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Atawhai Assisi Home and Hospital

At a glance
Atawhai Assisi Home and Hospital
158 Matangi Road
Hamilton 3284
Postal Address
158 Matangi Road
RD 4
Hamilton 3284
View Phone Number
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Visit Website
Sharon Leela Paul - (07) 856 3019
Tamahere Eventide Home Trust - (07) 856 5162
Village Manager
David McGeorge - (07) 859 1581
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Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
Mission Statement
"To provide a quality caring service for older people, in a Christian environment"
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 16 Jul 2019

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 47
Vacancy Yes
For enquiries contact Keegan Linstrom 0276421966
Impending vacancy Yes
Short stay considered Yes
Premium Accommodation Charges Some Rooms from $31.50/day up to $31.50/day as at 03 Dec 2024
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 No

Updated: 14 Mar 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes Registered Nurses on 24 hours per day in the Hospital, plus Clinical Nurse Leader Mon-Fri.
Nurse Practitioner Yes NP works closely with GP and visits twice weekly.
Enrolled Nurse Yes Enrolled Nurses work under the supervision of Registered Nurses.
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes Health Care Assistants provide support to residents for all activities of daily living.
Physiotherapist Yes Contracted Physiotherapist available as required. Assisi also has two full time Rehab Therapists on-site Monday to Friday.
Occupational Therapist Negotiable Contracted as required.
Social Worker (on site) No Referrals to Community Social Workers if necessary.
Diversional Therapist Yes Diversional Therapists provide fun and meaningful activities for residents 7 days a week. With two DTs being on each day to facilitate both group and 1-on-1 activities, entertainment and outings.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes See Diversional Therapy.
Hairdresser Yes Our Hairdresser comes in 2 days per week. This is a user pays service.
Podiatrist Yes Podiatrists visits on site monthly.
Dietitian Yes Contracted Dietitian service as required. Dietician also reviews all menu's.
Kaumatua Yes Local Kaumaatua can be contacted if required.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes Priest says Mass 3 days per week at 10.30am. A communion service is held on Tuesdays & Fridays at 4pm. Other religious services are provided once per week (Wednesdays). Assisi has a strong Pastoral care service.
Other Personnel Yes Volunteers are always welcomed to share their special skills or provide assistance with DT activities.

Updated: 26 May 2022

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes We own an oxygen concentrator, and have an oxygen supply on site at all times, for those with prescribed needs
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management Yes Registered Nurses skilled in this activity. We also have access to resource nurses at the DHB.
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes We have a designated room for end of life care. Families can also utilise our whanau room and are welcome to stay.
IV Antibiotic Capability No District Nurses currently provide this service via a referral system
Dialysis Yes CAPD only. Not haemodialysis.
Wound Care Yes Registered nurses have undertaken extra training in wound care management. We utilise the DHB Nurse Practitioner for wound care as required.
Diabetic Care Yes Our nurses are up to date in diabetic management. We utilise specialist nurses from the District Health Board as necessary.
Continence Advice Yes Product consultants are utilised as required. DHB personnel available.
Stomal Therapy Yes Registered Nurses are skilled in stomal management. Access DHB specialist nurse therapist as required.
Stroke Rehabilitation Yes Our staff are experienced in post stroke management of persons admitted for long term care. Full time Rehab Therapists work alongside residents and provide individualised programmes.
Infection Control Yes All Registered Nurses and Enrolled Nurses are skilled practitioners in infection control.
Clinical Management Yes A Clinical Nurse Leader supports nursing staff Monday - Friday and is on call for support. We have a Clinical Nurse Educator who works closely with staff.

Updated: 26 May 2022

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes We do not have a dedicated respite bed, however are a happy to accept people for respite if we have a bed available. We are unable to take advance bookings for respite.
Carer Support Yes Allocated carer support must be approved by DSL
High Care Needs Yes Must be assessed by DSL and approval for hospital level care
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes

