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Selwyn Village - Ivan Ward Centre and Sarah Selwyn Care Home

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Selwyn Village
43 Target Street
Point Chevalier
Auckland 1022
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PO Box 44106
Point Chevalier
Auckland 1246
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Lyn Wardlaw - (09) 845 0728
The Selwyn Foundation - (09) 845 0838
Residential Care Consultant
Rachel Witbrock - 021 790 434
Senior Sales Consultant
David Kelsall - 021 223 6563
Director of Care
Lyn Wardlaw - (09) 846 0119
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Selwyn Village Residential Care Selwyn Village Residential Care Selwyn Village Residential Care

Rest home and hospital care for when it is time. Moving from home into a village environment is a significant change for you and your family. We are here to help make this transition as smooth as possible. 

Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
Selwyn Village offers two care homes which provide age-related rest home- and hospital-level care (the Ivan Ward Centre and Sarah Selwyn); Ivan Ward also provides rest home-level dementia care.

When you first arrive at one of our care homes, we’ll discuss with you the results of the most recent NASC (needs assessment service co-ordination) assessment you have had in the community. We’ll ask you further questions about your health, wellbeing, preferences and independence needs so together we can agree your care plan. We’ll regularly review your care plan with you. We call this a partnership model of care, meaning you and your family/whānau are encouraged to be actively involved in your care and wellbeing.

At our care homes, we aim to optimise your wellbeing by providing opportunities to engage in what is important to you and so you feel part of a supportive, caring community. Throughout your residency, you, your family/whānau and friends will have access to Selwyn Village's wide range of amenities. Your family/whānau are encouraged to be involved and participate in all aspects of your life at Selwyn, with friends and loved ones able to visit at any time and on any day.


Opened in 2018, the purpose-built Ivan Ward Centre provides care for a total of 90 residents: age-related hospital- and rest home-level care, rest home-level dementia care, and short-term respite and interim care. The interior layout and accessibility features promote residents’ independence and encourage a sense of belonging, with six ‘households’ of twelve residents within the Centre’s larger care community (the dementia care household is slightly larger). Each household has been designed to feel like a home: residents have their own private room with ensuite and share a spacious lounge with open-plan dining and kitchen area leading to a large outdoor deck and seating. When residents’ whānau and friends come to visit, they’re also able to use the household kitchen and even stay overnight in the den/whānau room.


This modern purpose-built care home offers age-related hospital-level care and short-term respite and interim care for a total of 81 residents. Every resident has their own comfortable room, each with its own heating and the majority having an ensuite (various room types are available). With its large picture windows, Sarah Selwyn looks onto landscaped surroundings and has a number of cosy lounges and sheltered areas allowing residents and families to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine. Visiting family members and friends are welcome at any time and have access to tea- and coffee-making facilities in the ‘Quiet Room’ situated at the back of the communal dining room.


Both our age-related hospital-level care homes are staffed with registered nurses 24/7, who are assisted by caregivers and other professional staff. All staff have ongoing training on health and safety issues and the particular needs of current residents. Doctors routinely visit and there’s 24/7 medical coverage. All meals are prepared and cooked on site, with a qualified dietitian overseeing the menu and catering for special diets.


Residents can participate in an extensive range of activities specially tailored for older adults. Each care home has its own diversional therapy team who design and deliver a regular programme to optimise residents’ participation and enjoyment in meaningful and entertaining activities inclusive of themed events. Residents can enjoy minibus outings and there’s a ‘happy hour’ each week. The village chaplain visits regularly and is available for pastoral care and support; worship services are held weekly.


For details of the amenities available at each care home, individual room types and other features, please visit our website: https://www.selwynfoundation.org.nz/selwyn-village/residential-care/living-options/



Selwyn Village is a 26-acre retirement jewel sitting on Auckland’s sparkling Waitematā Harbour. Located in Point Chevalier, the village provides rest home-level, age-related hospital-level and rest home-level dementia care across three care homes as well as a wide range of stylish independent retirement living options within an attractive and peaceful setting. A palm-lined avenue, park-like grounds and well-tended flowerbeds complement the garden environment, and coastal walks lead to a sheltered swimming beach. Selwyn Village is one of New Zealand’s first retirement villages and remains a popular choice for older people looking for quality environments within a supportive and caring community.


Selwyn Village is owned and managed by The Selwyn Foundation, an independent, faith-based New Zealand registered charity providing services to older people and their families. The Foundation has been leading the way in improving the quality of life of seniors since 1954. As pioneers of the retirement village model and of residential aged care in this country, we are uniquely experienced in providing care, independent retirement living and community outreach services for older adults.

