Age Concern South Canterbury
At a glance
- Name
- Age Concern South Canterbury
- Category
- Formal groups & organisations
- Address
- Community House
27 Strathallan Street
Timaru 7910 - Region
- Canterbury
- Phone
- View Phone Number
- View Email Address
- Manager
- Chris Thomas - 03 687 7581/ 0800 687 7581
- Owner
- Timaru Senior Citizens Assn - 03 687 7581 / 0800 687 7581
Other services

Timaru Senior Citizens Association
Serving the Senior Community since 1955
Caring for the community - there when you need us.
The health of our community reflects the health and well being of all sectors of our community.
We are non judgmental, unbiased and community minded.
We are an associated member of Age Concern New Zealand.
We are a one stop shop - We specialize in the impossible! Come on down or give us a call.
Serving the Senior Community since 1955
Caring for the community - there when you need us.
The health of our community reflects the health and well being of all sectors of our community.
We are non judgmental, unbiased and community minded.
We are an associated member of Age Concern New Zealand.
We are a one stop shop - We specialize in the impossible! Come on down or give us a call.