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Bradford Manor

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Bradford Manor
32 Lixmont Street
Dunedin 9011
Postal Address
32 Lixmont Street
Dunedin 9011
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Michelle Donaldson - (03) 453 5516
Phantom Eldercare
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Visitors with limitations - please call us first
Bradford Manor is a 26-bed secure Dementia Rest Home. We pride ourselves on offering a high standard of care. We operate an open disclosure policy and an open door policy, visit when you want to and ask us anything.
We have an excellent activities programme that is developed for our residents' individual needs. We also enjoy group activities, indoor bowls being a favourite with our residents. We aim to promote a safe, warm, friendly and homely atmosphere for all our residents. We believe that family is important. There's always a cup of tea waiting for you and Michelle our facility manager is here to help with any questions you may have.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 18 Sep 2023

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 26
Vacancy Yes
Impending vacancy Yes
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges Some Rooms as at 12 Feb 2025
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Please enquire

Updated: 13 Mar 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse 38 Yes Bradford Manor has an experienced Registered Nurse who work closely with our manager, GP and families. Communication between RN's, GP and family is frequent. We believe that working together with the GP and families provides the best outcome for residents.
Nurse Practitioner Yes Bradford Manor consults with the Nurse Practitioners for Dunedin on a regular basic.
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes We have 3 care staff each morning plus an additional staff member who is responsible for breakfast. We have 2 afternoon staff, 2 night staff & a cleaner. All staff have a First Aid certificate & have or are working towards the ACE training programme.
Diversional Therapist 28 Yes We have 2 Diversional Therapists 5 days a week. We believe that by keeping the mind & body active, a better quality of life is maintained. We provide a daily activities programme that is individually planned by our Diversional Therapists for each resident.
Hairdresser Yes We have a hairdresser who comes once a week at the resident's cost. We feel this is important as it maintains the resident's self-worth, after all most of us like getting our hair done. In addition, we have a massage therapist who comes weekly.
Podiatrist Yes Bradford Manor has a foot care nurse who comes to the home every six weeks. Additional podiatry needs can be arranged. The above is at a cost to the resident.
Dietitian Yes We have a qualified dietitian from Dietitians NZ.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes We have two church services every month at the home. Any other spiritual needs can be met.
Other Personnel 35 Yes At Bradford Manor our facility manager Michelle is very approachable and available anytime to discuss the needs of your family member. Michelle has worked in the care industry for over 30 years and has an extensive understanding of the needs of the Residents and our caring staff. Michelle has managed Bradford Manor for 15 years.

Updated: 29 Apr 2022

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes We have support from the Otago Community Hospice Team.
Wound Care Yes We have access to the D.H.B Surgical Services Team when required.
Diabetic Care Yes We have support through the Mornington Health Centre Diabetics Nurse Specialist.
Continence Advice Yes We have access to a Continence Advisor through the D.H.B.
Stomal Therapy Yes This is available through the D.H.B specialist Stoma Nurse Service.
Infection Control Yes Our Registered Nurse is responsibly for Infection Control. This is recorded and reported to management and staff at staff meetings. We also have access to the D.H.B Infection Control Centre.
Surgical Followup Yes We support residents who need follow up visits for hospital and/or specialists appointments.
Psychiatric Care Yes This is available through the D.H.B Mental Health Service for Older People.

Updated: 22 Jul 2021

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes We offer Respite Care depending on availability.
Carer Support Yes As above.
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes

Updated: 22 Jul 2021

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes At Bradford Manor we encourage residents to make the room their own by bringing their own furniture and other personal belongings. We feel this is important as it makes the resident feel more at home.
Single Rooms Yes All 26 of our rooms are single.
Alcohol Permitted Yes We allow alcohol to be consumed under close supervision. We encourage residents to maintain their normal lifestyle as much as possible.
Pets In Residence Yes We have ducks in the garden and sheep in the paddocks.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes
Phone Access In Own Room No This can be arranged at a cost to the resident.
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes Each room is fitted with a heater.
Lounges/seating areas Yes At Bradford Manor we have two lounges. The main lounge is bright and welcoming with seating arranged in a homely manner. Our smaller lounge is bright and sunny and offers our residents and family a more private area for visits.
Gay / LGBT IQ Friendly Yes
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes We can take a small number of day care residents.
Outings Yes We have a minibus which is regularly used to take our residents out and about.
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes All challenging behaviour is documented and referred to the RN who will assess and contact the appropriate specialist if required. All staff have regular challenging behaviour training.
Confused Residents Yes We provide constant supervision and security for all our residents.
Rural Setting Yes Bradford Manor overlooks paddocks and bush.
Smoking Permitted Yes We have a covered outside area for smokers.
Semi-Secure Yes Bradford Manor is a fully secured rest home. However, residents can enjoy free access to our large garden.

Updated: 22 Jul 2021

Special Features
Special Features
The staff and Management of Bradford Manor aim to deliver a high standard of care with empathy, encouragement and common sense. We appreciate that each Resident is a valued family member, and encourage family/whanau inclusion in the planning and provision of care. We pride ourselves on our high staff to resident ratio and provision of two care givers during the night. (Not sleepovers) We, at Bradford Manor believe our unique setting offers a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. Our residents have free access to stroll and sit in our secure gardens.

Updated: 22 Jul 2021

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
English Yes

Updated: 22 Jul 2021

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.