South Centre Anglican Care
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- South Centre Anglican Care
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- Formal groups & organisations
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- 9 Jenkin Street
Invercargill 9812 - Region
- Southland
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South Centre is a Community Work Agency providing supportive and educational services in the Invercargill area. South Centres hours are as follows;
Monday to Thursday – 9am to 4pm
Friday – 9am to 3pm. (We are closed between 12 noon and 1pm)
Some of our services are as follows ;
LIBRARY - Our library has been revamped and all our books are now in alphabetical order which makes it easier to select a book by your favourite author.
SENIOR CITIZENS CARDS - Do you enjoy playing Euchre? If you would like to join us, then you are most welcome to come along to the South Centre on Tuesday afternoons at 1.30pm Cost is $3.00 and this includes afternoon tea.
WHEELCHAIR - South Centre has available for loan a wheelchair that fits easily into the back of a vehicle and is ideal for trips to town or other outings. If you wish to borrow it give us a call on (03) 218 2777. A small donation is appreciated.
HOMEBOUND ELDERLY - South Centre provides a Community Worker assisted by a team of volunteers who visit elderly people in the South Invercargill area. These elderly who are socially isolated and disabled and have no close family, with assistance and support, are able to retain their independence and remain in their own homes. Our volunteers act as “buddies” to a client. We already have a dedicated team, but can always do with more. If you are aware of an elderly person who meets the criteria, who you feel would benefit from this service or if you have an hour or two to spare please phone (03) 218 2777
Gardening Circle meets second Wednesday of the month at South Centre 1:30pm.
Falls prevention exercises in conjunction with the YMCA on Mondays 2:30-3:30pm, Wednesdays 1:00-2:00pm and Thursdays 9:00-10:00am. Cost is $4.00, concessions available.
Weigh In Group a friendly group who support each other while losing weight meets Monday mornings 9:30am cost $1 fine 50c.
Family Support Service is a homebased free service offering support and assistance to families under stresss, by helping them set goals empowering them with options to achieve this. Working in the following areas Parenting Education & Support, Communicating with your children, Advocacy, Support with access / custody issues and resources and other issues vausing stress in families
Please feel free to call in just to have a cup of tea and a chat or borrow a book.
Monday to Thursday – 9am to 4pm
Friday – 9am to 3pm. (We are closed between 12 noon and 1pm)
Some of our services are as follows ;
LIBRARY - Our library has been revamped and all our books are now in alphabetical order which makes it easier to select a book by your favourite author.
SENIOR CITIZENS CARDS - Do you enjoy playing Euchre? If you would like to join us, then you are most welcome to come along to the South Centre on Tuesday afternoons at 1.30pm Cost is $3.00 and this includes afternoon tea.
WHEELCHAIR - South Centre has available for loan a wheelchair that fits easily into the back of a vehicle and is ideal for trips to town or other outings. If you wish to borrow it give us a call on (03) 218 2777. A small donation is appreciated.
HOMEBOUND ELDERLY - South Centre provides a Community Worker assisted by a team of volunteers who visit elderly people in the South Invercargill area. These elderly who are socially isolated and disabled and have no close family, with assistance and support, are able to retain their independence and remain in their own homes. Our volunteers act as “buddies” to a client. We already have a dedicated team, but can always do with more. If you are aware of an elderly person who meets the criteria, who you feel would benefit from this service or if you have an hour or two to spare please phone (03) 218 2777
Gardening Circle meets second Wednesday of the month at South Centre 1:30pm.
Falls prevention exercises in conjunction with the YMCA on Mondays 2:30-3:30pm, Wednesdays 1:00-2:00pm and Thursdays 9:00-10:00am. Cost is $4.00, concessions available.
Weigh In Group a friendly group who support each other while losing weight meets Monday mornings 9:30am cost $1 fine 50c.
Family Support Service is a homebased free service offering support and assistance to families under stresss, by helping them set goals empowering them with options to achieve this. Working in the following areas Parenting Education & Support, Communicating with your children, Advocacy, Support with access / custody issues and resources and other issues vausing stress in families
Please feel free to call in just to have a cup of tea and a chat or borrow a book.