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Radius Elloughton Gardens

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Radius Elloughton Gardens
1 Pages Road
Timaru 7910
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Lorraine Bryan - 021 317 360
Village Manager
Anne-Kathrin Bretzke - 0800 155 155
Facility Manager
Lorraine Bryan - 03 684 4688
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Christmas 2023 Christmas 2023 Christmas 2023

Staff and residents at Elloughton had lots of fun at Christmas- good food, good music and entertainment. 

Many of our staff are from overseas, so any opportunity they have to have fun with the residents is taken up!

Elloughton Gardens Summer Menu 2024 Elloughton Gardens Summer Menu 2024 Elloughton Gardens Summer Menu 2024

Want to know more about our meals? Please read here about our four-weekly menu featuring roasts, Louise slice and classic puddings. 

Halloween 2023- spooky fun! Halloween 2023- spooky fun! Halloween 2023- spooky fun!
A lot can be said through our hands — a welcome, a goodbye, a friendly embrace, a playful gesture, a sign of affection, or just the delivery of a cup of tea.

At Radius Elloughton Gardens we offer more than just an extra set of hands, we strive to improve your life at the stage you're at.
Just minutes North of Timaru's business district, you'll find a place you can call home. With a warm friendly atmosphere, extensive gardens and a rich South Canterbury history, our care team is ready to welcome you home and embrace you as a valued member of our community.

The historic homestead, built in 1893, is surrounded by extensive gardens with three courtyards, entertainment and BBQ areas, and rooms filled with natural light and spacious living areas.

The team at Radius Elloughton Gardens fosters a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, making it feel like a second family. Plus, with the proximity to Radius Elloughton Village, it's easy for couples and friends with different care needs to stay connected.

Elloughton Gardens has been independently audited in 2024 and is certified for 4-years by Ministry of Health. Elloughton Gardens audit was against the health and disability standards and contracts held with Health New Zealand, Te Whatu Ora – South Canterbury. The audit process included a comprehensive review of policies and procedures, resident and staff files, observations, and interviews with residents, family/whānau, management, staff, and the home’s general practitioner. The results of a certification audit determine the length of time a care home is certified for which is generally between one to four years. During the audit, Elloughton Gardens was recognised for three continuous improvements and achieved a four-year certification period which is widely regarded as the gold-standard when it comes to aged-care in New Zealand.

Elloughton Gardens offers a personal free Wi-Fi connection for residents to stay connected with loved ones, access news, shop online, and stream movies or TV shows.
They also provide a phone package that includes a free elder-friendly phone with oversized buttons and covers all calls, including mobile and toll calls. Residents can bring their existing phone number with them when they move in.

At Elloughton Gardens, the kitchen prepares fresh, nutritious meals that are tasty and inviting.
There are three main meals and snacks throughout the day. The menu is on a four-week cycle and is designed with residents in mind and approved by a dietician.
Fish and chips on Fridays, as well as roast lamb, pork, and beef are the most popular dishes. Special dietary requirements can be accommodated.

Elloughton Gardens offers an extensive activity programme that promotes self-esteem and personal fulfilment.
Their aim is to stimulate cognitive functioning, nurture their residents, and provide purposeful activities that result in full and enriched lives full of fun, laughter, and smiles.
This is a rewarding experience for everyone involved.

Looking to experience the charm of Radius Elloughton Gardens?
Book a personal tour with Lorraine, the Facility Manager, who will guide you around the home and answer any questions you may have while explaining the benefits and options of being a resident.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 5 Mar 2024

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 64
Vacancy Yes
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges Some Rooms as at 27 Dec 2024
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Please enquire

Updated: 13 Mar 2025

To All the Nurses, Carers and Support Staff - in short, ALL the ANGELS at Elloughton whose loving care, dedication, and overall SUBLIME devotion to our mother, until her passing, this we can never repay.
Just to say a heartfelt thanks for service above and beyond the call of dedication to our Mum, and to we the family too, it was truly memorable.
Thank you for helping her passing so dignified and beautiful.
With Sincere Thanks and Heartfelt Appreciation
In sincere gratitude, Arohanui

I wish I could convey to you and your caring staff our heartfelt thanks for your care. In those last days the care and patience shown by your staff was amazing, all I can say is a huge thank you, to all, ever so much, for the caring and dignity shown. Sincerely, Margaret.