Our Vision is Oranga Mātua | Oranga Tangata, Respectful Ageing for all, within communities that thrive. As a result of the ageing of New Zealand's population and the growing numbers of seniors who are vulnerable or in need, our work is more important than ever. With our Social Impact and Mission strategy as our foremost objective, the Foundation is focused on enabling support and outreach where there is hardship amongst seniors who live in the wider community – whether that be loneliness and social isolation, material/financial/emotional- or housing-related. For further information on our work and Mission, visit: www.selwynfoundation.org.nz

The Selwyn Foundation
PO Box 8203, Newmarket, Auckland 1149.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 10 Jan 2023

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 134
Vacancy No
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges Yes from $35.00/day up to $75.00/day as at 19 Feb 2025
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Please enquire

Updated: 4 Mar 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse 24/7 Yes
Enrolled Nurse 24/7 Yes
Physiotherapist Yes During week days, we have two full time physiotherapists.
Occupational Therapist Negotiable Occupational Therapy can be arranged as needed.
Social Worker (on site) Negotiable Available as required
Activities Co-ordinator Yes The care homes both have their own full time activities coordinators from Monday to Friday.
Hairdresser Yes The hairdresser is available every week for Monday to Friday.
Podiatrist Yes The podiatrist calls weekly - or as required.
Dietitian Negotiable The services of a dietician are available as residents have a need.
Accredited Visitors Negotiable
Kaumatua Yes
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes The services of a Chaplain are available as residents have a need.
Other Personnel Yes Volunteers assist with many activities in our Village.

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management Yes
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Dialysis Yes May be accessed through the Auckland District Health Board.
Wound Care Yes
Diabetic Care Yes
Continence Advice Yes
Stomal Therapy Yes
Stroke Rehabilitation Yes
Tracheotomy Care Yes
Spinal Injuries Care Yes
Infection Control Yes On Site.
Surgical Followup Yes
Psychiatric Care Yes
Community Health Yes
Clinical Management Yes
Other Specialties Yes

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes
High Care Needs Yes
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes
Booking can be made in advance Yes

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes
Single Rooms Yes
Shared Rooms Yes
Rooms suitable for a couple Yes
Ensuite Yes
Alcohol Permitted Yes
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes
Phone Access In Own Room Yes
Wifi Yes
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes Where applicable.
Lounges/seating areas Yes Household environments with ample seating in the Ivan Ward Centre; cosy lounges and sheltered outdoor areas with seating at Sarah Selwyn.
Cafe No Residents and family members are able to make drinks and refreshments in the household kitchen in the Ivan Ward Centre. At Sarah Selwyn, residents and visiting family members have access to tea- and coffee-making facilities in the ‘Quiet Room’ situated at the back of the communal dining room
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes
Outings Yes
Whānau Room Yes At the Ivan Ward Centre, whānau and friends are able to use the household kitchen and stay overnight in the den/whānau room.
Māori Kaupapa Yes
Newsletter Yes The Selwyn News is published monthly.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes
Confused Residents Yes
Smoking Permitted Yes Smokers use their own designated areas.
Semi-Secure Yes

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Special Features
Special Features
Residents can participate in an extensive range of activities specially tailored for older adults.

The Chapel of Christ the King is the spiritual centre of Selwyn Village. All residents have access to the chaplains and can attend worship services in the chapel and also in the care homes themselves.

Selwyn Village is set in 26-acres on the banks of Auckland's Waitemata Harbour and offers park-like grounds and coastal views within an attractive and peaceful setting.

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Our care each have their own activities coordinators who, with the help of volunteers, provide a range of activities suited to the residents. These include . . .

Activity programme, Big print books, Carpet Bowls, Breakfast in bed, Church Services, Classical Music, Concerts, Entertainers, Exercises, Games, Garden, Indoor Games, Music, Newspaper reading, Outings, Parties and special celebrations, Pianist, Sing-a-longs

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not There are no weekly fees payable for fully subsidised residents. Otherwise private residents are charged $773.08 per week.
Staffing qualifications and details Selwyn Village has two resident doctors.
Details about meals Residents' dietary needs are catered for professionally.

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Afrikaans Yes
Cantonese Yes
Chinese Yes
Chinese dialect Yes
Cook Island Maori Yes
Danish Yes
Dutch Yes
English Yes
Fijian Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Filipino Yes
French Yes
Greek Yes
Interpreter Yes The services of an interpreter are able to be arranged.
Japanese Yes
Malay Yes
Mandarin Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Niuean Yes
Polish Yes
Rarotongan Yes
Russian Yes
Samoan Yes
Thai Yes
Tokelauan Yes
Tongan Yes
Other Information Yes These are some languages spoken by staff and/or residents as at this date. But in such a large community, people of languages and cultures change often. Please enquire should another language be helpful.

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes Underpinned by our Christian faith and Anglican identity, our chaplains work to provide pastoral care and spiritual companionship to residents of all cultures, values and beliefs, embracing the diversity that is present within contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand.
Christian Yes
Denominations/Faiths represented Yes
Roman Catholic Yes Regular Catholic Masses are celebrated at Selwyn Village.
(Other comments) Yes Staff and residents are of many Christian denominations, are of other religions, or none. All are welcome.

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.00 Km Stagecoach Buses have two stops within the grounds of Selwyn Village.
Shops 0.00 Km Westpac Bank, Mini-Market, Craft Shop, 'Treasure Chest' opportunity shop and Cafe within Selwyn Village.
Mall 4.00 Km St Luke's Shopping Mall - on the route of 007 buses passing through the Village.
Parks 0.00 Km The nearest park is right outside the front entrance.
Library 1.00 Km The Auckland Library Bus visits Selwyn Village weekly. Point Chevalier's Public Library is 1 km distant.

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS) Yes
Police checked Yes
Registered Dentist Yes
Registered Retirement Village? Yes
Retirement Village Accreditation (Expiry date) Yes
Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA) Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Registered Retirement Village? Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA)

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.