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48A Sunnyvale Street
Bell Block
New Plymouth 4312
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48A Sunnyvale Street
Bell Block
New Plymouth 4312
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Natalie Fernandes
Bill Hamilton
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Testimonial from Resident's family Testimonial from Resident's family Testimonial from Resident's family
Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
The Management and Staff of Sunhaven aim to provide optimum care and ensure our residents may live in an atmosphere of respect and friendliness and have their physical and psychological needs met regardless of culture, race or creed the same, as we would envisage for ourselves.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 12
Vacancy Yes
Impending vacancy Yes - vacancies for dementia beds
Short stay considered Yes
Premium Accommodation Charges No
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Please enquire

Updated: 14 Mar 2025

Kia ora Natalie
My apology for the delay in providing a testimonial of our experience with Sunhaven.
Our mother, Makere Wano, was in the care of Sunhaven for more almost two years. During that time she received excellent care. The staff embraced her faith and her culture particularly as mum, in her latter years, reverted almost exlusively to her first language, Maori. We were impressed with the way that staff responded to mum following her being taken into their care. It was a difficult time of adjustment for mum and for the family. The staff demonstrated professionalism and sensitivity. This gave us confidence and great heart that we had chosen Sunhaven as mum's place of care. This same professionalism and sensitivity was shown to mum and our family during her final weeks before her passing.

The family environment at Sunhaven welcomed our father as part their community. His daily visits to mum also became a major part of his social life enjoying the company and hospitality of the staff. Dad continues to visit the staff on a regular basis.

Nga mihi

Hayden (Son)

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes 24 hours/day
Nurse Practitioner Yes Clinical Manager on site Mon-Fri and available on call after hours.
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes
Physiotherapist Yes Available on request
Occupational Therapist Negotiable Available on request
Social Worker (on site) Yes Use TBH social workers
Diversional Therapist No We have an activity officer who is currently doing his D.T papers
Activities Co-ordinator Yes We have an activities programme for our residents operating 7 days a week. A recreation chart is made up for the residents
Hairdresser Yes
Podiatrist Yes
Dietitian Yes
Accredited Visitors Negotiable
Kaumatua Yes We have a Kaumata who visits our residents every fortnight. We have connection with the local Marae, should any resident want to go and visit
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes
Other Personnel Yes We have a Pasifika representative Siniva Isaia who is available to come and visit or talk to any resident. She has visited us and happy to be the contact person.

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes
Bariatric (Care of the very overweight) Yes can discuss prior to admission
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Wound Care Yes
Diabetic Care Yes
Continence Advice Yes
ACC Rehabilitation Yes
Infection Control Yes
Surgical Followup Yes
Psychiatric Care Yes
Clinical Management Yes
Other Specialties Yes can discuss prior to admission and depending on what the need is

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes
Carer Support Yes
Other Short Stay Programme Yes
High Care Needs Yes
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes
Booking can be made in advance Yes

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes Personal effects that may help alleviate the confusion and so benefit the resident are encouraged, e.g. Photos, pictures and ornaments.
Single Rooms Yes All singe rooms designed in such a way that most rooms have ranchsliders.
Alcohol Permitted Yes Depending on individuals routine/past habits etc
Pets In Residence No We did have but not at present
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes
Phone Access In Own Room Yes can be arranged.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes
Lounges/seating areas Yes
Gay / LGBT IQ Friendly Yes
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes
Outings Yes Sunhaven has a program of activities run by an Activity Officer overlooked by a Diversional Therapist throughout the year. Outings are arranged. Consent is obtained before residents participate in this aspect of the program. Families are encouraged to join in if they wish to.
Whānau Room No We can provide an area for those people who wish to spend a relaxing private time with their loved one away from others.
Māori Kaupapa Yes follow our policy
Residents Committee No Our residents in Dementia and Psychogeriatric care are unable to attend meeting but the residents in our Pschiatric unit do have meetings every month
Newsletter Yes
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes
Confused Residents Yes
Smokers Room Yes Smoking is allowed in designated area only. Residents are supervised at all times and are not allowed to carry matches, lighters or cigarettes or other devices that could cause harm.
Smoking Permitted Yes Visitors who wish to smoke must do so outside the premises. Please check with staff first before giving residents cigarettes and matches/lighters and check with staff for the location of smoking areas.
Semi-Secure Yes Fully secured fence 2 metres high all round the facility.