I wanted to thank both you and your staff for the wonderful care for my dear sister. While we were saddened by her passing we are comforted by the knowledge that she was treated with love and respect by your team and allowed the freedom to believe she had a role to play in the home. I strongly believe she retained her sense of honour to the end. Thanks again. A

Updated: 5 Mar 2024

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes The Clinical Nurse Manager works with the Clinical Team Leader and their team of dedicated Registered Nurses provide quality care 24 hours a day for our residents. Registered Nurses undergo specific training and education in Aged Care as part of their orientation.
Enrolled Nurse Yes Our Enrolled Nurses work under the supervision of a Registered Nurse and are a valuable member of the team caring for our residents.
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes Our highly trained HCA's already hold or are are working towards their National Qualifications in Aged Care in order to provide the best care for your family member. The HCA's work under the direction of our Registered Nurses.
Physiotherapist Yes Our Registered Physiotherapist provides individual assessments and progress plans for those residents who require treatment. In addition we have a dedicated HCA who assists residents with their physio exercise plans, hold "walking bus" sessions and general exercise classes to maintain independence.
Occupational Therapist Negotiable Can be accessed as needed.
Social Worker (on site) Negotiable Timaru hospital is able to assist us with any apsects.
Diversional Therapist Yes We have one Diversional Therapist and one Activities Coordinator, providing individualised and group activities to support, stimulate, and encourage our residents to maintain their independence, cognition and wider community links.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes
Hairdresser Yes The in house hair salon is run by our qualified hairdresser Michelle. Bookings are twice a twice weekly and also available for special occasions.
Podiatrist Yes Our podiatrist is Central Podiatry. Nathan Dixon provides service to the facility bi-monthly and on demand.
Dietitian Yes Our Registered Dietitian meets with residents as health needs change. Our meals are homely and cooked on site. All our menus are developed in conjunction with the dietitian to ensure maximum nutrition and enjoyment.
Kaumatua Yes The Kaumatua visits the facility regularly and as required. We have links with Arowhenua Marae.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes We encourage all individuals to maintain their community religious links where possible. In addition, we hold regular Christian church services for all denominations.

Updated: 24 Aug 2024

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management Yes All our Registered Nurses are trained in the use and care of specialist gastric feeding techniques.
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes All our Registered Nurses are trained to Hospice New Zealand standards for Palliative care, including pain management techniques. We support the identified needs of each individual and their families.
Dialysis No via Timaru Public Hospital
Wound Care Yes All our Registered Nurses have specialist knowledge and up to date training in wound care. We are also well supported by the companies Wound Care Specialist.
Diabetic Care Yes Visits by primary care PHO nurse specialist and dietician advice.
Continence Advice Yes Elloughton gardens contracts a Specialist Continence Advisor.
Stomal Therapy Yes Via primary care PHO Registered Nurses and Healthcare Assistants are trained to care for stomas.
Stroke Rehabilitation Yes Intensive physiotherapy available and specialist via Timaru Public Hospital
ACC Rehabilitation Yes Elloughton Gardens works with the ACC Coordinator at Timaru Public Hospital to provide care before discharge home.
Tracheotomy Care No via Timaru Public Hospital
Spinal Injuries Care No via Timaru Public Hospital
Infection Control Yes In house dedicated Registered Nurse for Infection Control. We are linked to a specialist through Medlab South. All Covid-19 preventative measures are in place
Surgical Followup No via GP or Timaru Public Hospital
Psychiatric Care No via Timaru Public Hospital
Primary Rural Health Care No via Timaru Public Hospital
Clinical Management Yes Our full time Clinical Nurse Manager is Sreejamol, she is supported by a Clinical Team Leader- Sesi, and a full time team of dedicated Registered Nurses

Updated: 24 Aug 2024

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes We offer private paying respite care.
Carer Support Yes We offer carer support options of care for your family member. You can access this through negotiation with your NASC provider.
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying No For short stays only.
Booking can be made in advance Yes

