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Riverview – Maungaturoto’s havenfor senior living

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Riverview – Maungaturoto’s havenfor senior living
136 Hurndall Street
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Tracy Chapman - (09) 431 8696
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A therapeutically designed safely enclosed home-like sanctuary.

Riverview offers a calming modern purpose-built secure dementia unit, completed to the highest of standards with secluded areas for visiting. The design is centred on an outdoor calming therapy garden. This specialised service is offered in 14 rooms laid out in a subtle circular design to assist the subtle re-orientation of our residents. The latest advancements were included to ensure our residents’ safety at all times.

At Riverview, those who have been assessed by the DHB Needs Assessment and Service Coordination service as requiring secure dementia care are compassionately cared for with safety being our top priority at all times.
Our specialised unit was completed in 2020 to the highest of standards. It was deliberately purpose built in a circular design to ensure the therapeutic wellbeing of our residents affected by many forms of dementia while ensuring their safety.

The design incorporates quiet spaces to enable interaction with family and Whanau as well as time in the fresh air outdoors in our calming therapy garden area. Our in-house home style cooked menu is extremely popular with our residents, all of whom are invited to enjoy second and third helpings, an important aspect of the not-for-profit care we provide.

Recognising the challenges for families and whanau in supporting their loved ones with dementia, we aim to also support spouses, families and whanau through this journey. A tailor-made personalised Care Plan is created upon admission which is regularly re-visited to best suit the unique temperament and personality of each resident admitted into our Secure Dementia Unit for care.

Our day includes free time to balance over-stimulation and our residents are given autonomy wherever possible to ease frustration. Riverview values the comfort of soothing music being played in the background and the availability of safe familiar items such as magazines, clothing, and domestic items in a mock kitchen to ease distress and agitation by enabling low stimulus sensory and tactile engagement.

To further support our philosophy of providing quality holistic care, Riverview offers daily activities and regular interactive days with pets and small calm animals recognising the therapeutic effect that animals can bring particularly to those affected by dementia.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 2 Feb 2024

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 14
Vacancy Yes
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges No
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Yes

Updated: 14 Mar 2025

Lynne Coates – “We are very thankful and grateful that we have the Riverview secure dementia unit in our area. The dementia unit provides a lovely small family-feel atmosphere for our loved one and we know he is well loved and cared for by the dedicated staff members working there at present.”

Riverview Board – "Riverview’s aim is to ensure that though the move from home will be associated with mixed feelings, your loved ones will experience the personalised, respectful care and compassion that makes Riverview Maungaturoto’s haven for senior living."

Updated: 25 Feb 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes Registered nurse is also the Manager on call for the rest home 24/7.
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes Our three shifts per day are made up with caregivers. We have two Senior caregivers at present that back up the Registered Nurse.
Physiotherapist Yes On-site Medical Centre
Occupational Therapist Yes On-site Medical Centre
Social Worker (on site) Yes On-site Medical Centre
Diversional Therapist Yes Riverview is delighted to have an Activities Coordinator specialising in Diversional Therapy, who takes great delight in creating an exciting array of activities and excursions that promote friendships, knowledge, increase skills, and enhance overall stimulation.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes As above.
Hairdresser Yes Our hairdresser comes into the rest home every six weeks.
Podiatrist Yes We have a beauty therapist who comes in every six weeks to attend to nails. Further podiatry is available at the On-site Medical Centre.
Dietitian Yes Our menu is authorised by a dietitian based at the DHB.
Accredited Visitors Yes DAA Group audit the secure dementia unit on a eighteen month cycle.
Kaumatua Yes Available within the community if and when required.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes Fortnightly Sunday services in the Rest Home plus Sunday services are available at the church next to the rest home. Additionally there are a number of other local churches very close by in town.
Other Personnel Yes GP on call for the Secure Dementia Unit 24/7.

Updated: 25 Feb 2025

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes Available for clients that come to Riverview with oxygen management needs.
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Palliative care is provided to those residents in Riverview whose condition has deteriorated and support is available to families at this time.
Wound Care Yes Treated by our Registered Nurse and Senior Caregivers.
Diabetic Care Yes Treated by our Registered Nurse and Senior Caregivers.
Continence Advice Yes Treated by our Registered Nurse and Senior Caregivers.
Stomal Therapy Yes Treated by our Registered Nurse and Senior Caregivers.
ACC Rehabilitation Yes Available under the NASC team, Northland DHB.
Infection Control Yes Riverview's Registered Nurse and staff are trained regularly on infection control.
Surgical Followup Yes Available under the NASC team, Northland DHB.
Clinical Management Yes Available with a Registered Nurse in attendance.