Updated: 16 Jul 2019

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes This can be discussed prior to admission. Own furniture is limited to size and safety for the residents.
Single Rooms Yes All our rooms are single.
Ensuite Yes All but 9 of our 46 Hospital rooms have access to a shared ensuite (One ensuite between 2 rooms)
Alcohol Permitted Yes Unless contra indicated. Please discuss with the nurse in charge at the time of admission. Alcohol is limited, and managed by the nurse on duty
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet No Our building layout is not suitable to individual pets.
Phone Access In Own Room Yes
Wifi Yes
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes To a degree, the heating system is thermostatically controlled.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes On a case by case basis, and with approval from DSL.
Lounges/seating areas Yes There are a number of lounges through the facility for both large and small gatherings. There are covered seating areas in our extensive grounds
Gay / LGBT IQ Friendly Yes
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Palliative Care funding is available following assessment via the palliative care team and Disability Support Link (DSL)
Outings Yes Outings are encouraged for those residents who are able.
Whānau Room Yes
Māori Kaupapa Yes Not on site, however we are happy to support whanau with accessing appropriate services to ensure cultural needs are met.
Residents Committee Yes A monthly Residents meeting is held. This is open for all Residents to attend. This meeting is chaired by our Chaplain with support of DT
Family Committee No We keep in regular contact with families. The management team are happy to be contacted for any issues.
Newsletter Yes Assisi puts out a Christmas newsletter to families. Families are also encouraged to participate in our annual familiy satisfaction survey.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes Policy in place.
Confused Residents Yes
Rural Setting Yes Assisi's 3 acres of grounds is set within a further 10 acres of farm land and is surrounded by lifestyle blocks and small farms. We are 15 minutes from cenral city and a large shopping mall. Cafes are nearby.
Smokers Room No Our facility is totally smoke free for all staff & residents
Smoking Permitted No We are a totally smoke free environment.
Semi-Secure No While we have gates on our driveways we are not a secure site.

Updated: 16 Jul 2019

Special Features
Special Features
Atawhai Assisi has 16 premium rooms in our hospital. Extra costs are associated with these rooms.
These rooms are larger than other rooms, and have access to a full ensuite shared with one other.

Updated: 16 Jul 2019

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Activity Programme: Assisi has a strong activity & outings Programme, utilising volunteers where possible.

Bingo is played weekly and enjoyed by many of the residents.

Bowls: Residents play for a trophy weekly. Target bowls is also played weekly.

Breakfast in bed: Most residents have breakfast in bed / in their own room.

Chapel: We have a large dedicated Chapel on site. Services are held regularily.

Entertainment: Assisi has various groups entertaining on a regular basis, providing a range of entertainment,including music.

Exercises: Exercise to Music is a daily Monday to Friday programme with the Physiotherapy Assistants.

Garden: Assisi is situated in 3 acres of flat, parklike grounds, with over 500 roses.

Our volunteer librarian visits weekly and obtains books pertinent to resident interests. An reasonable library of big print books are also available on site.

A range of board games are available. We have some keen scrabble players, and where numbers are available, various card games are supported.

Children are always welcome and school children visit, most frequently around Christmas time.

Cooking- Occasional cooking programmes are held with residents. Recent activities have included jam and pickle making.

Electric beds- Most beds are electric, able to be operated by the residents in most circumstances, with all new purchases being beds that go very close to the floor.

Email- some parts of the hospital are email capable.
Our office staff are happy to receive emails for our residents.

Updated: 16 Jul 2019

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not An information pack can be provided upon request.
Staffing qualifications and details The Hospital has 24 hour / 7 day a week Registered Nursing cover. Health Care Assistant ratio's are based on care levels.
Details about meals Main meal is at lunch time. Special diets catered for in consultation with dietician as required.
Associated Complexes Tamahere Eventide Home and Retirement Village 621 SH 1 Hamilton

Updated: 26 May 2022

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Afrikaans Yes We have some Afrkaan speaking staff willing to assist with interpretation.
Chinese Yes 1 Chinese RN available
Cook Island Maori Yes
Dutch Yes
English Yes
Fijian Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Filipino Yes
Interpreter No External service only, and there may be an associated cost with this service.
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Samoan Yes
Tongan Yes

Updated: 16 Jul 2019

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes
Christian Yes
Inter denominational Yes An inter-demoninational service is held every Wednesday afternoon. All residents are welcome at the Catholic services.
Methodist Yes
Non denominational Yes
Orthodox Christian Yes
Presbyterian Yes
Roman Catholic Yes
Salvation Army Yes
(Other comments) Yes Catholic services are held 5 days per week, all residents are welcome, inter-deminational services services are held weekly by varying denominations.

Updated: 16 Jul 2019

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 2.00 Km Assisi is 1.5 kms outside the city boundary. The nearest bus route is 2 kms away.
Shops 2.00 Km The Hillcrest shopping centre is our nearest centre, this provides full services. A New World supermarket is also around 2km away. Not accessable via mobility Scooters.
Mall 6.00 Km The City Centre is 10 minutes away. Westfield Shopping Centre (Chartwell) is approximately 15 minutes away.
Parks 4.00 Km Hamilton City Gardens offer beautiful walkways, cafe and is wheelchair accessible.
Library 2.00 Km Assisi has a voluntary Librarian who visits our residents, gets to know their tastes in literature, then sources books from the Hillcrest Branch of the Hamilton Public Library. Assisi also has a number of books in our in-house library.

Updated: 16 Jul 2019

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes Two staff members have National Certificate.
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes We are a member of NZACA
New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS) Yes
Spark of Life Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA)

Updated: 16 Jul 2019

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.