where everyone is treated as a loved family member.
The individual care and attention given by the carers never fails to delight us, and contributes to the happiness and family feeling which is found at Admatha.
All the carers are never too busy to listen to individual needs, and this makes everyone feel as if they are very precious. Also, visitors are most welcome to stay at any time, and they know residents and their visitors by first name.
Admatha is a happy place to visit at any time of any day".
Avery Family

"We would like to recognise the wonderful care and attention given to our sister, Sally, since she came to live at Admatha in February 2007.
Sally's dementia has deteriorated over the last couple of years and, having had an intellectual disability all her life, her comprehension of what was happening to her was quite beyond her. Your staff at Admatha have taken Sally under their wing with total love, care and understanding and the professional way you, the management, and your staff have performed. We also get enjoyment from the hospitality of the staff and their recognition of us. There always seems to be time to make a cup of tea no matter how busy they are.
Admatha's philosophy and structure have impressed us to a degree that we have recommended you to the community that Sally was living at. Our recommendation is that they formally adopt Admatha as their primary Care destination for the other folk who are approaching needing Dementia Care.
We would like to thank you and the staff for your dedication and care of Sally".
John and Linda Tucker

Our Mum has been a resident of Admatha Lodge since January 2009. My brother and I visited a number of dementia units but loved the homely feel and very friendly staff at Admatha.
We have nothing but admiration, gratitude and sincere thanks for the level of care that they provide to her. The staff are always very friendly and welcoming. They treat all residents as if they were their own family members with love, understanding and many cuddles.
Due to the nature of the illness, visits can often be difficult and emotional. However the staff are so wonderful and friendly that they help lift your mood when you are having one of those times.
The lines of communication are always open. Any issues our Mum may have had such as a fall, seizure or any problems related to her dementia are always communicated.
We consider ourselves to be a part of the Admatha family. It is our Mum’s home and they treat her as a very special member of it – just as we would all encounter and expect in our own homes.

B. & S. M.

Updated: 6 May 2018

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes Our Clinical Manager Rona leads and inspires a competent team of registered nurses at Admatha Lodge Hospital.
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes
Physiotherapist Yes A Physiotherapist from 'Therapy Proffesionals' Visit's once per week.
Diversional Therapist Yes Our diversional therapists know each resident very well and know what works for each person creating meaningfull activities to support creativity, socialisation, stimulaton and fun as well as assisting residents in the daily running of their home.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes
Hairdresser Yes Visits weekly.
Podiatrist Yes
Dietitian Yes
Accredited Visitors Yes
Kaumatua Negotiable We have contact with Rehua Marae
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes
Other Personnel Yes

Updated: 12 Jul 2022

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management No Manageable if necessary.
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Te Ara Whakapiri - Principles and guidance for the last days of life.
Wound Care No Support available
Diabetic Care Yes Support available
Continence Advice Yes Support available
Stomal Therapy No Support available
Stroke Rehabilitation No Support available
Tracheotomy Care Yes Support available
Spinal Injuries Care No Support available
Infection Control Yes
Surgical Followup Yes
Psychiatric Care Yes
Clinical Management Yes Clinical manager Rona Mendoza leads and inspires our team of Registered Nurses.
Other Specialties Yes

Updated: 12 Jul 2022

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes
Single Rooms Yes
Rooms suitable for a couple No Would need to be negotiated
Alcohol Permitted No Negotiable with Nurse Manager.
Pets In Residence No Negotiable with Nurse Manager. We welcome visits from pets and at times offer 'pet therapy'.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes Negotiable with Nurse Manager
Phone Access In Own Room No Portable phone available.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes
Lounges/seating areas Yes
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Liverpool Care Pathway
Palliative Care Contract Yes
Outings Yes
Whānau Room Yes A 'quiet room' is available.
Māori Kaupapa No Contact with Rehua Marae
Residents Committee Yes
Family Committee Yes Monthly family support groups with private facilitator
Newsletter Yes
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes
Confused Residents Yes
Smoking Permitted No Smoking permited out side.
Semi-Secure No Fully secure

Updated: 14 Jan 2014

Special Features
Special Features
Lovely established tree's, two small and homely units with open plan kitchens for our people and their families to use.

There is access between both units for 'residents that like to walk and visit their neighbours, homely and cosy yet spacious, a creek that runs by the home with ducklings in the spring, a normalised environment with views to neighbouring properties and gardens, a piano for songs and entertainment, a main kitchen that fills the home with the aroma of fresh cooking and baking.

At Admatha Lodge we offer care in two small units; one with 12 rooms, the other with 13.

Programmes for families:

We offer two very special educational sessions for our families.

"Orientation For Families" and "Sharing The Journey"

Please see our comprehensive website for more detailed information.

"Helping with your move"

We understand that times have been very hard for many following the earthquakes.

We are now offering a new service, free of charge of course! In order to help your moving into care easier.

We will.....

* Help you move any furniture.

* Help you to label clothing and personal possessions.

Updated: 21 Dec 2011

Updated: 14 Jan 2014

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Activity programme, Age Concern, Advocate, Alzheimer's Society, Art, BBQ, Big print books, Billiards, Bingo, Blind Foundation, Board games, Bowls, Bridge, Canine friends, Care and Craft, Children, Church, Classical Music, Concerts, Cooking, Craft, Dancing, Entertainers, Exercises, Flower arranging, Games, Garden, Happy Hour, Indoor Games, Jigsaw, Massage, Minibus, Music, Newspaper reading, Outings, Parties, Pianist, Reading, Sing-a-longs, water therapy

Updated: 14 Jan 2014

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Please contact Donya 027 277 6882 for further information.
Details about meals Our menu is created by Diatician Julian Jenson and is rotated on a seasonal basis.
Associated Complexes Admatha Dementia Care Rest Home, Avonlea Dementia Care Rest Home and Hospital, Millvale House Waikanai Dementia Hospital level care, Millvale House Levin Hospital and Dementia Hospital level care. Millvale House Miramar Dementia Hospital, Millvale Lodge Lindale, Aberleigh Rest Home and Dementia care Blenheim, Tasman Rest Home and Dementia Care Nelson. Leighton House Rest Home Gisborne

Updated: 14 Jan 2014

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Chinese Yes
Chinese dialect Yes
English Yes
Fijian Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Filipino Yes
Japanese Yes
Swedish Yes

Updated: 14 Jan 2014

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes
Baptist Yes
Brethren Yes
Buddhist Yes
Christian Yes
Confucius Yes
Denominations/Faiths represented Yes
Hindu Yes
Inter denominational Yes
Muslim Yes
Jehovah Witness Yes
Jewish Yes
Methodist Yes
Non denominational Yes
Presbyterian Yes
Ratana Yes
Roman Catholic Yes
Salvation Army Yes
Seventh Day Adventist Yes
Sikh Yes
Shinto Yes
Spiritualist/New Age Yes
Tao Yes

Updated: 14 Jan 2014

Location Distance Details
Public Transport A five minute walk to nearest bus stop
Shops 'The Palms' and surrounding shops are a ten minute walk away.
Parks Petre Park is a five minute walk away on Petre Street

Updated: 14 Jan 2014

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Other details Yes Certified Non Violent Crisis Intervention instructor - Donya Nee (Crisis Prevention Institute)
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA)

Updated: 14 Jan 2014

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.