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Rangiura Retirement Village and Care Home

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Rangiura Retirement Village and Care Home
17 Matai Crescent
Putāruru 3411
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17 Matai Crescent
Putaruru 3411
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Jeff Bennett - 07 885 1040
Rangiura Trust Board
Clinical Nurse Leader
Ros Corban - 07 885 1040
Village Manager
Natalie Ward - 027 358 1961
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To care for the elderly in our district, treating each one individually, maintaining their independence while providing quality care in a friendly family environment.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 2 Mar 2012

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 22
Vacancy Yes
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges Some Rooms from $10.00/day up to $20.00/day as at 21 Jan 2025
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Please enquire

Updated: 3 Mar 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse 315 Yes
Nurse Practitioner 6-8 Negotiable
Enrolled Nurse 64 Yes
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers 874 Yes
Physiotherapist 39 Yes As part of our team we have registered physiotherapists who provide a large range of services including rehabilitation, mobility, pain management, exercise classes etc. If you have any need for mobility aids they will assess/arrange this.
Occupational Therapist 0.00 Negotiable Will visit as required
Social Worker (on site) 0.00 Negotiable Will visit as required
Diversional Therapist 16 Yes
Activities Co-ordinator 54 Yes
Hairdresser 16 Yes Why go to the hairdresser when one can come to you?By appointment. Staff will make your appointment if you are unable to. Salon expenses are not included in your fee.
Podiatrist Yes As required
Dietitian Yes As required
Accredited Visitors Yes As required
Kaumatua Yes Available through Ruakawa Trust
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes Always available on request/visit weekly

Updated: 20 Jun 2013

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes
Diabetic Care Yes Utilise the services of Anglesea Dieticians
Continence Advice Yes Care Manger trained in this field
Stroke Rehabilitation Yes stroke nurse visits fortnightly
Infection Control Yes Qualified IC Staff and committee
Community Health Yes
Clinical Management Yes
Other Specialties Yes Nurse Practitioner

Updated: 20 Apr 2011

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes We have one room dedicated to respite care or short-stays. It is important to us that families and carers can be assured of care when they are requiring a break. Please speak to our RN team if you wish to know more regarding this vital service.
Carer Support Yes
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes
Booking can be made in advance Yes

Updated: 20 Jun 2013

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes You may wish to bring a favourite chair, bedding, paintings or ornaments or perhaps your own bed. This is limited only by the space available and by your care needs. We openly encourage residents to have their own special things about their rooms.
Single Rooms Yes All single.
Rooms suitable for a couple No 6 Studio Units
Ensuite Yes 25rooms in the Rest Home with ensuites
Alcohol Permitted Yes Happy hours are held regulary and residents are encouraged to have a social drink if this has been part of their routine and is deemed appropriate by their GP.
Pets In Residence Yes 1 dog Mattie and birds.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes
Phone Access In Own Room Yes You may have your own telephone connected in your room (at your cost). Otherwise there are phones available in the home for your use. We now support our residents with our own Telecomunications network which is very price competitive.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes
Lounges/seating areas Yes Many small lounge areas, conservatories, and a large recreation hall.
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Palliative Care Contract Yes
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes
Outings Yes We have a 10 seater mini bus which we utilize both as a courtesy coach and for fortnightly outings to local places of interest.
Whānau Room Yes
Māori Kaupapa Yes Availabe through Ruakawa Trust
Residents Committee Yes Meetings for all residents are held every three months, where residents are welcome to make suggestions on any matters that concern you or improvements that can be made. A separate Resident Representative Committee meets bi-monthly.
Family Committee No We do conduct regular surveys/audits to gain family/whanau feedback as well as regular information and feedback forums with families/care givers/ community.
Newsletter Yes We provide a monthly newsletter, which sets out the programme of things happening. We encourage all residents to take part where possible. We also circulate a quaterly newsletter to familes and residents to keep everyone updated on a range of matters.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes See challenging behaviours policy.
Confused Residents Yes Our 20 bedded memory support unit, Fern Haven is now open and supports residents with dementia who require secure living.
Rural Setting Yes Located in the heart of the Waikato, at the rear of the town where views of the surrounding farmland and hills can be had.
Smokers Room No We have a designated covered area outside for those residents wanting to smoke.
Smoking Permitted No Rangiura has a no smoking policy throughout the Rest Home.

