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Te Haeata Invercargill City Libraries - Invercargill Branch

At a glance
Te Haeata Invercargill City Libraries - Invercargill Branch
50 Dee Street
Invercargill 9810
Postal Address
Private Bag 90111
Invercagil 9840
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Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
Invercargill City Libraries offer a range of programmes and services for elderly people at our Invercargill branch. These include our practical services like the Home Delivery Service, Strength and Balance classes, and Device Drop-In, and social opportunities like The Chatter and Book Chat.
Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Everywhere in the Invercargill City Council rating area.

Updated: 22 Feb 2023

Library Services
Library Services
What's on offer at the library Status Details
Social opportunities Yes THE CHATTER is a weekly opportunity to meet new people and catch up with locals over a cup of tea. All ages are welcome; Mondays 10:30am-12pm in the library lounge. LIVE STRONGER FOR LONGER COMMUNITY STRENGTH AND BALANCE CLASS is a directed exercise class for people 65 and older. All exercises are adaptable to different mobility and balance levels and are aimed at helping improve strengthen muscles and improve balance to reduce the risk of falls. Tea and coffee provided after the class. Come along every Tuesday from 10:30am-11:30am! BOOK CHAT is a monthly gathering for adults of all ages to chat about their latest reads. Join us on the second Thursday of every month from 12pm-1pm. Tea and coffee are provided.
Talking books Yes Invercargill City Libraries have a wide range of talking books available both on CDs that are rentable at the library and on our apps, Libby and BorrowBox, which can be used from anywhere!
Large Print Yes We have a collection of large print books in a range of different genres, including romance, westerns, and nonfiction.
Book a librarian Yes BOOK A LIBRARIAN to get help with your device, CV, or anything else you may need a hand with. We offer Book a Librarian in person, by phone or via Zoom, depending on your preference. Fill out the form on our website or call to book your librarian!
Photocopying Yes We offer both a coin-operated photocopier for you to operate yourself and helpful staff upstairs in our nonfiction section who can assist with your photocopying if you need it.
Computer assistance Yes DEVICE DROP-IN is offered every Wednesday from 1pm-3pm on the library's ground floor. Come along to ask our librarians any and all tech questions you have!

Updated: 1 Mar 2023

Access Status Details
A mobile service Yes Invercargill Libraries offer Home Services to anyone within the Invercargill rating area who can't access the library due to age or physical limitation. Get books delivered to your door once a month! Our team of library assistants handpick books based on your preferences and our wonderful volunteers will deliver these to your home. Email homeservices@ilibrary.co.nz to enquire about joining today or phone 021522495.

Updated: 22 Feb 2023