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Miranda Smith Homecare (Auckland)

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Miranda Smith Homecare (Auckland)
Home help & personal care
78 Jervois Road
Auckland 1011
Postal Address
PO Box 74-127
Auckland 1546
Northland, Auckland
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Miranda Smith - (09) 522 8604
Auckland Homecare Team Leader
Emma Leahy - (09) 522 8604
Clinical Co-ordinator
Fiona Dwyer - (09) 522 8604
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Miranda Smith Homecare provides quality home-based care for the elderly, disabled and those convalescing in the Auckland, Northland, Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson, Blenheim and Canterbury regions. Miranda Smith Homecare was established in 1999, making it the longest operating private agency in the country. Since then it has gone on to develop a reputation as an outstanding team providing excellence in care.
"At a time when we were feeling very helpless and could not control our family member's care from a distance, Miranda Smith Homecare provided what we could not give her. We very much appreciated your services and were very pleased with your concern, the level of care provided and the professional manner in which everything was handled. Thank you!"
Sharon and Bill

"Miranda Smith Homecare's team receive high marks from our families for their reliability, care, knowledge, and easy assimilation to the challenging situations of Parkinsons clients"
Parkinsons Society, Auckland

Updated: 11 May 2017

Service Description
Service Description
We will provide help within the home. Carers will assist with getting up and going to bed, washing, bathing, dressing and personal hygiene. Help may also include; light housekeeping, laundry and ironing. We are happy to cook, shop, drive and escort clients on outings.

The quality care we provide allows clients a continued independence and ability to live in their own home. We are able to develop ongoing care plans suited to the individual needs of the client, and adapt them as required to maintain this independence.

We also provide a Hospital Discharge service providing safe, reliable, private transport home from hospital and 2 - 24 hour care and support at home following discharge. Our caregivers will provide assistance with packing & loading of belongings at the hospital, ensure collection of prescriptions, complete a light grocery shop, settle client at home with food and fluids, ensure next of kin is advised client is home, safe and comfortable and informed of any post-discharge instructions and follow-up appointments. Provision of personal cars and home help as required.

With Miranda Smith Homecare there is a 24 hour phone service. If a client needs help, support or advice at any time there is always someone to call. We can provide carers during the day or night, for either short or long-term placements.

Updated: 11 May 2017

Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Caregivers are available in all suburbs of North, South, East and West Auckland. eg. St Heliers, Remuera, Kohi, Orakei, Meadowbank, Greenlane, Howick, Pakuranga, Mt Eden, Epsom, Blockhouse Bay, Te Atatu, Herne Bay, Milford, Takapuna, Albany and more...

We also specialise in being able to provide and manage care in more remote or rural parts of New Zealand.

We have offices nationwide and can provide care in Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Hawke's Bay, Wellington and Christchurch

Updated: 11 May 2017

Personal Assistance
Personal Assistance
Type Self Funded Subsidised After Hours
Registered Nurse (eg Wound Care, Medication) Yes Yes Yes
Carer Support Yes Yes Yes
Sitter Service/Companions Yes Yes Yes
Live In Care (24 Hr) Yes Yes Yes
Personal Care (Showering, Dressing) Yes Yes Yes

Updated: 11 May 2017

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialties or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Palliative Care Contract Yes
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Wound Care Yes
Diabetic Care Yes
Continence Advice Yes
Stroke Rehabilitation Yes
Dementia Care Yes

Updated: 11 May 2017

Domestic Assistance
Domestic Assistance
Type Self Funded Subsidised After Hours
Meals (Frozen) Yes Yes Yes
Meals (Fresh or Hot) Yes Yes Yes
Home Help (Housework/Cleaning etc.) Yes Yes Yes
Shopping Assistance Yes Yes Yes
Transport Assistance Yes Yes Yes

Updated: 11 May 2017

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Afrikaans Yes
Dutch Yes
English Yes
Fijian Yes
German Yes
Mandarin Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Samoan Yes
Thai Yes
Tongan Yes
Other Information Yes We are able to assist with a number of languages and where we do not currently have caregivers who speak a language you require we can recruit to meet that need.

Updated: 11 May 2017