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Okere House

At a glance
Okere House
35 Treadwell Street
Wanganui 4501
Postal Address
Same as above
View Phone Number
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View Email Address
Tracy Thompson - (06) 348 4857
Experion Care NZ Limited - (06) 348 4857
Other services
Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
Our aim is:
To form a partnership with our residents to ensure their independence, privacy, dignity, cultural and religious needs are met as individuals.
To provide assistance and direction in enabling them to meet their daily needs and maintain a high quality of life.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 17 Nov 2017

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 26
Vacancy Yes
We provide long term dementia care, short term Respite and Day Care. We have a group of people who come in for regular day care and respite care every week. Our current occupancy represents the long term occupied beds. Day care and respite bed occupancy numbers fluctuate and are based on when family need support and a break from their commitment to the family member.
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges No
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Please enquire

Updated: 27 Mar 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes Two Registered Nurses are in charge of the clinical care of residents at Okere House. These staff are trained to understand the special needs of residents suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and related Dementia.
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes All the Caregivers at Okere House have completed or currently undergoing training on Specialised Aged Care & Dementia related illnesses.
Physiotherapist Negotiable This service is available on request. Massage services are available at a very reasonable price.
Occupational Therapist Negotiable This service is available on request.
Social Worker (on site) Negotiable A Social Worker can be arranged on behalf of the resident or family.
Diversional Therapist No Both our principal activities staff are training to be Qualified Diversional Therapists. Currently they have a mentor to ensure they fulfill the role required to ensure a robust activity programme to meet the needs of all our residents,
Activities Co-ordinator Yes The Activity Coordinators provide a variety of suitable and diverse activities to cater for all our resident including their individual needs. Outings in the van are always enjoyed and visits to other rest homes to join in social ocassions.
Hairdresser Yes The facility hairdresser attends every 3-4 weeks for hair cuts, shampoos and sets. Staff liase with family members to accommodate these.
Podiatrist Yes The Podiatrist attends every month to attend to residents foot care needs. Staff liase with family members to accommodate these.
Dietitian Yes Menus are assessed by a Dietician to ensure they meet the needs of our residents and provide a variety of healthy home cooked food. Special dietary needs are catered for under Dietician guidance.
Accredited Visitors Negotiable Available on request.
Kaumatua Negotiable Kaumatua can attend Okere House when requested by residents or families, the staff work closely with residents and families to accommodate these visits.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes A monthly church service is held Okere House and some residents like to attend these Services, which families are also wecome. Support and assistance is provided as required.

Updated: 17 Nov 2017

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes With the support of hospice and the residents doctor we support the residents and their family with end of life decisions including palliative care.
Wound Care Yes Our registered nurse are both trained to access wounds and apply appropriate wound care to ensure the speedy recovery of any wounds. We consult the Wound Care Specialist at the WDHB for more specialist assistance should it be required.
Diabetic Care Yes We are able to care for residents requiring diabetic care, incudinng a diabetic menu should this be required. In some instances at the request of the family and the resident we ensure that the resident eats the food they enjoy as they age.
Continence Advice Yes Our continence supplier is consulted to ensure that our resident are in the best product. systems are in place to encourage the resident to be as continent as possible including but not limited to a toileting regime.
Infection Control Yes Our registered nurse has undergone extensive training in infection control. She attends annual training held not only by the local hospital but attend training with Bug Control - a well recognized infection control educator.
Psychiatric Care Yes We consult with the residents family and refer residents to the community Mental Health based in the hospital as their conditions change.
Other Specialties Yes Access to other specialist services are available through our local hospital.

Updated: 17 Nov 2017

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes We offer respite service to allow main carers to have a well deserved break.
Carer Support Yes We offer a day care service whereby a resident can come in for the day. enjoy a home cooked meal and morning and afternoon tea prior to going home. They join in the activities programme on the day.
Subsidised Yes
Booking can be made in advance Yes