Updated: 20 Feb 2024

Special Features
Special Features
The Rest Home is well positioned on a gentle rise on the outskirts of the rural township of Putaruru. The modern purpose built brick home and Retirement Village units are run by a charitable trust; the original land being donated by Wally Grey. This generosity was supplemented by the efforts, money and services of families and businesses from Putaruru and the surrounding districts. Thanks to this support we can provide you with the highest standards of care and facilities.

The Home is laid out in a series of wings which relate to the central core of the home where there is reception, offices, lounges, dining room, and kitchen. The home is spacious and has a relaxed yet very professional feel about it.

There are several options of rooms ranging from larger studio rooms through to ensuited rooms and non ensuited rooms. The studio units have a bedroom/lounge area with tea/coffee making facilities, small fridge and full walk in bathroom. These rooms are available for those who are self funding, have a higher degree of independence, and are also idal for couples. Some of the ensuited rest home rooms are also very spacious.

One of the homes greatest attributes is the staff. The team relate well to one another and are caring compassionate people, many of whom have worked in the home for a number of years. Staff feel well recognised for their work and say that the Trust Board are thoughtful, considerate and great to work for. They say it’s the little things that make all the difference such as being able to …“have a scone for morning tea etc. The food is so good.” Happy staff help to create a happy home.

In February of 2009 Rangiura became an "Eden Alternative Home" further enhancing our tradition to treat our residents as we would a friend or beloved family member. The Eden Alternative seeks to alleviate three plagues that have been identified as barriers to resident's well being, namely: helplessness, loneliness, & boredom. We therefore, encourage the building of close and continuing relationships with those things that were of importance to our residents in the past and create an environment where our residents can continue to grow. Children, animals, plants, music and regular interactions with the community are a part of daily life and has the impact of deinstitutionalising the resthome environment. The Eden Philosophy of care believes that an approach to care should recognize, whilst we do our best to heal bodies, we must also incorporate the need to feed the spirit. Eden focuses first on our resident's wants, needs and wishes and it is our privilege to provide the very best care keeping this philosophy in mind.

Our comprehensive introductory information package for new residents can be sent to you if you request this. It contains clear information about the assessment and service co-ordination process that is undertaken prior to entry to rest home care, a copy of our “Agreement to Provide Residential Care Services at Rangiura Rest Home”, a useful overview of “Enduring Power of Attorney”, “Resident Rights & Responsibilities”, a “copy of our “Concerns & Complaints” form (we believe that caring for someone is a two way process and if is to work well all parties need to be open with each other. We therefore try to make this process as easy fro you as possible) and a handy checklist of some of the things we suggest that you consider when you are looking for a rest home or hospital. Please feel free to request this package.

We leave that last word to some of our residents and families who offer their comments:

“It’s 110% what a home should be – they look after you well and will do anything for you. I’ve known some of the people many years and the meals are great. Great crowd of girls who look after us from the manager right down – really top class.” Claude Bruntlett (resident)

“I used to live in Putararu when my husband was alive so for me living back here is just like coming home.” (Ethel Wise (resident)

“We all know that we are really lucky. Mum is being looked after so well and she is very happy there.” Betty Crawford (daughter)

Updated: 20 Apr 2011

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Pets living in residence
Regular programs with local children's groups
Residemt/staff buddy system
Church/Religious Services (Each Thursday churches hold a service).
A flat path all the way around the building for walking.

