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Bupa Te Puke Care Home - Hospital wings

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Bupa Te Puke Care Home
1 Number One Road
Western Bay
Te Puke 3119
Bay of Plenty
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Tracey Alderton - (07) 573 9983
Bupa Care Services - 0800 60 80 99
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Te Puke Care Home offers personalised rest home, hospital and respite care. Everything about this home is comfortable and homely. Our park-like grounds create beautiful views and lovely spaces for our residents to sit and enjoy the outdoors.

Our goal and commitment to you is to help your loved one live the best life possible, supported physically, emotionally and socially, and to be as independent as possible.

Our wonderful, kind staff take the time to get to know each resident, so that our care can be personalised, respecting each person’s likes, dislikes and preferences. We say “your day – your way”. This means putting each resident in charge of their own day – from when they want to get up, to when and how they like their care. We also make sure there’s plenty of leisure activity and entertainment that they can choose to join in if they wish.

Our residents make their rooms their own – some with photos and ornaments, others with their own curtains, wall hangings and bedspreads.

Friends and family are welcome at any time, and can share a meal, a coffee or some of our entertainment.

We would be delighted to have the opportunity to talk with you about our care. Please phone Chris Boudet, our care home manager, on (07) 573 9983, or feel free to drop in at any time. We can also guide you through the steps involved in coming to a care home for the first time.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 17 Aug 2021

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 34
Vacancy No
We have a range of rooms available - some have 2 bedrooms, a dining room/sunroom, with a large lounge area, and double bedrooms . These rooms would suit a couple, or accomodate furniture from home. Please call for more information.
Impending vacancy No - Details to be confirmed
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges Yes from $25.00/day up to $25.00/day as at 12 Mar 2025
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Yes

Updated: 12 Mar 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes We have 24 hour Registered Nurse coverage. Our team of nurses have experience in aged care.
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes Our caregivers are highly experienced and work towards achieving NZQA qualificatins in residential aged care. They are skilled to provide the best care for our residents.
Physiotherapist Yes Available by referral.
Occupational Therapist Yes As required.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes Our Activities Co-ordinators are on site 32 hours per week. Our programme incorporates one-to-one activities, group sessions and day trips.
Hairdresser Yes Our hairdresser visits on a regular basis and provides a great service at a reasonable price.
Podiatrist Yes Our skilled podiatrist visits monthly or on request.
Dietitian Yes All menus are dietitian approved. Our dietitian is available for general advice and oversees special needs.
Accredited Visitors Yes This can be arranged on an individual basis.
Kaumatua Yes
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes
Other Personnel Yes A wide range of entertainers - Allied Health Professionals as needed - A GP who visits regularly and is also available on call.

Updated: 17 Aug 2021

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes We have registered nurses on duty 24 hours a day who can provide this level of care.
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management Yes We have registered nurses on duty 24 hours a day who can provide this level of care.
Palliative Care (Contracted) Yes
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes It is our privilege to care for people nearing the end of their life. We work closely with GP's and Hospice to provide this care.
Wound Care Yes We work together with GP's and specialist wound management nurses as required.
Diabetic Care Yes We are able to care for all levels of diabetes and our menu has a range of options for those who need a special diet.
Continence Advice Yes We manage resident's needs and provide a range of continence products with visits by community nurse specialist on request.
Infection Control Yes We meet all infection control standards.
Surgical Followup Yes We are able to care for people following surgery and privde a range of convalescent care options.
Clinical Management Yes
Other Specialties Yes Available as required.

Updated: 17 Aug 2021

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes We welcome residents who wish to stay for a short time, either to give relatives and caregivers a break, or because they need a little bit of extra care to recuperate and return home.
Carer Support Yes We welcome residents who wish to stay for a short time, either to give relatives and caregivers a break, or because they need a little bit of extra care to recuperate and return home.
Subsidised Yes A subsidy may be available.
Private Paying Yes We welcome people who are self funding or have insurance cover.
Booking can be made in advance Yes According to bed availability.

Updated: 17 Aug 2021

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes Residents are welcome to personalise their rooms. We understand the importance of making it feel like home.
Single Rooms Yes
Rooms suitable for a couple Yes Only at Rest Home level, not in the hospital wing
Ensuite Yes Each room has its own full ensuite.
Alcohol Permitted Yes
Phone Access In Own Room Yes You are welcome to have a phone installed at your own cost.
Wifi Yes We offer WiFi to all our Residents.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes We can discuss your special needs prior to admission.
Lounges/seating areas Yes We have a number of lounges for our Residents to use throughout the day.
Gay / LGBT IQ Friendly Yes
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes You may qualify for Primary Options for Acute Care Funding. Ask your GP for more details.
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes It is our privilege to care for people nearing the end of their life. We work closel.y with GP's and Hospice to provide this care.
Palliative Care Contract Yes
Outings Yes As part of the activities program regular trips are provided to the local community. These can include shopping, sight seeing and picnics.
Whānau Room Yes We have areas available where residents and their families can spend quiet time together.
Māori Kaupapa Yes We respect all cultures.
Residents Committee Yes We have a care homes residents group with regular meetings. Bupa also has a National Residents and Relatives Association.
Newsletter Yes The Care Homes Newsletter is published on a monthly basis.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes Our staff are trained to recognise and manage a range of behaviours that residents may have.
Confused Residents Yes Our staff are trained to recognise and manage a range of behaviours that residents may have. This may include residents who become confused.
Rural Setting Yes
Smoking Permitted Yes Smoking is permitted in the designated area.

Updated: 17 Aug 2021

Special Features
Special Features
There is a real sense of space here at Te Puke Country Lodge with wide corridors, spacious rooms and a variety of lounges allowing choice and changes in your day to day activity.

Updated: 1 Feb 2024

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
A range of activities happen each day on an individual and group level which changes on a regular basis. We cater for people's special interests and hobbies. It is important to us that you live your day your way.

Updated: 17 Aug 2021

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not A government subsidy may be available for part or all of your care.
Staffing qualifications and details Te Puke Country Lodge meets all recommended staffing levels for residential care.
Details about meals Our menus are dietitian approved and cater to individual preferences and requirements.
Associated Complexes We are part of Bupa Care Services, a specialist aged care provider. Bupa Care Services also has retirement villages, medical alarms and rehab services available.

Updated: 17 Aug 2021

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Afrikaans Yes
Cook Island Maori Yes
Dutch Yes
English Yes
Fijian Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Filipino Yes
French Yes
Hindi Yes
Interpreter No Although we don't have an interpreter on site the D.H.B can supply as available.
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Punjabi Yes
Swiss French Yes
Tagalog Yes

Updated: 17 Aug 2021

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes
Brethren Yes
Christian Yes
Denominations/Faiths represented Yes
Inter denominational Yes
Jehovah Witness Yes
Methodist Yes
Presbyterian Yes
Roman Catholic Yes

Updated: 17 Aug 2021

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 1.50 Km
Shops 1.50 Km Within walking distance., although a certain level of fitness is required due to the road being uphill coming back
Mall 11.00 Km
Parks We take bus trips to the beach and surrounding parks.
Library 2.00 Km

Updated: 17 Aug 2021

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Registered Retirement Village? Yes
Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA) Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Registered Retirement Village? Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA)

Updated: 17 Aug 2021

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.