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Special Features
Special Features
Sunhaven prides itself that its Philosophy offer Residents the opportunity to retain their freedom and wander safely, and uses minimal medication and no physical restraint.

The extended family are encouraged to participate (but not expected to) in the ongoing clinical, social and cultural support of the residents.

We are providing the following for your information.


Choosing a Specialised Facility that will meet all your relative’s needs can be a difficult task.

The time of decision to put your family member into care can be heartbreaking especially for a husband or wife who have been together for many years. There is a grieving process, which can be slow, progressive or rapid.

The transition from home to full time care is very upsetting to the family, but often less so for a person who has advanced dementia. We find that these people get along suprisingly well together, they talk to each other and organise some of their own activities, even though the activities may be continually repeated.

Each person admitted to care may have a behaviour that is socially unacceptable, and it is impossible to teach new tasks or ways to behave appropriately. With this in mind, each person should be accepted as they are, at their own level, maintaining as much independence as is within their capabilities.

You will probably have many questions to ask about the quality of life and care the folks receive while in care, about the standard of accomodation, service and food, the number of staff on duty, how medical services are assessed and lots more questions.

Collecting a comprehensive Social History, of values and interests for each Resident, enables a greater individualisation of approaches and possible intervention that might bring pleasure and minimise stress.
Coming to terms with the devastation of a Dementia diagnosis is not easy for friends, relatives and whanau. Our expert team is well qualified to support you.

The person who comes to live at Sunhaven usually will be different from the one the family used to know,but with your information, support and assistance we will endeavour to care for them as you would wish. They are all especially individual, as they were in society, but due to their Dementia their behaviour has become difficult for them to be cared for at home.


As this is our residents “home” it is courteous to make a time that is convenient to our residents for you to visit.

Contact the facility and arrange to discuss your needs with the Manager, Licensee/Director or Clinical Manager. Allow yourself enough time to have a good look around, as you are about to make a very important decision.

Have a list of questions if you wish. Our management team are very skilled in caring for persons with dementia and can provide support at this time

You may feel more comfortable bringing someone with you when you visit.


* We forget instructions and do not understand what you expect us to do

* We may say “yes” and then do not act as you have asked

* We may be in pain but we cannot tell the people at the right time and we do not remember to ask for pain relief

* Most of the time we do not know where we are

* We do not understand what the bell is for. We cannot remember where the bell is anyway – however many times you explain

* When in the toilet, we sometimes cannot remember why we are there

* We cannot remember instructions, so please do not leave us alone in strange places

* We feel the need to go to the toilet but cannot remember to ask for help at the right time

* In our confusion, we may try to find a familiar place and get into trouble

* We cannot cope with more than one piece of information or one instruction at a time

* Making choices from several alternatives, such as a menu, is beyond our ability

* Please find a simple way to get information

* We may need reminding over and over again about things which others remember after one instruction. For example, we may need to be told every time where there is a meal to be eaten

* We are not acting in a confused way to be deliberately annoying. We have lost the ability to remember things and we often feel lost in places which are strange to us


Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Recreation and diversional therapy are an important part of life for residents at Sunhaven. It is important to us, at Sunhaven, that our residents retain their dignity and freedom of choice, so although they are all encouraged to take part in an activity, they still have the right to say no. Support from Age Concern, Alzheimer's Society, Art, BBQ, Bowls, Bingo, Board games, Books, Breakfast in bed, Cards, Concerts, Craft, Dancing, Entertainers, Gardening, Happy Hour, Music, Outings, Motivational and diversional therapy activity programme, Picnic facilities, walks are part of our daily routine at Sunhaven.
Sunhaven offers large landscaped gardens, which are secure, and provide residents with a tranquil setting that they are free to wander in and enjoy at any time.