Other activities offered include:

Community Groups
Over 50's Club (bowls, cards and board games)
Mah Jong Group
Tai Chi

Activity programme, Advocates, Age Concern, Alzheimer's Society, Aromatherapy, Art, BBQ, Big print books, Bingo, Blind Foundation activities, Board games, Bowls, Breakfast in bed, Bridge, Canine friends, Cards, Care and Craft, Children, Church services, Classical Music, Concerts, Cooking, Craft, Dancing, Digital camera, Electric beds, Entertainers, Email, Entertainers, Entertainment, Exercises, Fax, Flower arranging, Games, Gardening, Happy Hour, Housie, Indoor Games, Jigsaw, Library, Mah Jong, Massage, Minibus, Movies, Music, Newspaper reading, Organ, Outings, Parties, Pastoral care, Petanque, Pianist, Picnic facilities, Probus, Pool table, Probus, Quizzes, Reading, Roses, Senior Citizens, Shopping, Sing-a-longs, Singing, Sky TV, Theatre, Views, Videos, Womens Institute...and much much more

Updated: 20 Feb 2024

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Fees do not include clothing,personal toiletries e.g. shampoo, toothpaste etc, toll calls, individual phone line, individual paper, dentist, optician, audiologist, hairdresser, dry cleaning, solicitors, chaplain, sky tv in own room and personal insurance.
Staffing qualifications and details All staff are trained and education is continuing. The ACE programme is followed. General Care/Health Services STAFF Philosophy Our service is not limited to physical and material things. Our aim is to help older members of the community turn their latter years into a time of fulfillment and completion. It is a time when they should integrate the joys and sorrows, hopes and anxieties of life – which the elderly feel in a particularly sensitive way. Look at the treasure of humanity and wisdom that is yours in your elderly folk Love them and be grateful to them All of the staff at Rangiura are competent in Rest Home care requirements. We practice a policy of ongoing in-house education and training to ensure staff are fully capable of meeting your needs. Our Manager is responsible for the administration of the Rest Home. Your Care Your involvement in planning your own care is really important. There are various formal ways this happens: Ø The Residents History and Assessment form is completed either prior to or immediately after admission. This is your opportunity to have make your unique needs known. Ø A Care Plan will be developed from this, in consultation with you, and your family. Doctors We use the Putaruru clinics for medical care. One of these Doctors will be responsible for your medical care. Be sure to advise our Registered Nurses if you are unwell. They will discuss the situation with you and if necessary make arrangements for you to see your Doctor. Rangiura will pay the accounts for residents who are on Rest Home subsidy. Self-funding clients pay their own accounts Registered Nurses We have a team of registered nurses who work in conjunction with your doctors. Please discuss any medical problems with them and they will be pleased to tend to your health needs. Medication The Registered Nurse or the Senior staff member on each shift is responsible for administering medication. Our pharmacist from Heslop Pharmacy dispenses medication for one week, commencing Friday morning. We have a separate policy for self-medication if appropriate.
Details about meals All home cooked meals prepared on the premises with fresh baking for morning and afternoon teas. All meals are prepared on site by our qualified staff. Strict hygiene and food regulations are observed at all times. All staff are appropriately trained and qualified in food preparation and service. • Special Dietary Requirements are catered for according to your Doctor or in consultation with a dietician. • Likes and Dislikes – Some of this information is collected on admission. Please let us know of any allergies or incompatibilities. • Cultural Preferences may influence the sort of food you prefer. Let us know your special needs and we will find ways of meeting them. • Visitors are always welcome and can be catered for with a small charge for main or tea meals – ask your Care Staff how to arrange this. • Going Out – It is a requirement that Staff are advised if you will be out for a meal. MEAL TIMES Breakfast in your room from 7 am Lunch in the dining room from 11.45 am Tea in the dining room from 4.45 pm Morning and afternoon teas and supper are served every day.
Associated Complexes Rangiura Retirement Village ( please see website for further details)

Updated: 20 Apr 2011

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Cook Island Maori Yes
Dutch Yes
English Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Filipino Yes
French Yes
Interpreter Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Pidgin Yes
Polish Yes
Sign Language Yes

Updated: 20 Apr 2011

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.00 Km Transpost available to take residents into town/appointments if required
Shops 1.00 Km
Mall 0.00 Km
Parks 1.00 Km
Library 1.00 Km Comes to Rangiura once a fortnight

Updated: 20 Apr 2011

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA) Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA)

Updated: 20 Apr 2011

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.