Updated: 26 Feb 2025

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes You are welcome to furnish your own room!
Single Rooms Yes We have fourteen single rooms at present in the Secure Dementia Unit.
Alcohol Permitted Yes Family to supply.
Pets In Residence Yes At present we have two cats, a bird and a fish tank.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes As long as the client is capable of looking after their pet.
Phone Access In Own Room Yes All rooms have phone connections.
Wifi Yes Wifi available at the office.
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes Separate heating controls are available in each room for maximum comfort.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes According to the NASC team Northland DHB.
Lounges/seating areas Yes We have two lounges available – one is a TV lounge and the other is a quiet room.
Cafe Yes Whilst there is no cafe onsite, there are cafes and eateries next door in the township, as well as other shopping and groceries.
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care Yes Available through the On-site Medical Centre.
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Palliative care is provided to those residents in Riverview whose condition has deteriorated and support is available to families at this time.
Outings Yes Riverview residents, families and whanau are delighted with the many activities, and excursions our Diversional Therapist and Activities Team facilitate on a weekly basis for our residents, tailor made to suit differing levels of independence and mobility.
Family Committee Yes
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes
Confused Residents Yes Our therapeutically designed safely enclosed Secure Dementia Unit is a home-like sanctuary.
Rural Setting Yes Only 90 minutes Auckland, 45 minutes from Whangarei and Dargaville, and 30 minutes from Mangawhai, Riverview is a secluded complex for seniors in the heart of the Kaipara offering river and rural views.
Smokers Room No As per smoking policy, however a designated covered smoking area is available outside.
Smoking Permitted Yes As per smoking policy, however a designated covered smoking area is available outside.
Semi-Secure Yes

Updated: 26 Feb 2025

Special Features
Special Features
Care, companionship and making memories – where every moment matters.

Welcome to Riverview, a secluded complex for seniors in the heart of the Kaipara!

Riverview offers a ‘home away from home’ in the heart of the Kaipara, both an independent living and assisted care facility for seniors in the wider Maungaturoto district. Situated looking out over the mighty Otamatea River not only does Riverview enable tranquil fully independent living, if increased assistance becomes necessary, personalised authentic care options are also available in our refurbished Rest Home and in our newly-built Secure Dementia Unit with further expansion on the near horizon!

Updated: 25 Feb 2025

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
At Riverview we place a unique emphasis on companionship and stimulation as part of our commitment to providing holistic culturally appropriate care.

All residents need to feel a balance of security and privacy while still enhancing social and recreational connections within our Riverview community.

Our long heritage in this semi-rural area has meant we have a very rich tapestry of local people, Pastors and Ministers, Kaumatua, Musicians and Artists and community Volunteers who generously donate their time, skills and talents to Riverview bringing a variety of activities and experiences to our residents ensuring that every day is filled with meaning and with aroha.

Updated: 25 Feb 2025

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Afrikaans Yes
Cook Island Maori Yes
Dutch Yes
English Yes
Fijian Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Interpreter Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Punjabi Yes
Rarotongan Yes
Samoan Yes
Sign Language Yes
Tongan Yes

Updated: 25 Feb 2025

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Next door at 132 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto.
Brethren Yes Exclusive Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, Maungaturoto.
Christian Yes Good News Church Maungaturoto. Close by at 98 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto.
Pentecostal Yes Assembly of God, 142 Hurndall Street, West, Maungaturoto.
Roman Catholic Yes St. Mary's Catholic Church, 9 Griffin Road, Maungaturoto.

Updated: 25 Feb 2025

Location Distance Details
Public Transport At the bottom of the driveway.
Shops At the bottom of the driveway.
Parks At the bottom of the driveway.
Library At the bottom of the driveway.

Updated: 25 Feb 2025

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Home and Community Health Association Yes Medical Centre
Village Registration not Required Yes Community Charitable Trust
Home and Community Health Association

Updated: 25 Feb 2025

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.