Updated: 17 Nov 2017

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes We believe that our residents individuality and, where possible, their independence is the key to happiness and contentment. Therefore we encourage you to bring personal items with you to make the room feel like home.
Single Rooms Yes All our rooms are single rooms and vary in size and outlook. We encourage our residents and their families to personalize their room.
Rooms suitable for a couple Yes If appropriate as the double rooms are large enough to fit a Queen sized bed and furniture.
Ensuite No Our rooms do not have en-suites however all have hand basins and their are toilets and showers available in each wing.
Alcohol Permitted Yes we hold happy hur at least monthly. aresident can also have an alcoholic beverage outside this time after a discussion with the registered nurse and the doctor.
Pets In Residence Yes One lovely cat graces us with her presence. We also have regular visits by Canine Friends who bring dogs into see the residents.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes It may be possible for a resident to be admitted with their pet on discussion with manager.
Phone Access In Own Room Yes A Portable phone is accessible so that the resident may choose a quiet private, area to take calls.
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes Thermostatically controlled heating is installed throughout the facility to ensure that the home environment is pleasant for all residents. These controls are available in all residents bedrooms rooms and communal areas.
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes We also cater for those under 65 years of age who suffer from Dementia or other related disorders
Lounges/seating areas Yes A choice of lounges are available for residents use. This includes a quiet room suitable for family visits.
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes Day Care is a great way for families to have a short break to get chores attended to or enjoy some time out
Outings Yes Depending on the activity program for the week but outings in the van would usually occur twice per week.
Whānau Room Yes As a family member or close friend you may need to or wish to stay overnight if your relative in our care is particularly unwell or unsettled. This can be arranged by discussing your needs with the Manager who may arrange this in our "whanau/meeting"room
Māori Kaupapa Yes Staff work closely with families and to individual care plans, to ensure that cultural needs of residents are met, following discussion.
Residents Committee Yes As many residents have a challenge in expressing themselves, the family are encouraged to attend bi-monthly meetings on behalf of their loved one.
Family Committee Yes Our resident and family meetings are an essential part of the Okere House. We have an open door policy and encourages families and community groups to drop in any time for a chat.
Newsletter Yes A newsletter / minutes from the monthly resident & family meets are sent to all families and community groups linked into Okere House monthly.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes Behaviour can be upsetting for others. Staff may divert the resident away from the situation. Quiet spaces are available for those who wish to have quiet time. All staff have specific training in diversional tactics .
Confused Residents Yes The Home provides a secure environment to keep the residents safe from harm. Residents are able to wander anywhere in the Home or the garden at their will weather permitting..
Smokers Room Yes A designated area outside under cover is available.
Smoking Permitted Yes Only in the designated area. This is managed by the care staff to ensure resident safety at all times.
Semi-Secure Yes Fully secure. This ensures that the residents in our care are unable to wander off-site unaccompanied. An enclosed safe garden area allows residents to move in and out of the facility for fresh air and exercise as they wish.

Updated: 17 Nov 2017

Special Features
Special Features
We encourage you to visit and inspect our home. The Manager is very happy to answer any questions and discuss any concerns or ideas you may have.

Admission to a stage 3 facility will be on the advise of your doctor following a consultation and an extensive medical assessment. It is important that you obtain this assessment, often called a “SNAF” assessment prior to admission as this indicates your care requirements. This can be arranged by your GP or Service for the Elderly at Good Health Wanganui.

Updated: 17 Dec 2009

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
We believe that by keeping the mind and body active, a better quality of life is maintained. At the home entertainment, recreation and activities are facilitated for that purpose.

Activities are designed to meet the needs of the residents with an emphasis on maintaining independence and life skills. We will also endeavour to assist you in maintaining any hobbies or interests you have. For many residents we provide the opportunity to pick up on interests long since forgotten but still enjoyable.

A wide range of activities are provided, from sing-a-longs to outdoor games, visiting pets and many others.

Weather permitting, outings are organised approximately twice weekly to local shops, parks, beaches, and attractions.

(See listing below for other interests)

Alzheimer's Society (regularly and other organisations such as Arthritis society, Blind Foundation, Parkinson's Society, Age Concern on request), Senior Citizens (coffee morning once a week), Art, Cards, Church, Cooking, Craft, Dancing, Exercises, Garden (large fenced garden area with handrails), Happy Hour (once a month), Interdenominational church services, Bowls (indoor & outdoor), Library (and access to local library), Massage (hand and feet weekly), Movies/Videos, Music (CD's Tapes), Newspaper reading (daily), Quizzes (weekly), Shopping (weekly), Activity programme

Updated: 17 Dec 2009

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not There are extra charges made for some things such as Podiatrist, hairdresser, dentist, optician. These are discussed with family prior to any charges. Please see the Manager for further information.
Staffing qualifications and details The care delivered at the home is overseen by our Registered Nurse with extensive experience. She works closely with residents GP’s to ensure their needs are tended to. Our trained caregivers have a special empathy with the residents. Local General Practitioners provide our medical support, each holding clinics at the home at regular intervals, as well as providing 24 hour cover for emergencies. You are welcome to keep your own GP if you wish. Alternatively you may wish to choose a new doctor from the list of GP’s currently attending our residents at Okere House. We have a close relationship with both medical and nursing staff at the local hospitals and medical centres. The Registered Nurse in charge and her staff are trained to understand the special needs of residents suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias.
Details about meals A wide range of diets are catered for in our kitchen at the home. We concentrate on good old-fashioned home cooking and encourage comments and suggestions. Breakfast (8am), dinner (12pm) and tea (6pm) are served in the dining rooms. Morning tea, afternoon tea and supper are served between main meals. An extra afternoon tea is provided at 4pm and ice-blocks are offered on hot days.

Updated: 11 Jul 2011

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
English Yes
Filipino Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes Some staff

Updated: 12 Mar 2012

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Inter denominational Yes


Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.25 Km Bus stop in street.
Shops 0.70 Km .7km Springvale Dairy - 1.6km Fitzherbert Ave Shopping Centre
Mall 3.40 Km 3.4km Trafalgar Square Shopping Centre
Parks 1.00 Km 1km Springvale Park - 4km Kowhai Park
Library 3.30 Km Wanganui District Library

Updated: 18 May 2011

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Care Association New Zealand Yes
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes
Care Association New Zealand

Updated: 17 Nov 2017

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.