Updated: 25 Jun 2024

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes We encourage residents to personalise their rooms with their own furniture and belongings.
Single Rooms Yes All of our rooms are sunny and spacious and have partial or full en suite facilities.
Shared Rooms No There are no shared rooms.
Rooms suitable for a couple Yes We have one large room dedicated to a couple.
Ensuite Yes We have various room configurations. All our rooms have at least an ensuite toilet and hand basin facility.
Alcohol Permitted Yes We have "happy hour" every Thursday afternoon.
Pets In Residence Yes We have "Pet Therapy Dogs", who regularly come to visit.
Phone Access In Own Room Yes Residents are able to install their own phone line.
Resident can adjust heating in own room No Our facility is controlled centrally by a computer and can be adjusted to suit the individual needs.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes
Lounges/seating areas Yes We have a 2 large, bright lounges for main events, a smaller lounge for board games, bridge club, DVD's and other activities for residents to select themselves. Also, a 4th quiet lounge/conservatory area overlooking the water feature and a 5th lounge with views out to the mountains.
Gay / LGBT IQ Friendly Yes
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes All RN and hospital level HCA's have Palliative Care training to Hospice New Zealand standards, in order to support residents and families holistically towards end of life.
Palliative Care Contract Yes Individual palliative contracts are welcome, we support the whole family.
Outings Yes A modern bus has been purchased for the enjoyment of our residents. This accepts wheel chairs.
Whānau Room Yes
Māori Kaupapa Yes
Residents Committee Yes We have an active residents forum with monthly meetings.
Family Committee Yes Family meetings are held annually and the clinical nurse and manager are available any time to discuss family needs.
Newsletter Yes Quarterly Radius company magazine the Orbiter and monthly Elloughton Gardens newsletter are on display and available to take away.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes
Confused Residents Yes
Rural Setting Yes Mountain views and numerous rooms have spacious patios and courtyard areas.
Smokers Room No Radius Elloughton Gardens is a Smoke free environment.
Smoking Permitted No Our home is smoke free, and we are working towards our grounds also being fully smoke free.

Updated: 25 Jun 2024

Special Features
Special Features
'Elloughton Grange' is the aged residential care facility known as 'the big house'. It has a long and interesting history:

Two-storey building with rectangular footprint and gabled roof forms. Principal elevations face
east and south, both having balanced facades with gabled bays. East façade has an entrance
tower with pavilion roof and portico with first floor balustrading. Decorative plasterwork,
finials and tower cresting. Leadlight windows light stair hall. Plaster inscribed to resemble
masonry construction. Foundation ventilator grilles feature the architect’s name. Diamond shaped windows with decorative plaster surrounds set in to the gable ends. Stringcourses and quoins. South elevation features double height bay window.
Brick, plaster and corrugated metal.
Accommodation wings added to north (1959 and 1972). Large-scale redevelopment of the
site and additions to the building (1990+). Renovated (2016).
The former dwelling stands on the north side of Pages Road, immediately adjacent to its
intersection with Old North Road and Selwyn Street. It is centrally located within a retirement
village that fully occupies the site. The extent of setting is limited to the building’s footprint in
view of the loss of landscape setting brought about by the site’s modern redevelopment.

‘Elloughton Grange’ was built by William Grant in 1893 some 12 years after he had acquired
the property from TW Hall. Hall was the one who had named it after his family home in
England. Grant (1843-1910), who emigrated from Scotland in 1865 and started his working
life in New Zealand as a shepherd, also farmed sheep in the Mackenzie high country and was
a major exporter of frozen lamb, as well as a successful stock dealer. He married Elizabeth
Allan in 1884 and the couple had five children. Grant’s estate was worth over £200,000 when
he died. The house remained in the Grant family until it was bought by the South Canterbury
Hospital Board for use as a home for the elderly in 1954. Since 1992 the property has been
developed as a commercial rest home and retirement village.
The former ‘Elloughton Grange’ has historical significance for its association with William
Grant and as a demonstration of the wealth that was achieved by some of the district’s early
The former ‘Elloughton Grange’ has cultural value as a demonstration of the way of life of the
Grant family from 1893 until the mid-20th century.
The former ‘Elloughton Grange’ has architectural significance as a design by Maurice de
Harven Duval, a French or Belgian architect who practised in Timaru between c.1877 and
1895. Duval undertook a considerable amount of work for the Catholic church in Canterbury,
including St Mary’s Church at Pleasant Point (1889), was the architect to the South
Canterbury Education Board, and also designed residential and commercial buildings.
The former ‘Elloughton Grange’ has technological and craftsmanship significance for its brick
masonry construction and ornamental detailing. Timaru builder and contractor Frank Palliser
was born in Yorkshire and learnt his trade in England before emigrating to New Zealand. He
also built Timaru’s Salvation Army Barracks and hotels in Timaru, Temuka, Fairlie, Winchester
and Pleasant Point.
The former ‘Elloughton Grange’ has contextual value as a historic feature within a modern
retirement village development. The former house has lost its garden setting but retains
some prominence within the site due to its height and architectural style.
As the building pre-dates 1900 its site has potential archaeological value relating to the
structure’s construction and the development of suburban Timaru. Earthworks associated
with the retirement village and rest home development may have damaged or destroyed
archaeological evidence on the site.
The former ‘Elloughton Grange’ has overall heritage significance to Timaru and Timaru district
as a whole. The former house has historical significance for its association with William Grant
and cultural value as a demonstration of the way of life of a successful early settler. The
former ‘Elloughton Grange’ has architectural significance as the work of local architect Maurice de H Duval.