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The fees may vary. Ask our Facility Manager who will give you all the necessary information as there will be set policies on how much your fees will be, how they will be charged etc. You may qualify for a subsidy which is paid to Sunhaven by the government. The Clinical Co-ordinators/Facility Manager will also be able to explain how these are granted and provide you with the latest brochure from the government. APPLYING FOR A SUBSIDY Arrangements for subsidies through the Government Funding Agency sometimes take time. It is advisable that you let the Manager/Administration know as soon as possible of impending arrivals. You are responsible for the payment of fees from the date of entering Sunhaven. There is usually a period of delay before the subsidy payments are made to Sunhaven and the payment of your pension to you is stopped. As pension payments make up part of your fees, you will be requested to sign an authority that will forward your pension payments to Sunhaven. This also has a delay so you must make a manual cheque payment of your pension until WINZ has actioned your pension to Sunhaven. PRIVATE FEES On admission fees are to be paid after 14 days, then an automatic payment is to be setup every 14 days thereafter. Fees are charged from the day of admission to the day of discharge and in some cases the day after discharge. Fees vary depending on the subsidy. The Facility Manager will be able to assist you with this. In addition you will be charged for any disbursements incurred by you if they have been paid for by Sunhaven. You are advised that the total fees and disbursements are your responsibility and, as stated above must not extend beyond 14 days. It is very important if you are a private payer that you ensure that you are fully aware of the amount of funds you are able to keep before you apply for a subsidy as sometimes you can be disadvantaged if you are not fully informed SUBSIDISED RESIDENTS All residents on a subsidy have their fees automatically direct credited to Sunhaven’s account every 14 days. You are given a comfort allowance every 14 days. This is automatically direct credited to your own bank account, or, in some circumstances, to Sunhaven’s Resident Account. Sunhaven is responsible to pay all your primary health care costs but is not necessarily responsible for all medical care or costs incurred by Residents. However, should you prefer alternative medicine options or a General Practitioner who charges in excess of our contracted General Practitioner these additional costs will be your responsibility. YOUR ABSENCE FROM THE FACILITY Should you be absent from the home due to admission to hospital, or away on holiday or absent for any other reason you will continue to be charged the current weekly fee in order to hold your room. Should you allow Sunhaven to use your room for an alternative care resident, then your weekly fee will be negotiated.
Staffing qualifications and details Our Registered Nurses are dedicated to caring for people with dementia, as are our caregivers, and we provide holistic individual care. We pride ourselves in having some of the best trained and dedicated staff in Taranaki. We have a regular N.P so changes in medical needs are diagnosed quickly. We also have visits by a specialised psychogeriatrician, hairdresser and a podiatrist. We have specialised staff for laundry, household cleaning and cooking.
Details about meals Meals are prepared by our experienced cooks, who always try to please our residents and cook their favourites. Our menus are audited regularly by our dietician, who ensures we meet the expected nutritional standard. Meals are usually consumed in the dining room but we meet the needs of our residents and if that means feeding them food while they are in their room or wandering then that is what we do. If our residents do not wish to have their meals at specific meal times we accommodate them by offering it to them at a later time.
Visitor information With the covid situation we ask everyone to call us and make an appointment to visit your loved ones. If you have any flu like symptoms then please do not visit sunhaven.
Associated Complexes Our residents from different wings can come and associate with residents when we have barbecue or music sessions or some other programmes. This is monitored by staff

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Afrikaans Yes
Arabic Yes
Deaf Blind Sign Language No can be arranged
English Yes
Fijian Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Filipino Yes
Gujarati Yes
Hindi Yes
Interpreter Yes
Kannada Yes
Malayalam Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Marathi Yes
Nepali Yes
Punjabi Yes
Samoan Yes
Tagalog Yes
Tamil Yes
Telugu Yes
Urdu Yes

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes can be arranged
Non denominational Yes Church services and visits from various churches are encouraged, but should you require additional religious considerations (i.e. Communion), these can be arranged with the Clinical Manager, Facility Manager or staff.
Presbyterian Yes Can arrange
Roman Catholic Yes
Seventh Day Adventist Yes can be arranged

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Ethnic Diets
Ethnic Diets
Ethnic Diet Status Details
Other Yes We do boil ups and used to do samoan chop suey to some residents when they ask for it. Some staff bring in Ethnic food to celebrate ethnic days which is encouraged as our residents love to participate in the staff occasion
Vegetarian Yes on request

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.50 Km Buses
Shops 0.50 Km Parklands, Warehouse, Post shop, takeaways, gym,pub
Parks 0.50 Km Beach 1 km away , plus other parks closer
Library 0.50 Km Bell Block Library is very close to the facility

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Approved provider of Professional Development and Recognition Programme Yes Through the DHB
Care Association New Zealand Yes
Police checked Yes
Approved provider of Professional Development and Recognition Programme Care Association New Zealand

Updated: 9 Sep 2024

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.