More information about William Grant:
William Grant travelled with his brother Andrew from Scotland to New Zealand in 1864 on the Eastern Empire, arriving in Lyttelton in January 1865. On the day they arrived Charles Tripp of Orari Gorge station was at the port looking for shepherds for his run in South Canterbury. Observing a fine-looking sheep-dog with the Grant brothers, he hired both men. In addition to wages, William was allowed to run some cattle of his own. This gave him a start in stock dealing, at which he became extremely successful.
During the 1870s William made Temuka his headquarters for a stock dealing business which expanded outside of Canterbury.
His success led to land transactions which included purchase of the 1010-acre Elloughton Grange farm, which lay on the outskirts of Timaru and lived there for the rest of his life.
Grant married Elizabeth Helen Allan, the daughter of a Timaru contractor, near Timaru in 1884. They went on to have three sons and two daughters and in 1893 he built The Grange, a two-storeyed, 17-room mansion, on Elloughton Grange. It was designed by the French-born Timaru architect Maurice Duval.
Grant had new opportunities with the beginning of the frozen meat trade in the early 1880s; he had a substantial shareholding in the SC Refrigerating Company which operated from its Smithfield freezing works, a short distance from Elloughton Grange.
In his later years, Grant attended to his land and financial interests. He was a very wealthy man. He died of a heart attack at Elloughton Grange in 1910. His wife, Elizabeth continued to live at The Grange until her death in 1942.
William Grant was a plain, unassuming, good-natured man who was respected and well-liked. His business acumen and remarkable knowledge of stock made him one of New Zealan'd most successful meat operators, and for a long time the country's leading buyer and shipper.

Updated: 5 Mar 2024

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Stimulating and varied activities programme to reduce loneliness and boredom, these activities include : Art, BBQ, Big Print Books, Board Games, Bowls, Bridge, Pet Therapy Dogs, Cards, Craft, Children Visiting, Church Services, Concerts, Dancing, Email, Entertainers, Exercises, Games, Garden, Happy Hour, Housie, Indoor Games, Jigsaws, Minibus, Movies, Music, Outings, Pianist, Picnic Facilities, Quizzes, Reading, Sing-a-longs, Sky TV on our wide-screen, Theater, Videos, Park., Arthritis society

Updated: 25 Jun 2024

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Please see management for individual details.
Staffing qualifications and details We have a generous quota of staff on board, and are fortunate to have a committed educated and caring team, who enjoy supporting and encouraging our residents in their activities of daily living.
Details about meals Our meals are nutritious and home-cooked, to provide maximum enjoyment and nutritional value. Individual tastes are catered for, and our dietician plans nutritional requirements for all new admissions
Internet access Guest wifi is available to all residents, please see Julaine our Office Manager at reception.
Associated Complexes As leaders in care, Radius currently owns 23 residential care facilities throughout New Zealand, and we enjoy the benefits of being associated with a dynamic and resident-centered philosophy of care.

Updated: 25 Jun 2024

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Chinese Yes
English Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Filipino Yes
Hindi Yes
Interpreter Yes
Malayalam Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Punjabi Yes
Samoan Yes

Updated: 24 Aug 2024

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes Services are provided by church volunteers.
Baptist Yes Services are provided by church volunteers.
Brethren Yes We have a number of residents who have close links with the local Brethren community.
Christian Yes The Roman Catholic church brings Holy Communion weekly to the Catholics in our facility.
Denominations/Faiths represented Yes We welcome all beliefs, and support individual values and inclusiveness in our special environment.
Inter denominational Yes
Methodist Yes Services are provided by church volunteers.
Non denominational Yes Inter-denominational services are provided twice-yearly at special times - ie. Easter and Christmas - for all residents to enjoy.
Presbyterian Yes Services are provided by church volunteers.
Roman Catholic Yes

Updated: 5 Mar 2024

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.20 Km across the road
Shops 0.20 Km across the road
Mall 1.00 Km Northtown Mall is a 2-minute drive away
Parks 2.00 Km We have 7 acres of grounds, and there are a number of parks within a short drive.
Library 5.00 Km The local library in town is a short distance away. We do have a library service on site.

Updated: 5 Mar 2024

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Registered Retirement Village? Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Registered Retirement Village?

Updated: 25 Jun 2024

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.